CDLI. The Escort

"What?! King Einar?!" Dag thought, who, having never met him in person, had no idea what he might look like.

"How did you not understand it right away? He's the man in the golden armor! Dag, we have to open the gates right now, I don't think they have bad intentions!" 

"Yes, Captain... maybe they came all the way here to congratulate us!" 

Freydis and Reidar urged Dag to give the order, and he, who had not yet realized what was going on, having just woken up, exclaimed: "I apologize, I have never met King Einar before, I had not recognized his armor. Prudence is never too much in these frozen lands! Soldiers, open the gates, let our King and his men in, hurry!" 

Dag's tone calmed the two men, who appeared to be the King's personal escort, who until then had not said a word and keeping the same tidy row, all of them entered the gate, accessing the Fort.