CDLX. Holding His Nerve

"Excuse me, can I ask you a favor?" Dag asked, approaching the wooden closet and looking up.

"Mh? What? Are you talking to me?" the man asked.

"Yes, I'm talking to you. If you really want to make things faster, can you help me pull this chest down? I can't do it alone, and my girlfriend isn't tall enough to help me. There are some important things I can't leave here" Dag continued, always looking in the same spot, inside a kind of closet that almost touched the room's roof.

The soldier was hesitant for a moment and began to look around, trying to understand how far his colleagues were when Dag drew his attention again.

"Come on, hurry up! It's only going to take a minute, then we're going to get out of this place together. Look we are allies, we also fight for the King, don't forget it" Dag replied, who, with his usual way of doing, convinced the man to help him.