CDXXXV. The First Meeting

"Where? I can't see anything, I can distinguish the details of the mountain!" Egill said, squinting and putting his jaw forward, trying to use the full potential of his gaze, weakened by old age.

"I think the one in the middle is Kranus. His white beard is clearly visible down from here. Next to him, there are two huge beings, bigger than the Jotunns! What the hell are they?"!" Dag exclaimed, who could not immediately give an identity to the shadows he saw from afar.

Looking around, Dag, Egill, and Reidar tried to figure out if, in addition to those three figures that only Dag could immediately distinguish, there was someone else, hidden somewhere.

"Skaldr said his biggest concern is the caves. Look, there are about ten of them, in the middle of the mountain, a few tens of meters high" he continued, who, reworking all the information he had at his disposal, tried to associate the thought with the images in front of his eyes.