DL. Open The Gates!

"That's the opening mechanism! Come on, let everyone else in!" Dag exclaimed, who was immediately stopped by Bloodfang, who grabbed his jacket's neck.

"Look!" the chief of the wolves said, pointing to the floor in front of the door, which unlike the rest of the city was sprinkled with fresh snow.

On the surface of the snow, in fact, as imagined by the foresight Bloodfang, footsteps of feet appeared one after the other.

"There are invisible guards over there... they are guarding the entrance" Thyrius continued, who immediately turned his gaze towards his right-hand man which without extracting any kind of weapon, dematerialized and turned back into a shadow. 

Leaving a black trail behind him, the warrior moved with incredible speed forward and within seconds, the bodies of invisible warriors fell to the ground one by one, overwhelmed by the murderous fury of that little man, who judging by his appearance, would not hurt anyone.