Those Seeking Justice

Night One

'My desire... I want to live up to those expectations that were set for me... I want to reach it... I'll be a hero no matter what.'

"Can you hear me..." The soft voice of Masayoshi muttered. "You're lucky to have such a great father Hero... You know that?"

Hero's eyes slowly opened as he stared up at the silver haired girl who was above him. She smiled down at him softly as she patted his hair. Her silver hair, and her silver eyes... As well as that reddish brown skin, and that scar in the shape of an H...

"Can you hear me... I'm still waiting... So come get me... Please..."

The vision suddenly faded as a loud blast echoed out and Hero felt himself rolling across the rough stone floor, his memories of Masayoshi vanishing, because that had been nothing more then a simple memory he had been living.

This was Hero Law, our main character, and currently he was kind of under attack!

Hero threw his arm out forcing himself over the side of a building as crackling black energy blasted past him freezing everything around him as he tumbled down the building.

"Where is it boy!" A voice cried out. "Where is that sword!"

Hero ignored the voice jumping up to his feet and running forward away from whatever was behind him. He jumped past the road right as lights blinded him from the trafic.

"Aw crap-"

He never had a chance to finish his sentence because seconds later the force of the truck rammed into him because he sort of just walked out into traffic...


Age 1991

The Red Nation

Middlemist City...

Within a small antique store a young nineteen-year-old girl could be seen resting at one of the many empty tables. She was dressed in a store outfit and had a bored look on her face. Behind her a grown man in also in the same outfit could be seen. He appeared to be crying as he used his long blonde beard to cover his face and wipe the snot and tears that streamed down.

"We're ruined!" The man cried. "Ruined Leena! Ruined! Our store is about to close today and yet we have no customers! No one is showing up! No one came today at all even though we're offering a sale!" He sobbed out.

"So weird..." The girl who was apparently named Leena muttered as she bit her lip and let out a small hum. "We're never really packed but we've always had at least one person inside our store shopping? I mean most Nobles come here to buy what they think is expensive jewels and yet so far we've gotten nothing today... What happened to all our customers?"

"Ruined! Oh if only your mother was here! She'd know what to do!" Her father sobbed out loudly.

Leena let out a sigh as she stood up. "I'm gonna go check outside of the building pops." She said walking to the door. "I'll peak outside and make sure we didn't leave the-" She stopped as she tried to push the door open. It was heavy. Like there was a weight on the other end? "What the..." Leena gritted her teeth and pushed with all her might as the door slowly was pushed open. She nearly tripped as she stepped out and almost fell over something. Her eyes slowly drifted down towards the ground where an unconscious white-haired body could be seen covered in blood. His hair was snow white and his eyes were ruby red and currently rolled back. His skin was pale and from under his outfit, which was a white buttoned up shirt, and black pants, she could see many faded scars, as well as currently jagged wounds and bruises, but what really caught her attention was his right hand which was covered in bandages as well as a brown cloth that was wrapped around something that was next to him. "Oh it's a person... Ahhhhhh!"

A Few Moments Later...

"Thank you for the food!" Hero announced cheerfully.

He was currently tied to a chair inside of the store and was slowly being fed by a deadpanned Leena who simply stared at him. He looked kind of strange. He was covered in his own blood, dehydrated and practically starved, and yet he somehow had his spirits up like nothing had happened?

"Who the hell is this brat? He was practically dehydrated, starved, and beaten when we found him, and yet he's acting like he's in such a good mood..." Leena muttered as she fed the tied up sixteen-year-old. "He's so-"

Hero bit down on the spoon snapping it in half and swallowing it down his throat.


"What the hell!" Leena cried out.

"He ate the spoon?" Her father said with wide eyes.

Hero gulped down the food, and spoon, as he slowly stood up causing the ropes around him to snap off as if they weren't even there. Now that he had eaten and got a drink he didn't even seemed to be harmed anymore. He was still injured but he just brushed it off?

"Thank you!" He said again giving a slight bow of the head as Leena and her father stumbled back with wide eyes. Hero's ruby red eyes trained on Leena's father. "You're mister Tim aren't you?" He asked cocking his head to the side.

