CDLXIII. In The Middle Of Nowhere

After him, a group of warriors did the same, escorting the King to the Fort's exit, even though it was only about ten meters far.

The archers of the Hunters Of Ullr were already positioned on the towers and promptly opened the gates to their 'new' King, who with the usual haughty and careless expression of the episode that had just happened, came out.

The four horses that the Krypstorm Clan was equipped with were immediately untied from their seats in the stable and dressed in the usual half-broken leather armor, to allow them to withstand the cold, not knowing how far the ship that would escort them to Okstorm was.

Gridd, Karl, Reidar, Sander, Kjell, and Egill instead walked in the footsteps of the horses of the Chromed Army soldiers, followed in silence by their warriors, who, having relaxed from the initial fear, began to chat with each other again.

"Reidar..." Gridd said, calling the attention of the archer who was walking beside her.