Mark’s Karma

Mark realized he was grateful that Anthony didn't drop him off in front of his house. He needed the walk to cool off from his anger and reflect.

Mark could hardly wait to go home and wash his hands. He couldn't believe he held a used condom and when he tried to rid the slimy substance off his hand on the grass, his hand managed to find dog poop.

This was definitely one of the worst nights he ever had. But he didn't feel sorry for himself, he felt like this was his Karma for cheating on his wife.


Mark met his wife Monica fifteen years ago at the age of seventeen. His sister Maya was on college break from graduate school and had a friend from college that so happen to live nearby named Monica.

Monica and Mark hit it off well when they first met. Since Mark was big for his age and such a gentlemen, Monica assumed he was Maya's big brother. They would always sneak away and hook up behind his sisters back.

When the summer was over, Monica went back to school treating their hook up like a little summer fling not maintaining any type of contact with Mark. But whenever Maya came back from school every holiday break, Mark knew Monica had as well and made sure he was available for her. Constantly at her house getting to know her and parts of her body...

When the next summer break came around, Maya invited Monica to attend Mark's high school graduation cookout. Monica was livid realizing she had been messing with a high school student at the age of twenty-two. She refused to have anything to do with him for the next four years.

Monica and Maya remained friends for all that time. Maya did not know what went down between her friend and Mark and invited her to Mark's college graduation party.

When they were reunited, Monica couldn't help how she felt for Mark and he was relentless in pursuing her. He refused to allow her to continue to bring up their age difference and did everything he could to be the best man for her. It worked, and three years later they were married.

They've been happily married for seven years and have two kids together, a boy and a girl. Monica has been his support and rock in his dreams of his political career and has been there for him at his worse when he developed a drinking problem from college partying.

Now here he was risking the life he had built for some random woman who honestly means nothing in the big scheme of things. He needed to get his mind right, and not allow the way he acted tonight, remake it's appearance again tomorrow when he sees Sheri again.


Just the thought of Sheri made Mark groan in frustration.

Mark has always been madly in love with his wife, so he couldn't understand what his problem was right now. When he met Monica he definitely thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and her personality was just right for him. They understand each other and have always made a great team. Monica was always on the shy and reserved side when it came to sex but he had no issues doing all the work and pleasing her. He just wished she was a more active participant instead of a stiff board. Or not sigh in irritation when he still wasn't ready to climax. Other than that everything between them is great. More than great, perfect! That's why all the bad things that went down tonight, he truly believed he deserved.

But still... one look at Sheri and his world stop spinning. All he could see was her... Mark never believed in love at first sight but... what do you call this.


Mark got up to his large villa and shook his head to get his mind right. He did his best to quietly make his way through the house and into the master suite.

He went straight to his luxury bathroom and washed his hands over fifteen times, praying Jill and Anthony didn't have an STD.

"Um... I think your hands are clean enough."

Mark flinched, surprised by Monica's voice breaking the silence.

"Oh! Babe, I thought you were sleeping." Mark said in a surprised voice.

"I was. Until I rolled over and realized you still didn't come home. I was actually getting ready to call you until I seen your text."

Mark had texted Monica on the ride back home, letting her know he was sealing a deal of a million dollar donation.

"Yeah it took long but it was worth it babe. Turns out Mr.Finch agreed so much with my proposal that he upped the donation to 1.3M."

Monica put her hand over her mouth to scream. They were definitely getting in on the Dream act for their city and Mark's future plans in becoming the president were looking more promising.

She ran up to him and kissed him passionately, tongue and all. Monica only kissed him like this when he was on his best behavior or getting promising results on whatever project he was working on.

Mark instantly felt bad because he had his tongue all up in Sheri's sweet spot earlier and was greedily sucking up all her juices as she climaxed in his mouth.

Disgusted with himself, Mark broke the connection. Monica was confused but took in his appearance for the first time since he came home. Mark's top lip was busted with dried blood at the side of his mouth and some on the collar of his shirt.

"Did you get into a fight?!?!" Monica exclaimed loudly.

"Uh, no! No! Anthony was driving when a deer came out of nowhere, and he pressed the break and I wasn't wearing my seat belt." Mark said looking at the damage and reminding himself to punch the mess out of Anthony the next time he saw him.

"What?! Why weren't you wearing your seat belt?! l keep telling you you need to get in a better habit of wearing it?!" Monica chastised.

Mark started taking off his suit, as Monica made a fuss about his face and brought him ice to reduce the swelling. They are having people over for brunch tomorrow and a busted lip was not a good look.

Mark brushed his teeth and stepped into the shower. He asked Monica to join him since she was so worried about potentially losing him in a car accident. She quickly made her retreated into the bedroom after saying, "Im not that shaken up. Take care of yourself in the shower." She said with a wink. "Besides our appointment is not until next week."

Mark hated the fact that Monica thought it was ok that they only have sex once a month. If that! She also thought that if he wanted more he needed to take a cold shower or jack off like some adolescent.

She should want to please her man. Mark thought to himself as he started feeling on his manhood.

His mind drifted on Sheri.