Sweet Exchanges

Monica turned her head to see what held her husbands' gaze. Some young bimbo and her double bimbo friend.

"Can't they read?! That table is clearly marked for The Principal of The Year." Monica scoffed

"Excuse me, waiter?!" Monica called to a nearby server.

"Hunny calm down I'm sure we can get this settle. Let's not cause a scene." Mark coaxed.

"How may I help you Mr. and Mrs. Governor?" The waiter kindly asked.

Mark interjected quickly "We'll have shots of Hennessey brought out to us."

"What?! No! Why would you order that?!"

"What? It's mi favorite." Mark made this silly voice whenever Monica wouldn't allow him to do something stupid.


"But it's mi favorite."

"I'm sorry sir, we will not be having that.-"

"Babe, you totally right let's do 4 shots of patron. Each! Stat kid, if you want a big tip." Mark flashed his money clip and the waiter whisked away.

Monica faced him looking dumbfounded.

"Babe." Mark said in a serious tone. "It's mi favorite." he said in that silly voice Monica hates.

"I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You. Monica said through gritted teeth. "Right after I stop that order." Monica got up and tried to rush after the server running to fill the ridiculous order. She couldn't move too fast because she still wanted to look elegant as she passed by the prosperous.

Knowing he earned himself some time, Mark resumed his intense stare contest with this mystery woman. It was time to get to the bottom of who she was.


When Sheri and Jill found their seats, they were able to see the entire exchange between the Governor and his wife. They couldn't hear what was said but it was definitely some cute banter, and you could see the love between them.

They both let out an audible sigh. They laughed when they realized they were thinking the same thing.

"Wouldn't it be nice to find something like that?" Sheri mused.

"Well I thought I did, but here I am, a divorced single mother." Jill bitterly added.

"Hey, you and Danny were young. You guys had a baby together at 16 and got married at 18 to try to make a family. Got separated at 20, tried to make it work but finalized your divorce at 22. You weren't wrong for trying any of that."

"Yeah but getting pregnant at 16... The pain and shame never leave you. Especially how people treat you. Even the ones who are supposed to love you the most. Not to mention the fact that Danny left after the divorce and hasn't seen Julisa since she was 6 years old. Do you know how hard it is to constantly remind your almost 16-year-old daughter that she's enough, even though her daddy abandoned her. Sometimes I wish I had listened to my mom and not been so boy crazy. Then my daughter wouldn't be suffering." Jill felt the notion of love didn't exist after Danny took off.

"Well then you wouldn't have had Julisa, and you yourself have said she saved you from the way you would have chosen to live your life. Please don't let the pain and trauma of the past, cloud the beauty of the life you and Julisa have made for each other." Sheri looked at her beautiful friend like she was the most precious person on earth.

"This is why you, Sheri Lee Woods are my best friend " Jill said as she wiped away a tear.

"How about, if we don't find a man for tonight," Sheri winked and continued. "I spend the night with you and Julisa and help with the finishing touches for her sweet 16."

"Oh Julisa would love that! Unfortunately I do plan on getting my back banged out sooo..." Jill flipped her hair and took a sip of water.

Sheri couldn't help but laugh at how shameless Jill is.

"Ooo also I brought these to make our experience more... pleasurable." Jill bounced her eyebrows up and down.

Jill showed Sheri two small pink packets with blue bubble letters that read SLIP n SLIDE. Taking one from Jill, Sheri gently squeezed it to feel the continents inside. It seemed to be a gel-like substance.

"Is this lube?" Sheri asked.

"Yes. But not any regular type of lube, and not that we need it. Like I said, it's for added fun." Jill gives Sheri a seductive grin.

"So what's so special?" Sheri felt her insides clenching deliciously at the thought of finally getting it in. It's been such a long time.

"When you go to the bathroom, place this on the outside of your lady parts, it's ok if it goes inside too. But outside is all you need. This helps to stimulate arousle and makes it easier for your partner to slip inside... Again not that we really need it if our partner is up to par but if their not..." Jill rolled her eyes. "This will compensate for what they lack and we can just take the lead."

"Jeez. Someone's prepared" Sheri says laughing.

"Look I haven't been intimate with anyone in over 8 months and I refuse for the night I finally get it on to be ruined by an amateur. And I refuse to leave it up to a man to make sure I get off. If he don't know how to work it, I sure as hell do. So yeah, this is just something to help things go off without a hitch." Jill gave a sly smirk.

We laughed in excitement. Jill is seriously the best.

"What if they cum too quick." Sheri gasp.

"Ooop, I stand corrected. Men can still ruin everything!" Jill dramatically slapped her forehead.

"We need a drink. Where's that waiter?" Sheri turned her head to find a nearby server.

When she glanced at the governor's table, she notice his wife was gone and he had his eyes glued on her.