CDXXXVII. The Mutual Enemy

During those moments, the bond of friendship between the two of them was strengthened by the love they both shared for Dag, remaining ready to intervene to his rescue in case of need.


"You really don't know anything about it?! What you have in your hand is the most powerful artifact on this planet!" Kranus exclaimed, who spoke of the Crystal inside the Giantbane as if it was a divine relic.

"I wouldn't have gone all this way if I hadn't wanted to find out the truth, don't you think? I would have stayed in Okstorm, safe in my Clan's fortress. What is the Crystal Of Fire?" Dag asked, looking forward to hearing Kranus's next words, who sighed, trying to explain all the details.

"Its story is not so easy to explain... it all started in the days leading up to the creation of this planet. The mighty Ymir, King of the Ice Giants of Jotunheim, was leading the eternal battle against the rock giants when they arrived, the Frostsinners..."