DXLII. Share The Hate

"What signal? The opening of the doors?" Bloodfang asked again, touching his beard on his chin and reflecting on the details, trying to find a flaw in the plane.

"Yes, that's right. When the gates open, the Lies Of Loki will be forced to fight on two fronts... some of them will have to face your wolf warriors inside, the others the Jotunns outside. Just when they'll be thinking they're in numerical advantage, the rest of our army will break in and destroy them, regaining possession of the city once and for all" Dag concluded, taking a deep breath, knowing that he had to calculate his words well in front of the Packmaster of the Claws Of Fenrir.

"This guy is much better than us, old Kranus... you and I are two warriors of other times, while he's a strategist... look... he is so young, yet he managed to come up with an effective plan in a few minutes" Thyrius chuckled, making even the two men smile behind him, satisfied with what they had just heard.