
"Ooo someone's mad." Jill taunts as she gets into the passenger front seat.

"Please stop." Mark glared at Jill coldly. She wore that smug grin Mark hates. The one where she's in on an inside joke. It irritated Mark, even more, when Anthony also seemed to be in on whatever the joke was.

"Alright, just figured you'd want to talk about it," Jill said, putting her hands up in a surrendering motion. "We're practically sisters, so if you have some questions I'll be happy to help if it doesn't violate her privacy too much."

Mark contemplated the offer. But he knew all the questions he'd dare to ask, would make it's way back to Sheri. He could already tell by Jill's demeanor she was not to be trusted. To be honest, he borderline couldn't stand the hoe.

Anthony glanced at Mark from the rearview mirror and could see he was in rare form.

Jill sighs in irritation when Mark ignores her. Meanwhile, She decides to text, Sheri, to make sure she's ok.

When Anthony pulls up to the front of the garage, he sees the valet attendee station. He notices an open case of water bottles.

"Aye man, let me get those off you!" Anthony says to the attendee handing him $20.

The attendee quickly retrieved two water bottles and ran back over to the truck.

"This all you got?" Anthony says passing a bottle to Jill and opening his to drink.

"Yes all done. Very good! Thank you!" The attendee says in a thick Ethiopian accent waving goodbye.

"Goodnight." Anthony said driving off.

"Can I get the aux cord?" Jill sweetly asked Anthony.

"Just hook up to the Bluetooth: Ace Rover" Then Anthony inquired, "What are you gonna start us with tonight?" He believed you can get a vibe on how genuine a woman is based on the music they play and how they vibe to it.

"Oh, I just want to hear this one song then you guys can do whatever," Jill said scrolling through her playlist. "It's just this song has been having me in my feelings for the past three months because my answer to the question being asked was always "no". So I usually skipped it but now I can say yes".

"Hold up, are dedicating a song to me?" Anthony puts his hand on his chests.

"Excuse me! Calm down, it's just a song I've been thinking about." Jill clarifies, not wanting Anthony to get big-headed.

"Okay... But, if it wasn't for me the song wouldn't have changed for you sooo...."

"I'm not even about to play it now." Jill hated yet loved the way Anthony teases her.

"I'm joking, play it. I'm not trying to ride in silence." Anthony coaxed really testing her boldness.

Suddenly the high key tones and bass of Bando Jonez - Sex You, flow through the speakers.

As they listen, Anthony realized this was one of his favorite songs from this artist and knew all the words.

When the song got to the part where the artist is getting ready to ask the question, Anthony grabs Jill's thigh and said, "Isa?" Jill looked up at him. "Right now wanna sex yoooooooou baby... Has anybody sexed yoooooooou lately?" Anthony lipped sang the lyrics to the song seductively at Jill.

Jill couldn't help but swoon.

When they got to the red light. Anthony said, "kiss me mamì"

After they kissed Anthony whispers on her lips "So you dedicating this song to me?"

Jill couldn't believe Anthony had her cornered like this. He made her feel shy, which is an emotion she's not comfortable with because of her self assured ego.

"Hmm mamì? Answer me mamì."

Jill was completely entranced.

"It's for you papì." She sucked his bottom lip and he softly bit hers in return.

Mark was irritated at the spectacle before him.

"Not to interrupt, but could you pass me a water."

Mark wanted them to cool it.

"The valet attendee only had two and we drank from ours." Anthony responds in irritation.

"What? That's all he had?" Mark rose up from his seat watching Anthony and Jill crush their water.

"I asked, he said all done." Anthony made a helpless expression.

"Stop at the store then." Mark demanded.

"You're almost home." Anthony said curtly not caring that Mark didn't get water.

"It'll take me like two minutes to run in and get water. Pullover at that next gas station. You could have easily driven to the store earlier when you realized the valet only had two." Mark chastised and sat back in his seat.

"I'm not worried about you! Should have made it known your a** was thirsty at the beginning of our ride." Anthony snapped, mad that Mark is really acting up over water.

"Pull over, it's not a big deal!"

"We're like 5 minutes from your house. No!" Anthony was getting irritated that Mark thought it was ok to keep talking to him like that. "It's almost 1:45 am I need to get you home before whatever excuse you give Monica wears out! You know she's up waiting!"

Mark hadn't even thought about Monica since she left. He was so caught up in the way Sheri was making him feel he wasn't mindful of the time. Monica left at 10:30 pm so Mark's excuse had to be able to explain why he had to stay behind for three hours. Hopefully letting her know how hard it was to get this CEO to commit to donating $1.3M would be enough to keep the peace. He's never cheated on his wife before so he didn't know to be deceitful.

They all got quiet as Mark deliberated to himself.

Just then, Jill got a text from Sheri, vaguely explaining what happened and to call her in the morning. Jill couldn't help but laugh at the audacity they had to hook up in a National Museum.

"Dang! First no p***y, now no water. My mans thirsty for real." Jill exclaimed.
