Lovers Quarrel

Jill and Anthony were lip-locking when they heard shouting a couple of feet away from Anthony's Range Rover. They ignored it at first, content on minding their business and focusing on each other. It wasn't until Jill knew for certain that she heard Sheri's voice that she rose away from Anthony's embrace.

"That's Sheri!" Jill exclaimed, as she climbed out Anthony's truck.

"Isa! Wait!" Anthony called for her annoyed. But she took off.

"LET GO!!!" LET GO OF ME!!!" Sheri screamed trying to get away from the Governor.

Anthony caught up to Jill when he realized who the couple was.

"HEY!!!" He shouted.

This caused the disgruntled couple to pause.

What's going on?!" Jill demands while shooting daggers at Mark.

"oh no, I just want to go home... He hasn't done anything to me... Promise." Sheri quickly tried to reassure Jill.

"So then why the hell are you behaving this way??!!!" Now Mark was in his feelings at this admission.

"Because I'm trying to leave and you won't let me!!!" Sheri snapped.

"Because your upset and I just want to know why??!!"Mark shouted back.

Jill and Anthony turned their head back and forth between the arguing couple.

"Because our behavior was reckless and irresponsible and we've both worked hard to get to where we are to have this type of scandal!!!" Sheri sobbed.

Mark seems to come to some type of understanding at Sheri's words and softly mummers something only audible to her. This seems to trigger Sheri all over again because she's back to screaming and fighting.

"THERE WILL NEVER BE A NEXT TIME!!!" Sheri says violently thrashing trying to break free from the Governor.

Jill's had enough of this.

"LET GO OF HER!!!" Jill shouts, getting ready to intervene.

"Isa, don't!" Anthony shouts and holds Jill back.

Hearing Anthony shout Jill's alias causes Mark and Sheri to pause, for some reason.

Noticing the pause in everyone, Anthony assumes it's from his authoritative ambiance. He clears his throat and says in a calm voice, "Mark, let Sheri go home, we'll sort this out in the morning. It's late. Were there any witnesses?"

Mark doesn't let go of Sheri but responds to the question. "Just cameras. But Jake's taken care of it."

"Okay great! I'll call Jake first thing in the morning. Now be a gentleman and walk Dr. Woods to her car. Okay?" Anthony makes a gesture to see if Mark understood.

Jill was shocked to see Mark and Sheri calmly walking together to her BMW. Her jaw nearly hit the floor when she saw them passionately making out against the car like they weren't just in a screaming match.

Jill looks over at Anthony, who is smiling and shaking his head at the bipolar couple. When he looks down at Jill and her confused expression, he starts to laugh.

"I know a lovers quarrel when I see one. You just gotta let em' figure it out."

"Well I'm glad you were here because he was about to catch a two-piece." Jill did not play when it came to the people she loved.

Anthony laughed but Jill was dead serious.

"Can we go now?! I need to get cleaned up, and I'm thirsty." Jill impatiently complained.

"Just a sec. We'll leave soon I promise." Anthony said as Jill turned away from him because he said everything but "yes" to her request.

"What are you, head of security? If I'd known that, maybe I would have f***ed someone else." Jill glanced back at him with a playful smile.

"Yeah but then you wouldn't have had the best backseat action of your life!" Anthony answered smugly.

"Boy bye! Don't flatter yourself!"

"Girl, don't fake! You almost got us locked up with your screaming. You was like 'ooo papì, papì, papì, I'm Latina, I'm Latina, I'm Latina!'" Anthony gave an exaggerated rendition of Jill's behavior during their intercourse.

Jill shrieked and slapped Anthony's arm and was getting ready to strike him again when he swooped her up over his shoulder.

Jill shrieked in surprise and yelled "Put me down pendejo I got your Latina!"

"I told you we'll get physical again at my crib." Anthony says slapping her bottom hard.

"Ow!" Jill whines.

"Come on, I'm ready to go!" Mark barks as he marched past them and gets in the backseat of the Range Rover.