DCIV. The Extra Life

The alien's words increased Dag's anger and desire for vengeance and decisively, he took a step forward, towards him.

"I made a sacred promise, supreme Odin... and I intend to respect it! I will fight to the death for the ideals in which I believe and manage to save the human race from slavery once and for all!" Dag exclaimed as sparks began to emerge from his dark body, condensing on the metal plates of his armor.

Odin said nothing, merely smiling, as if those words had filled his heart with joy, confirming his thesis.

"Don't you dare touch me, filthy human being! Even if you hit me to death, you'd never be able to kill me! Your stupid weapons can't do anything against my body! I look like a human being, but I am pure energy!" the Xis replied, waving and beginning to emit a strong aura that was released from his body in the form of cold wind.