"E... Err yeah?" Leena's father said nodding.

"Good. Hello sir. My name is Hero Law. You were a friend of my Masters." Hero said holding his hand out. "I came to you for help."

"M... Master?" Leena asked.

"Your master..." Tim gave a small frown as he stared at Hero. "He wouldn't happen to be a man named Aka would he? Strange fellow in a cloak?"

"That's right!" Hero announced with a smirk giving a smile as he pointed at the man. "So you do know my master. Alright! Finally got a lead. I told that dumbass fox I would find Master before him!"

"What's this about?" Tim asked frowning.

"It's this sir." Hero said reaching down and grabbing the thing that had been in the brown wrapping paper. He slowly handed it over to Tim who took it and began to slowly unwrap it. The elder man raised his eyebrow when he saw that there was a small short sword inside of it. "I don't really know what that is but my Master said it was important and these people have been chasing me for it. My Master once told me that he knew a man who owned this shop named Tim, so I was hoping you'd have some ideas on what it was?"

Tim held the blade softly in his hand as he frowned. "...You said your master was... Gone?"

"Yeah." Hero nodded. "See... It all started... Well it all started after an attack on a nearby city. It was wiped out by the damn Bestia Macht. My master had been acting weird ever since that happened and a few weeks ago he told me he was leaving..."


Three weeks ago...

Aconitum City...

A random inn...

,,˙suoᴉʇɐɹǝuǝƃ ɥƃnoɹɥʇ uɐlƆ ʎɯ ɥƃnoɹɥʇ uʍop pǝssɐd sɐʍ ʇɐɥʇ uodɐǝʍ ʇɥɔɐW ɐᴉʇsǝB ᴉʇu∀ ɐ 'ǝuɐq-sɟloM ǝɥʇ s�� sᴉɥ┴,,

"Whoa!" Hero said with stars in his eyes. "Such a cool sword! So it's called Wolfs-Bane? What's it do? Can I eat it?"

Within a small room, in a simple inn, two figures could be seen. The first was Hero Law, who rested on the bed in a casual t-shirt, and black pants. He stared at the second figure who was in the room with great interest. The second figure was tall standing at nearly seven-feet tall and was shrouded in thick black robes that covered his body from head to toe. In the mans hands was a small silver sword that was covered in rust.

,,˙ʇuɐʇɹodɯᴉ ʎɹǝʌ sᴉ ǝpɐlq sᴉɥ┴,, A distorted voice said coming out of the robes.

"Uhh Master... The blades covered in rust..."

,,˙uǝʇɟo ǝɹoɯ ɯooɹ ʞɔɐq ǝɥʇ ɟo ʇno ʇᴉ uǝʞ��ʇ ǝʌɐɥ plnoɥs I ǝqʎɐW ˙˙˙ʇᴉ pǝsn ʇsɐl I ǝɔuᴉs pǝʇɔǝlƃǝu uǝǝq s,ʇᴉ ssǝnƃ I,, Hero gave the robed man a dead panned look as the man pulled the blades into his robes. ,,˙noʎ llᴉʞ ll,I ʇsol sʇǝƃ ƃuᴉɥʇʎuɐ ��I ˙dᴉɹʇ ʎɯ ɹoɟ ǝƃɐƃƃnl ʎɯ ǝɹɐdǝɹd oƃ puɐ ɥO ˙ʇuɐʍ noʎ ɹǝʌǝʇɐɥʍ op puɐ ɟɟo unɹ oʇ ǝ��ɹɟ lǝǝℲ ˙����ɔɐq ǝq llᴉʍ I uǝɥʍ ǝɹns ʇoN ˙ʍoɹɹoɯoʇ ʎʇᴉƆ sᴉɹI ɹoɟ ƃuᴉʌ��ǝl ǝq llᴉʍ I,,

"R... Right..." Hero sighed slightly. "Uhh sir. Should you be sleeping with that rare blade? You could accidently lose it after all. That's not the first time you-"

A large barrel of a dark red gun poked out of the robe as Hero's eyes went wide. In a bright flash a wave of crimson bullets fired out of the gun ripping several holes in the walls, and all of them barley missing Hero who was freaking out and panicking.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!"

