A Dash of Envy

"Can I talk to you for a sec." Sheri piped.

"Excuse me, I gotta check on my friend. What's your name again?" I inquired.

"Anthony. Anthony Lawson. And yours?" His voice was so sexy and so captivating.

I become unhinged again and could bearly manage to utter, "oh.. my name is... ah, Isa Rae."

"Like the actress Isa Rae?"

"Yes! Well, no. It's Isa Mendoza. Isa Rae Mendoza."

"Ok well Isa Rae Mendoza. Maybe I'll see you later or hire a private eye since I have your full government name to find you if I don't." Anthony winked and strolled off.

I probably sounded like a dork just now.

I turned to Sheri who's staring at Anthony Lawson aka Mr.NotTreySongz in awe.

When I inquired about what she wanted to talk about, I almost went crazy.

Sheri interrupted all that juiciness just to say " the governor is watching me"

If there was ever a time I wanted to bop her upside her head... *sigh*


The announcement was made for us to have our seats.

Since my girl is out here killing the game. She is being honored with The Principal of The Year award, and because of that we got premium seating up front with all the more reputable people.

"Girl I feel exclusive!" I said with excitement. "Look at all the people we sitting by."

"Right! This is nice. I'm also being awarded with a cash bonus of $25k."

"Girl yes! I'm just so proud of all you do." I said admiring my friend.

From our table we notice the Governor and his wife. They were bickering yet smiling at each other the whole time. It was kind of cute.

The Governor's wife would give him attitude, he would tease her, she'd get more annoyed, and then he would charm her into submission.

Watching the interaction I couldn't help but feel a little envy. She was so lucky...

Sheri and I let out a sigh...

We both were thinking the same thing watching them.

We laughed. But I soon became somber.

You see I did have that type of relationship before with my Ex husband Danny. We were young but I believed we would be together until the end of time. Until we weren't, and then he did the unthinkable.

After the divorce, I never saw or heard from him again. His parents doesn't even know where he is. I know of one friend who does but they wouldn't tell me no matter how much I begged. I never thought Danny would abandon our baby. When she was born she was a daddy's little princess. Their bond was something special. When he left and never returned, it was as if he died to our daughter Julisa. She cried every day and night.

Now Julisa doesn't cry about it. Well, at least not in front of me but I always have to remind her that she's enough.

I go out my way to treat her like a princess, trying to play the role her father had before he left.

Its hard but I'll do anything for my baby. Including throwing an absolutely amazing sweet 16 for her.

Sheri took notice of my mood and put my emotions on check. This is why she's my bestie, she can always get me off the deep end of despair. She's also always been able to reach my daughter when my words or actions can't.

Sheri's so sweet that she was even prepared to sacrifice our night of x-rated fun for hanging out with my daughter and preparing for her sweet sixteen.

"Oh Julisa would love that! Unfortunately I do plan on getting my back banged out sooo..."

Sheri laughed, but I was dead serious.

I love my baby but Mama needs some fun too. It's been eight months too long since the last time.

I took this opportunity to show Sheri one of my many tricks that leads to a good time even when your with that partner for the first time.

My Slip N Slide lube.😏

By the time I gave my presentation Sheri was in an excited fit, and so was I. I couldn't wait to be alone with Anthony.

Before I forgot, I decided to text Julisa to check in on her and let her know I'm not coming home.

When I looked up from my phone I see Sheri and the Governor in an intense staring contest.

I wanted in on that type of action so I try to scan the room in hopes of finding my friend.

With no avail. I decided to tease Sheri.

"Damn homewrecker... I thought we liked the Governor and his ole lady together... You one of them types of hoes huh."