The crimson robed figure descended the staircase into the well lit chambers below. It had been many months since a gathering had taken place, however months felt like minutes to immortals. The chambers were lit with lights from all directions, so many that a light source would be hard to find without being blinded. The figure continued along till reaching a door with pitch black hues and a heavy knocker. It peeled open the door like a crypt, the stale air rushed around its hood, but this didn't phase the figure at all. It crept into the darker dwelling and slammed the door shut behind him, echoing a sudden bang across the enormous white chamber. This darker room had but a few items in it. There were eight silver reflective stasis pods with tubes and wires and cables protruding out the back of them and a strange jagged altar in the middle of the room. Above the altar floated a black orb, filled with swirling black smoke and the source of the rushing air from before. The figure lazily approached the stasis pods, running the tips of its calloused fingertips across the surface of them. Four of the stasis pods were open, while the other four were closed and operating as needed. The figure gave a sigh of remembrance and looked on towards the black orb, which the name of offered intrigue to anyone who might hear it.

"The Abyssal Gate will open at last." Chimed the robe cladded figure, approaching the altar. "How many millennia have we had to suffer your loss my mistress. Oh, the things I've seen, the things I"ve done to bring us all closer to what will come to pass." It's voice was velvet smooth and unnerving to hear. "Soon, my mistress. Soon all will know your name, Discordia." The dark walls seemed to vibrate and swoon with the calling of eldritch horrors forgotten to time, except for a few followers. The figure turned and left the room, whistling a happy tune one might hear on the radio. It entered the white chambers, leaving the darkness behind, and ascended up the staircase once more. "Soon, my mistress."