Nice to eat You

Okay Mr.NotTreySongz, time to see what you're about.

I strut over to a server nearby who was serving bite-size appetizers.

A couple of bystanders take notice of me. Including Mr.NotTreySongz.

I silently signal the server my way indicating I would like one of the delicacies.

From his name tag I could see his name was Ben.

On his tray was sliced cucumbers topped with mozzarella, tomato, basil, and chives.

The server Ben couldn't stop gawking at me as he hands me one on top of a fancy linen napkin.

For his pristine service and admiration, I reward him with eye contact and a seductive smirk and whisper "Thank you, Ben." in a polite yet sultry voice.

"Y-Your pleasure. Ah, I... I mean. My welcome." Ben stammered as his tray visibly started to shake.

I turn away from him. Ben scurries to a faraway group to serve, trying to run from his embarrassment.

I keep my head tilted slightly down as I pretend to unconsciously walk towards Mr. NotTreySongz.

I stop near to where he was standing with his not as cute friend.

I take a delicate bite out of my hors d'oeuvre and chew mindfully.

Meanwhile, in my peripheral vision, I can see Mr.NotTreySongs and Mr.NotAsCute eyeing me up and down.

To ensure that Mr.NotAsCute doesn't get to me before Mr.NotTreySongz, I turn to Mr.NotTreySongz and say: "Ooo, are those crab balls?" I say with a slight interest in my voice, as I eye his linen napkin quizzically.

Like a man who's not willing to compete Mr.NotTreySongz steps towards me blocking Mr.NotAsCute from view.

Oh yeah, I like him!

"They're actually lobster balls with a sirloin drizzle." he replies in a rich deep monotone.

It's my turn to feel a little unhinged. His voice was absolutely disarmingly sexy.

I recover quickly enough.

"Wow even better. Where can I find that server?" My eyes widen as I turn my head.

"Oh actually me and my buddy here took the the last ones." He rubs the back of his head, a little embarrassed.

I give him a small pout.

"But I'm willing to share I have four and I haven't touched them." Mr. NotTreySongz extends his food to me.

Each lobster ball had a toothpick inserted in the middle of them.

"Aw. Are you sure?" I give him a heartfelt expression.

"Yeah of course, help yoursel-"

I take three.

I pop one in my mouth.

" Oh wow! That's amazing!" I mumble "Have you tried these yet?"

"Uh no, I guess I'll try this one." he emphasized the word one.

I pop the second ball in my mouth as I watch him eat his first.

Anthony thought to himself, wow this really is good! And she had the nerve to leave me with one.

"See, it's so good." I say reading his expression. "You know what, this is honestly something you need to experience twice. Here take my last one." I give him my sincerest look.

Anthony couldn't help but smile. This woman truly had game. Shameless game at that. The interest he had when he first eyed her had skyrocketed.

"Oh no I couldn't. It's all yours baby girl."

Mmmm, I earned myself an affectionate nickname.

"But I insist. Don't make me have to feed you." I dropped my innocent act and put on the same performance I gave the server Ben from earlier, which had caused Ben to nearly self destruct.

Anthony was both taken aback and turned on by this suggestion.

Trying to not be completely subdued by this woman with all her irresistible charms Anthony says "I'll only eat it if you feed it too me." He slowly licks his lips and inches himself closer to her.

I swallowed.

But not trying to be completely subdued by this man and his irresistible charms I say, "We'll come get a taste." I lifts the hors d'oeuvre closer to his face and bite my lip seductively.

He slightly bends down to take a bite. Careful not to eat the entirety it, leaving back a sizable morsel.

He stares at me with dark desire.

I squirm as I reads his intent.

"Looks like you didn't finish eating your treat." Despite myself, I keep my poise.

"Oh I would never finish a woman's last." He stated, testing her boldness.

I stared into his eyes and brought what was left of the lobster ball to my lips. I made my movements slow and deliberate. Inserting the morsel in my mouth with much of the toothpick. Then slowly sliding the toothpick out.

"Hmmm. That was better than the other bites. This one must have had more essence to it."

Anthony could feel his manhood growing.

Realizing this he immediately became aware of his surroundings and was a little unhinged. He always maintained decorum in front of others and wasn't sure of the skeptical he was making of himself with this woman.

Though as Anthony looked around, bystanders were eyeing them but approvingly. It was then he realized he and his lady friend we're wearing the same colors. Her midnight blue dress to his blue-black slim-fit tux. Everyone was assuming they were a couple.

When he turned his attention back to her, a sly smirk was on her face. He realized, she had already known this and her actions were calculated.

She let out a small giggle pretending to be innocent.

He couldn't help but chuckle at her antics.

"You know it's my first time coming to an event like this, I really didn't know what to expect." Jill admitted.

"I've been to a couple of these but I've never experienced anyone like you." His words were like music to me. I was entranced.

"It was really nice to eat you- I, I mean meet you." I stammered.

Just then I felt Sheri's presence behind me.

Mr.NotTreySongz seems to notice her too.

But he speaks in a voice only audible for me to hear, "oh you haven't had a bite yet. But my question to you is, when can I get the chance to eat you? He emphasized "eat you."

Sheri taps my shoulder.

I wanted to break her fingers.