,,¿pᴉdnʇs ǝɯ ƃuᴉllɐɔ noʎ ǝɹ∀,,

"Please forgive me sir..." The wall behind Hero fell down leaving only a cut out in the shape of the shaking boy.

And so his teacher went off to Iris city...

And of course...

Hero's eye twitched as he stared at the bed his Master slept in staring down at the blade his master left behind.

He forgot the Wolfs-Bane...

"God damn it... I'm gonna get blamed for this aren't I..."


Present Day...

"So you see sir. It is very important I find out what the deal is with that blade so I can then find my master so he doesn't blame me. I guess you can call me... Master-Finding-Man!" Hero announced loudly pointing to the sky.

"Uh... What?" Leena asked frowning.

"Oh. It's nothing. It's just this dumb thing I like to do." Hero said sheepishly. "See I want to be a Hero of Justice, a Superhero, and like any good superhero I need a badass attack name and things like that. It's actually my dream to one day become an Enforcer, a group of powerful people who battle Bestia Macht, and save the world!"

Tim didn't seem to be listening too much as he turned the blade over. It let out a low hum making Leena and Hero turn to the man as he slowly set it down on a bench. He grabbed the handle and pulled on it, a quiet 'pop' sound echoing out as he opened the blade up. "Yep..." He said nodding his head as he peaked in. "Just what I thought."

"What?" Hero and Leena both asked.

Tim turned to them holding the sword and showing them the bottom of it, which he had removed. Placed within the handle of the sword was what looked like half of a broken marble. The thing was split in half and cracked but was letting out faint white glows and hums. "See that?" Tim asked. "That's an Equation."

"An Equation?" Leena asked cocking her head to the side.

Hero gave a serious look as he folded his arms. "An Equation of Life. Something that has a Cursed Power. See the Bestia Macht have always existed for years. They're powerful monsters with souls so cold they freeze the world around them. A human can't even get near one least they be frozen. That was until Equations were made. Equations are tiny marble like items that come in three forms. They have the power of the sun itself, and are made of the Equation of Life or an energy known as Mantra and are very powerful, the opposite of Bestia Macht in fact."

"That's pretty much right." Tim nodded. "Though this one is broken in half... Odd... Normally they're whole... I'd guess that this is an Equip type. It's where the Equation is placed into an item. People can then use that item and use whatever the Cursed Power that Equation has."

"So I could use that sword and have magical powers?" Leena asked with stars in her eyes for a moment.

Hero snorted folding his arms. "Sorry but it kind of doesn't work that way. See there are only about a few thousand Equations in the world, and each one is already assigned to a host ahead of time. So unless you happen to be the host of that one then you're kind of out of luck. On top of that only one Equation can be used by a person, and a person can only have one Equation. Enforcers actually collect Equations and try to find who they go to." Hero hummed.

"That's kind of neat." Leena sighed folding her arms and throwing her head back. "Still. Kind of bummed that I can't use it."

Hero let out a chuckle. "Don't feel too bad. Most people can't."


"Well boy." Tim hummed handing the sword back to Hero. "No idea where Aka could be. Sorry. But I do have an idea why those people are after you. You should be more careful."

"Yeah. Don't worry." Hero said sliding the sword into a belt. "I'll keep this thing safe. It might not be my mine but my master seems to think it's important so-" Hero stopped suddenly as his nose twitched. "Superhero-Dive-Save-Tackle!" He announced tackling Leena to the ground and kicking out with his leg knocking Tim down as well.

Right as Tim hit the ground loud gun fire exploded throughout the building making Leena and Tim scream as the store was blasted to pieces in mere seconds everything breaking around them as bullets blasted through. When it finally stopped nobody moved.

Slowly foot steps could be heard as a man with messy red hair and light blue eyes in a hat walked in. He wore a long black coat and held a lighter a small glint in his eyes.

"The Names Ben Alazir. And I'm gonna need that Sword."