CDL. The Chromed Army

Resisting the embarrassment, the two fell asleep, while the faint light of candles on the shelf of the room illuminated the white stone walls.



"Daag, wake up!" 

"Captain, wake up, quickly!" 

Several voices called Dag from all directions, infusing agitation into the air.

"Uhm... what... what's going on?" he said, slowly opening his sleepy eyes and discovering that Freydis was not lying next to him.

"You will never believe who is right outside the gates of the Fort! You have to come and see with your own eyes, brother!" Gridd exclaimed, who along with Reidar, Egill and Freydis was in front of him and called him insistently.

"Mmh... okay, all right... I'm still very sleepy, but I'll get up anyway. Just give me a moment" he whispered, resting his head again on the straw pillow and yawning, looking at the ceiling.