CDLXIV. Do Not Resist Me

Freydis opened her bag and pulled out a leather water bottle.

Without thinking twice, she opened it and began drinking water, quenching her tired body.

"You don't have to drink so much water with this cold... here, drink some of this" Dag said, pulling a bottle from his backpack similar to Freydis's, but containing wine, which he had fortunately managed to pick up from the Fort the day before.

Freydis, blindly trusting her man, took a long sip of wine and then wiped her mouth. 

"Better?" Dag asked, referring to the fact that she felt colder than he did.

"Mmh... yes... better" she replied, whose shoulders and arms continued to tremble.

Dag, after putting the bottles back in their place, detached the fur that covered his armor and wrapped it around Freydis, who, being lower than him, was completely covered with a warm layer.