DXLI. The Weak Points

"You said I had to get rid of spies, didn't you?" Bloodfang asked, preceding Kranus' response to his greeting and looking at Dag, making him realize that they were two undercover soldiers of the Lies Of Loki.

"We too found only two of them, one of whom lies dead not very far from here" Kranus intervened, responding instead of Dag, who remained in his place, giving precedence to the Commander of the Army.

"I could have let my warriors maul them, tearing off to the last strand of flesh around their bones, but... I wouldn't even propose the flesh of these slimy pieces of shit to my pigs! Argh argh argh!" Bloodfang chuckled, showing the pronounced canines inside his mouth and laughing as if he was a hyena, accompanying the laugh with a kind of evil roar.

The men behind him smiled, without overbalancing themselves.