Depending on who you ask, the universe is either cold and empty, or filled with untapped discovery and potential. Depending on who you ask, this universe is either the only one, or one of many parallel universes that exist in something called the multiverse. They say that things always happen for a reason, that life has a way of calling to action. The tipping point was near, and one man, Galloway Cross, was about to go over the edge.


"Another." said Galloway, signaling to the bartender he knew fondly as Steve. He had been here for 2 hours and was about to nurse his sixth scotch of the night.. The day had drifted away lazily and he wanted to find something, or someone to stimulate his senses. Steve set down his scotch and when Galloway turned around he met glaring eyes.

"You ever gonna do something with your life?" asked the bartender. "You are too young to become another one of these barflies, gotta get out there and make something of yourself." He began to clean a glass, waiting for Galloway's response. Steve usually felt a type of attachment to many of his younger patrons, yet his attachment to Galloway seemed to be more parental than anything.

"I am making something of myself." smirked Galloway picking up his glass and downing the drink

The bartender leaned in, "And what would that be?" He paused his ceremonious glass cleaning to hear his answer.

Galloway looked around and leaned in, "A legend to the lovely ladies who come in looking for companionship, someone to tell them, 'it's all going to be alright." He sat back up and chuckled at his own confidence and ridiculous claims.

"Awe shit! I guess it don't matter, I get your money either way and you get to remain a lazy bum each and every night." Steve said with a smirk and walked away to attend to a new customer who sat a few seats down from Galloway. "What will it be young lady?"

Galloway turned and saw a young woman sitting there. She wore a brown coat and jeans with her hair put up and hooped earrings. She was a brunette with a gentle face and the bluest eyes he had ever seen. "Howdy", he said and moved a few seats closer to hers, "how are you tonight?"

She looked pleasantly surprised and asked, "You know, do basic lines like that really work or do you just like to hear yourself talk?" There was a fierce glint in her eyes that screamed to stay away, but the hue of her cheeks told a different story.

"I was just trying to make friends." Galloway said. "Not every day a woman as beautiful as you comes through those doors." He thought that should soften her up a bit.

She looked surprised and said, "Wow…so you're here everyday?" The look in her eyes said 'checkmate, now back off.'

"I can see the usual parlor tricks won't work on you, how about I buy you a drink to make up?" Galloway coyly asked. He figured even if he doesn't get anything out of this, he could at least not be an ass. "May I ask your name?"

"Helena, and I will take you up on that offer," she said in a playful tone, totally different than before now.

"Steve!! Give the lady what she wants, on me!" He turned back to Helena. "Galloway Cross, at your service." he winked at her and then signaled the bartender for his own drink as well. "So if the usual bullshit won't work on you, how does one get closer to Mrs. Helena…?" he paused, realising that he didn't even know her last name yet.

"Hudson and no misses, just miss," she replied amused. "And I don't know, haven't had anyone try before." she said signaling Steve. "I'll have a martini dry, no olive."

"Fancy aren't we? You wouldn't happen to be a world-renowned spy would you?" At this point the drunkenness had begun to take hold.

"I wouldn't be much of a good one if I were world-renowned, would I?" Her quips were quick and her wit an offense to anyone who dared to test the waters. "Is the only conversation from you going to be idiotic pick up lines and false charm, or are we going to talk about something real?" she sighed and closed her eyes.

"Did you have a tough day? Wanna talk about it?" Galloway asked.

"It's just….I'm sorry, I haven't felt well for sometime now. Have you ever felt as if your world was a lie? I look around, I can see the walls, the bar, the stools, the floors, but none of it seems...solid?" she looked embarrassed and shocked she was able to say that outloud.

"Well, I'm not sure I get the sentiment, but maybe we are meant to find what makes our world solid, our calling. Something that makes the world around us seem more real and it seems that we are in the same boat." He looked down at the ice in the glass as it melt under the bar lights. "Maybe one day the sky will just suck us right off this rock and the stars and whatever lies out in the black will swallow us whole." he could sense the air get tense and he realised he sounded increasingly down and wanted to try to bring the mood back. "However, maybe someone as beautiful as you can finally ground me to reality."

"You know, you almost had me as a wise and thoughtful person Mr. Cro-"

He interrupted, "Please, just Galloway." he said with a smile.

"Alright Galloway, just Helena for me as well." For the most part after that, the two sat in silence, nursing their drinks.


"Get up you lousy drunk, it's time to go home." Steve said, nudging Galloway with his elbow. His patience had worn thin with drunks and was ready to do his nightly closing rituals and leave.

"I'm goin, I'm leavin'." Galloway muttered, standing up and taking a stretch. He looked around, and said aloud, "where did that woman go?"

"She left about thirty minutes ago." He sat there eyeing Galloway, as if to say hurry it up before I throw you out. "One of these nights you're going to get tired of this routine of yours, and when you do, it'll be too late." Steve walked towards the bar to grab Galloway's coat. "Here, don't forget this." he helped Galloway to the door.

Stepping into the cold he shivered and pulled his coat closed, the sound of the door behind him closing and locking, he didn't have to go home but he most certainly could not stay with Steve. He looked up at the neon sign that said The Paradise Lounge just as it shut off.

The bar known as the Paradise Lounge sat nestled in a quiet part of Everitt's Cove near the beach. The bar never had more than a few patrons at a time, however it seemed to be enough for Steve to pay the bills.

"Guess I'll take a walk." his breath swirled and hung in the air in front of him. It was 3 am, but he couldn't shake the feeling as if he couldn't go home yet, something was calling him. As he walked down the foggy streets illuminated by the occasional lamp post or street light, he passed a few people. The few people he did pass would always switch to the other side of the street, on account for his unkempt shaggy hair and beard and messy coat. Galloway always thought that maybe they mistook him for the homeless, and he didn't blame them either. His apartment complex was down on AcaciaAve a few blocks from the bar so he started to head that way, except he decided to take the long way round. Taking his stroll on the outermost edge of every block he could take the time to gaze into the dark sky, barely a single star visible. He wondered if he should go somewhere far away, but he knew nothing good happens when he mixes alcohol and "slipping".

Just as he was musing his options for the night, a female's scream pierced the air and the sound of broken glass followed.