Cold Bed

It's not that Monica didn't enjoy sex with her husband. She enjoyed it immensely... Well, the first half-hour of it. But Mark can go on for close to 2 hours! It's like running a marathon.

One time Monica made the mistake of going at it with Mark after a thirty minute hot yoga session proceeding a two mile jog and when she got home gave Mark some play and ended up getting rushed to the hospital, completely dehydrated.

Monica could admit that it was fun when she was younger, though still hard to keep up with. She would have to make sure her water intake was above her average intake just to handle one round! If that!

It also probably doesn't help that she was 5 years older than Mark. Being 37 years old to his 32 she felt that it puts her at a disadvantage. Though Mark always reassures her that age has nothing to do with anything, that she just needs to take care of her body and it can handle the rest. Monica felt that he clearly does not understand that he is doing way too much and lasting way too long.

Anyways not wanting things to be awkward or to end things on a bad note, Monica says to Mark, "Hun, your right. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I have been missing your touch."

Monica raises her hand to caress the side of his face with it. Mark lean in to her touch, then gently reaches for her hand, and place a delicate kiss on the back of it.

Realizing this may encourage him to want a continuation of this when they get home Monica says, "Maybe next week when my mother leaves we can do a little catching up." 😬

"This may not matter to you, but next week will be over three months since we last made love." Mark says with reproach.

"Three months!"Monica was shocked

"I know right? I couldn't believe it either, until Maya posted a picture of Maddison a few days back. She just turned 3 months." Mark says frankly with a tight smile as he acknowledges a couple waving to them.

3 months ago, Mark's sister Maya, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Maddison Claire. She was so precious that they caught baby fever and decided to try for a baby. For the next couple of days, the two went at it more than they had in a long time.

Mark continued "The last time before that was 2 months before. After Maya's baby shower when at the party she requested a playmate for her baby. We had fun for a few days, then nothing."

"Mark I'm sorry... We've been so busy... with you just becoming governor..." Monica flushed.

"Oh yeah, the night I won the election was 3 months before the baby shower...." Mark said with a tight smile.

"Why... Why have you not said any-"

"Seriously? Mrs. I'm too tired. Or Mrs. I got a thing early in the morning. Or Mrs. Let me get some water in my system." Mark says with irritation as he continues to smile at the guest pleased to get an up close glimpse of the governor and his wife.

Monica stayed silent. Giving her best beauty pageant smile at the on lookers.

"It's so sad that I can recall each time I've engaged in intercourse babe." Mark was so exasperated when it came to this topic with his wife.

"Mark. Can we not do this now?" Monica didn't want their tension to be noted by anyone even though they were smiling.

"Yeah I know next week. Plugging it in my calendar now..." Mark pulled out his phone and with a series of taps and swipes, set an appointment to make love to his wife.

Monica's phone vibrated.

"Oh that's just me sending you an invite to warm my cold bed."

Monica sighed as she allowed Mark to guide her to their table. She hated it when he got like this. He can be such a baby when he hasn't had sex in a while.

Mark pulled out Monica's chair and helped her take her seat. As he pushed her chair in, he leaned in against her neck and whispered. " Make reservations to the Ritz Carlton for next week and have arrangements for the kids. I want no interruption during my time with you."

As Mark took his seat, the waiter came to fill their glasses with water.

"Drink up. You're gonna need all the water you can get for all the things I'm gonna do to you next week."

Monica shuttered as Mark snuck his hand under the table to squeeze her thigh.

Monica giggled then bit her lip.

"There's my girl." Mark smirked as he stared at the girl he fell in love with 15yrs ago.

When he looked up to scan the room of his surroundings. His eyes landed right on his mystery woman.