DCV. The First Blood

The Xis snapped sideways and turned on himself, summoning in less than a second a giant blade made of the purple dark matter directly on his arm.

At the end of the rotation, the Frostsinner attempted to hit Dag with a vertical slash, but he dodged the shot by rolling to the ground and moving several meters away using the two dark spines that from behind his back, which hooked to the soil alternately, guaranteeing him an incredible movement speed.

The trajectory of Dag's movement, despite being a sudden reflection due to the dodge, was not accidental: in a few seconds, the young Master reached the position of Magni's hammer and picked it up from the ground, now clutching it in his left hand, despite being accustomed to holding it with the right one, being that weapon heavier and less manageable than the Giantbane, which this time had a decisive role.