Little Girl

Monica looked at her husband with one eyebrow arched.

Unsure of what his wife may have witnessed between his exchange with Sheri, but trying to remain innocent he says, " So that's The Principal of The Year?" he makes the most exaggerated mind blown expression. Then adds " Well if 15-year-olds can run a school, I guess anyone can!" He tried to add a bit of a condescending tone when he chuckled.

This seemed to do the trick. Monica was smiling and giving him figurative heart eyes.

Monica felt silly for thinking her husband would be so basic as to fall for the charms of those nonsensical females.

"I mean I know she so happened to be the principal of my Alma Mater high school, but maybe we should just pick a different school for you to be vise principal in. I mean do you really want a little girl telling you what to do?" Mark said, hoping they can find a school as qualified as the one Dr. Woods made.

Honestly, Mark didn't really think these things, he just didn't want his wife being around Sheri Woods because of the way she made him feel.

For the first time ever he felt like he couldn't trust himself to do the right thing. To be the honorable man his mother and father raised him to be.

For the first time in his marriage Mark considered, having an affair.

"Are you kidding?!" Monica had a sly smile on her face. "The fact that she is a little girl means that I CAN tell her what to do!" "The actual fact of her being Principal and me being Vise Principal will just be titles, but not reality."

Monica was absolutely right in her thought process. Mark started to feel sorry for Sheri. He loved his wife but she is absolutely harsh when she's in charge and can be such a control freak.

"I mean not even two minutes into our first conversation and I had her doing everything I told her too. It was her friend Lil-"

"Jill." Mark corrected.

"Whatever. Her friend had enough fire to match my energy but this isn't her fight so she backed down." Monica said, with the tell tale sign of self-satisfaction on her face.

Mark has to agree with this. Sheri just didn't seem to have much fight in her. This was a turn off for him, especially since he was used to a strong woman who took what she wanted when she wanted with no questions asked. That's just the type of woman his wife is.

"I mean, how old is she anyway to allow me to talk to her like that?" Monica scoffed

"She has to at least be in her 30s to have accomplished so much right?" Mark assessed "She probably just looks young for her age."

A few minutes later, the food was being served at each table.

The Governor noticed Sheri and Jill coming back to sit at their table. They were gone for a long time. It shocked Mark each time he would look over the ladies table looking for Sheri.

It's crazy how this seemingly insignificant woman, could have him so ready to risk it all. What was it about her?

When the ladies sat down. Sheri looked over at him. But instead of shying away whenever she realized he was already watching her. She gave him a seductive smirk and flung her weave back.