DLI. The Battle Has Begun

Like him, all the other allied soldiers stopped, pointing their weapons forward, failing to see anything but the houses and buildings of Klorr, which looked like a ghost town.

In front of their eyes opened the large square that preceded the entrance of the castle, composed of a huge circular arcade, where an arched structure repeated itself from side to side.

The general silence, after a few seconds of waiting, was broken by a sudden noise coming from their back: at the entrance of the square, that was the point where the arcades came closer without closing the circle, a series of chains were fired from left to right, clinging to the columns and sealing the space where the two armies were located.

"What?!" Kron exclaimed, not expecting such a work of intelligence.

Dag, after seeing the chains with his own eyes, realized that they had easily fallen into the trap of the enemies, who had managed to lock them in cages with ease.