"Wait. It's not what you think. I am an enemy of the Xis! I'm an anomaly. Even they, with their advanced technologies, couldn't identify my genes. Believe me Kranus, let's fight for the same cause! Let us join you! If we fought among us, we would play their game!" Dag said, raising his hands and declaring himself innocent. 

"What happened to your eye then? Who tells me you're not all Frostsinners? Give me your axe, I don't trust your words, stranger!" 

"You know I can't do it. Like you, I made a promise to the Gods. I too have sworn to avenge their name and end Xis' rule on Earth! I know the truth, Kranus... I had a vision once... they were the ones who killed the Sun, only to be able to enslave humanity! Let me take this weapon against them! With the strength of your army and your knowledge, we will gather the greatest army Skjold has ever seen and declare war on the Frostsinners!"