Prosecutor VS. Defense Attorney

"Your friends are trash!" Jill says to Anthony as he speeds off.

Anthony laughs and squeezes her knee. "It's been a long night for real."

"You're crazy like your friends too! Pressing on the breaks like that!" Jill rubbed her shoulder grudgingly.

"Mamì I'm sorry about that. I just wasn't joining that screaming match and I doubt I could get a word in if I tried." Anthony said rubbing Jill's knee. He gave her fake sad eyes and then flirty air kisses.

Jill roll her eyes.

Anthony didn't want this to be a thing for the rest of the night, so he changed the subject.

"So what do you do for a living?" Anthony inquires.

"I'm a Defense Attorney."

"Oh." Anthony's interest peaked. "You play with the bad guys."

"What? Are you a cop?" Jill could tell by his tone he wasn't a fan of her occupation.

"No." Anthony wasn't ready to tell her what he did, so he asked, "What kind of criminals do you normally represent?"

"I try to do juvie for the most part. That's why I even became a defense attorney. Seen too many of our young brown and black boys and girls, go to jail without a fair trial. I was a public defender for 3 years to get my feet wet, but I've been on my own as a private attorney for the past 5 years now." Jill says proudly of all she's accomplished.

"Wow. That's great. Ever do big cases?"

"Every case is big to a 14-year-old getting ready to do 10years in jail." Jill empathized. "This is why I stopped being a public defender so early in my career. I wasn't getting enough time with clients who truly and sincerely messed up and was just around bad influences."

Anthony loved the fact that Isa had a cause and haven't sold herself for a check... Yet.

Anthony wanted to test her some more and said, "Well, I do big boy cases, like Kingpin drug lords, rapists, and murders."

"Oh!" Jill raised her eyebrows. "You're a Prosecutor."

Anthony chuckled. "I never specified if I was. I could be a Defence Attorney..."

"You're definitely not. I know the people who are. You don't give those vibes." Jill says sure of her answer.

"The fact that you call them people..." Anthony said condescendingly.

Jill scoffs.

"Have you done cases for rapists and murderers?" Anthony's voice got tight.

"They would only be labeled as such if they were convicted." Jill said with a snarky attitude, not liking where this conversation was going.

Anthony resented that answer. "I haven't seen you around Isa." Anthony's voice was laced with accusation.

"I'm new to the area." Jill says curtly. "But like I said I handle the juvenile cases."

"Would you ever represent your beloved Juvie if they went dark? Commit murder-" Anthony got cut off when Jill snapped.

"I can be petty too! I can asked you how many women have you prosecuted for murder when it was self-defense, or how many M.O'S fit the defendant and you had other unsolved cases piled on. Or plea deals given if a defendant took on a r*pe or murder that fit their M.O, in trade for less time and a supposed solved case. I know it's all about the numbers with a lot of you prosecutors so you not about to punk me like I'm some crooked Defence attorney because you prosecutors ain't shit too." Jill took a deep breath.

"I hope you know that 80% of all accused, did it." Anthony said being petty. "I mean seriously Isa, do you know how hard it is to be charged for something you didn't do?" Anthony looked at her in contempt.

"Just as easy it is for me to say that our intercourse wasn't consensual I would assume. With sustained damage to prove force." Jill says giving him the same contemptuous look. "Guess then you would need a P.O.S. attorney like myself right?"

Anthony chuckled. "Your case wouldn't be strong enough, and it wouldn't go to trial."

"Not the f***ing point!" Jill says, hating how he just dismissed her. "You would need a defense attorney if my case was strong."

"And you would need a prosecutor if you were really assaulted!"

"I'm not saying you pretentious a**holes aren't good for anything, that was you!" Jill was exasperated!

"And I was just seeing where you moral compass was when it came to your stance on the people you help!" Anthony shot back.

"I don't need you to check me! There's a balance in everything! Both of our positions can be used for good or evil. I absolutely hate when prosecutors like you act like it's all one-sided." Jill rolls her eyes.

"There's just too many defense attorneys out here catering to repeat offenders or helping monsters get off, for a fat check." Anthony says not caring about Jill's attitude.

"I think this topic needs to end or you can take me home!" Jill was done with this interrogation.