CDLIX. And What Now?

"What's gonna happen to the others? Are you going to let them go without explanation?" she asked when her lips peeled off Dag's and their breaths came together again.

"Reidar, Gridd, and Egill have already understood what I had in mind, they know me too well. As for the others, I don't need to explain. Their behavior disappointed me, I thought they had shown more respect for the ideal that united us and for the men who lost their lives for the mission." 

"Where will we go? How are we going to survive in these hostile lands?"

"We will head to our new allies and I will explain our situation to them. If I'm really that important to the prophecy, Kranus will agree to help us, otherwise... I'll find another way" Dag said, without stopping for a moment to look her in the eye.

Freydis nodded with determination, certain that her man would never allow anything bad to happen to her and intended to help him in his mission, which would give a new meaning to her life.