
Jill curled up on the couch and stared into space.

What was she gonna do?

She couldn't take her mind off of Oscar...

Well... she couldn't take her mind off of Anthony or Cordell either.

She felt like her life was a mess.

She tried to think of a simpler time in her life...

Then she realized, that's never existed for her.

Jill busted out laughing hysterically. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she laughed. She rolled off the couch and onto the floor as her hysteria continued.

Soon her laughs turned into sobs and then she was full-on wailing.

Jill's cell phone started to ring, but she was scared to get up to face whoever was on the other end of the line.

She laid sprawled on the bedroom room floor and waited for the ringing to stop.

Unfortunately when it did, it resumed again and when it stopped, it resumed again.

In frustration, Jill screamed, then sat up to retrieve her phone.

It was Sheri.


"Okay I'll just go home with my Sake and sushi then."

"Wait! No, I'm sorry don't go!"

"Well hurry up and open the door! I'm hungry and need to get drunk like now!"

Jill forgot Sheri texted saying she needed to vent and that she was coming over at 9 pm.

Jill ran down the stairs of her spacious home to open the door.

"Whoa! Looks like you needed this vent session more than me."

Jill's normally slayed curly hair was a hawt tangled mess. Her face was tear-stained and her voice was hoarse.

"Well give me a synopsis on what your issues are." Jill said quizzing.

"Monica is evil and I hate her." Sheri said flatly.

"I win." Jill raises her hand. "Monica has been evil her whole life."

"No, but it was really bad this time!" Sheri whined.

"Just get in here and pop open the Sake!"

The girls settled in and had their fill of assorted pieces of Sushi and cucumber flavored Sake.

Through all their stress and sorrow, they still manage to laugh at each other's antics and sex escapades. These women truly had interesting sex life.

"So wait a minute, wait a minute!" Sheri said through burst of laughter.

Jill was bellowed over in a laughing fit, cheeks red and tears streaming.

"Anthony still thinks your name is Isa Rae Mendoza!" Sheri was getting ready to piss herself.

Jill couldn't say anything. She just couldn't stop laughing or crying, she honestly wasn't sure what she was doing anymore.

"You've been hooking up with him for 6 months Jill!!!"

"I know! I know... But in the beginning when I would get ready to tell him, I didn't see our relationship going any further. I only considered him a nice fuck from time to time."

"Then I started messing with Cordell on a more consistent level. Then one day I realized they knew each other and thought it best to keep my alias to avoid hick-ups in the future."

"Well the future's here!" Sheri screamed with her eyes wide in disbelief.

"I mean I know Oscar's case is pretty bad but I didn't think it was big enough for Anthony to take up his prosecution against it." Jill said with just as much disbelief.

Sheri could hardly get her mind around Jill's circumstances. She had to break it down.

"So Anthony..."


"Is gonna see you... walk in that courtroom..."


"Asking for bail for your client... "


"Against the city of Parkdale, as Jillian Marie Sanchez... For the first time"

Jill shakes her head up and down.

"... When all this time... he thought... Your name was really Isa Rae Mendoza..."

"Yes, yes, and yes "

"Wait, wait, wait!" Does he also think your from San Antonio, Texas?"

"Bah-hahaha-hahaha hahaha!!!!!!!!"

The girls were in hysterics.

"Girl you remember!!!" "That was like 6 months ago." Jill could hardly breathe.

"How could I forget! You spent the whole night saying 'Hi, I'm Isa Mendoza. Hi, I'm Isa Mendoza.'" Sheri pretended to walk like a robot and stuck out her hand to shake imaginary people's hands."

Jill was dead 💀

"Jill! Jill! Jill! Look!"

Jill rose from the grave, just to die again when Sheri said, "Jill meeting Anthony Lawson 'Hi, I'm Isa 😏Rae😏 Mendoza." Sheri puts emphasis on the Rae part, as she did a sexy pose, swaying her hips.

"Sheri stop, my cheeks hurt." Jill was breathless.

"Gosh!" Sheri said as she wiped away tears. "Who knew a hologram could mess your life up like this!"

"Uhh! That's not even the worst part!" Jill screamed.

"I know! But all this wouldn't be happening if you didn't meet Anthony at the Galla 6 months ago!"

"Ahhh! I shouldn't have never talked to that hologram!" Jill said exasperated.

"Or you could have just not have used that alias the whole night!" Sheri said in a "no duh" attitude.

Sheri was right, if I hadn't met Anthony at the Gala 6 months ago, he would have been of no consequence. I would have just been a new face around the courts and police offices and he may or may not have felt the need to introduce himself to me.

But here we are...

Jill found herself reminiscing about the first she met Anthony Lawson.


6 months ago...

Sheri had invited me to attend her award ceremony for becoming Principal of The Year. She instructed me of the dress code and expected no less than a 10/10 in elegance when I arrived.