DXIII. No Point Hiding It

"I think this is the next one" Freydis said, pointing a big cut on Claire's side to Dag, just below one of her breasts, which had been cleaned of blood.

"Yes, it looks deep... if you need me to do something else, you just have to tell me. For now, I'm moving this way and trying to keep her still... I don't know how long the effect of herbs will last" Dag answered, who left Claire's shoulders and took a bottle of the ointment that had given him one of the two kind ladies. 

He opened the bottle and smelled its contents, which was intense and bitter.

"Bleah... I think this will speed up the healing process... let's put it on the wound and cover it with a clean cloth" he said, reminding Freydis that before proceeding with the other wounds, it would be wise to use all the resources at their disposal.

"All right, do it yourself" she replied, continuing to study the cut on the side and trying to figure out what was the best way to stitch it up.