DXVI. The Restless Night

After the kiss, Freydis began to climb the stairs leading to the bed.

"I need to sleep now, I'm so tired. Take that girl off the table, she can't stay there all night" she replied, clarifying that her task was completed and that tiredness had taken over.

"All right, go to bed... I'll catch up with you in a minute… I need to place Claire somewhere else by now" he answered, who was still thinking that after all, his answer had slightly riled Freydis, who rarely treated him with that coldness.

He stopped in front of Claire's naked and warm body, looking at it one last time before covering it and noting that all her wounds, even the smallest, had been treated accurately.

"I can't leave her naked in front of the fire, I have to cover her in somehow" he thought, looking around and noting that Freydis' nightdress was still hanging on the wall and that his girlfriend was already sleeping completely naked under thick fur blankets.