CDXXXVI. I Defeated A God

"The Crystal of Fire... here it is, in all its splendor" the old Wizard whispered, while even his Jotunns were speechless looking at the Giantbane.

Meanwhile, Orvar and Skaldr, who had just entered the snowy forest, were continuing the route as quickly as possible, followed by the allied troop, ready to hide as soon as Dag and the others would be visible.

"This is called Giantbane, forged by the God Weland himself. The crystal belongs to me by right, created by the blood of a mortal, an earthling man, like me" Dag said in a solemn voice, knowing that Kranus was already aware of those details and prompting him to reveal something else.

"Weland is nothing but a servant of the great plan of the Aesirs, boy. Now hand me the axe and I will consider your debt to me repaid" Kranus replied, omitting to Dag the rest of the story.