
"Enforcers... Warriors said to be chosen by God himself... They exist for a single purpose... To slay the beasts that hunt mankind... The creatures with frozen souls... The Bestia Macht... They really are a pain, always messing up my plans..."


Age 1990

Daffodil City after the attack...

"Damn it!" Hero yelled punching the ground as hard as he could out of frustration for the events he saw before him. The metal floor cracked under the punch as he gritted his teeth in anger. "Damn it, damn it, damn it! We were to late!"

He stood inside the ruins of a massive, destroyed city that was completely wrecked. All around him the frozen corpses of the victims could be seen. There didn't seem to be any survivors... Just frozen bodies... So many that the very ground they stood on was shards of ice brought on from the monsters rampage. It was so sick... How could anyone let this happen... So many innocent people wiped out from one attack.

The horror the Bestia Macht brought on themselves. Death, destruction, fear, cold. The horrors their kind brought on the world. Despair.

"What the hell is the point of all this damn training if we weren't fast enough to save all these innocent people... How many innocent people had to die because we weren't able to make it in time... It just isn't fair... We're training to be Enforcers so we can stop shit like this from happening God damn it!" A second voice muttered. Behind Hero a second student of the master could be seen. He had reddish brown hair, and bright emerald green eyes. He was in a pair of black pants, and a black leather jacket. He had a foul look on his face as he punched a building in anger. He was also the same age as Hero...

,,¿ʞɔᴉs noʎ ǝʞɐɯ ʇɥƃᴉs ǝɥʇ sǝoD,, The voice of the master asked trailing down to both of the boys who turned to look up at him. This time the Master was in a pair of bright pink robes and had a large stick coming out of the bottom keeping him suspended in the air. „˙ǝıp ʎʇıƆ sıɥʇ ƃuıʇʇǝן ɹoɟ ʇןnɐɟ ɹıǝɥʇ sı ʇI ˙ʇɥɔɐW ɐıʇsǝ𐐒 ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ןɐǝp oʇ qoɾ sǝʇɐɹǝuǝΛ ǝɥʇ sı ʇı ןןɐ ɹǝʇɟ∀ ˙sƃuıɥʇ ɥɔns uo snoɟ ǝ����ןd ɹno uǝʌǝ ʇ,usı ʇI ˙puıɯ ɹnoʎ oʇuı ʇı uɹnq ןןǝM ¿ʇɥƃıɹ ʇɐ ʞooן oʇ ʞɔıs noʎ ǝʞɐɯ ʇsnɯ ʇI ˙˙˙ɥʇɐǝp ɟo ʇɥƃıs ǝɥ⊥„

"...What's he saying Hero?" The second teen asked. "Translate."

"Maybe learn to translate his speech yourself Kitsune." Hero sighed. "Jeez. Is it to hard to figure it out yourself. Or maybe you're still a lazy slob who can't even bother to learn the basics of language."

"Or maybe you just tell me what he said you freaky Devil Arm bastard!"

"Screw you fox boy why don't you say that to my face!"

"You want to go fox dumbass!" Hero yelled raising his right arm up as it began to glow gold and white as his energy began to seep out.

Hero and the apparently named Kitsune glared back at each other for a few seconds before they both let out sighs and turned away from each other in anger.

"The basic jest of what the Master is saying is that we shouldn't worry or take it on ourselves to do this. It is the job of an Enforcer to deal with these kinds of threats not ours." Hero sighed.

"W... What!" Kitsune turned to the Master giving the robed figure a glare. "If we can help than we should! The Enforcers are a small group that's why you're training us to join them remember! Very few people have Cursed Life Technique, and even less have the skills, and powers to fight back against the Bestia Macht. The whole point Hero and I joined you was so we could get stronger to save people! Not so we could let an entire God damn city be destroyed and just brush it off! We need to find more Equations Of Life so we can give them to people and make more Enforcers!"

"Uhh Kitsune! Don't make him mad! I like my head on my shoulders!" Hero warned tackling the boy and covering his mouth with his hand. The two wrestled slightly as the Master slowly turned away from them.

The Master hobbled forward slightly as he stared down at the body of a young girl who was frozen into the ground. She had such a scared look on her face. „˙˙˙ʎɹɹos ɯ,I˙˙˙, The Masters voice came out in its usual jumbled mess confusing Kitsune, but shocking Hero, who could somehow understand him. „˙˙˙ǝsuǝs ʎuɐ sǝʞɐɯ ʇɐɥʇ ƃuıɥʇ ʎןuo ǝɥt pןɹoʍ sıɥʇ uı ǝnsɐɔǝ𐐒 ˙ʇou ɹo uı ʇoƃ ʎןןɐnʇɔɐ noʎ ɟo ɹǝɥʇıǝ ɟı ǝɹɐɔ ʇ,upןnoʍ I ɹǝʌǝʍoH ˙pǝǝɔɔns noʎ ǝdoɥ I uɐɥʇ pןoɥ oʍʇ noʎ ןɐoƃ ǝɥʇ sı ʇɐɥʇ ɟı ʇnq sǝʇɐɹǝuǝΛ pǝʞıן ɹǝʌǝu I ˙uo pɐǝɥ ɥʇɐǝp ǝɔɐɟ oʇ uɹɐǝן ʇsnɯ noʎ uɐɥʇ ɹǝƃuoɹʇs ʇǝƃ oʇ ɥsıʍ ɥʇoq noʎ ɟI„ As he spoke a nearby building exploded as a massive white monster came crashing onto the streets in front of them. Every step it took shattered the many ice covered bodied as it lept towards them freezing the world around it. The Master raised his hand up as a red liquid spilled out forming a massive red missle that fired and split the creature in half exploding in a red ball of energy that shook the city. „˙˙˙ɹǝʍod sI„


Age 1991

Middlemist City...

A Few Moments Before The Attack...

Snow fell hitting the path slowly as a man walked down the road. He hummed a simple tune as he marched forward confidently. A cane twirled in his hand as he strolled towards his destination. He walked like he owned the city. To be fair he practically did... Or at least he knew the owner of the city. And in this world. Sometimes that's all you need.

"What a beautiful world this is... A world filled with ice." The man said giving a small. "A frozen world... A world waiting to be purified!"

Behind the man, several other men followed all of them wearing very large coats that covered their bodies from head to toe. They all seemed to be wearing masks as well as hats, and gloves. This caused their bodies to be completely unseen but made them stand out instantly. A mere glance was all that was required to simply tell that these guys were up to no good...

The man who seemed to be leading the group stopped as he slid a hand back through his pocket. "So..." The man said as he came to a stop in front of a simple antique store. "Who thinks they actually have what we're looking for?" He questioned his group as he turned to look at his followers.

The covered-up men simply stared at their boss. None of them moved or said a word at all. They simply stared at their boss as they tilted their heads to the side as if waiting for him to keep going. Their silence made the man let out a sigh as he shook his head.

"Right, right... Forgot I didn't give you the ability to talk..." The man simply shrugged as his smile grew wider. "Oh well... More for me then. ~la da de, la da di~" The man sang out as he twirled his cane. He reached into his pocket pulling out a lighter and clicking it open. "Fire."

As soon as he spoke those words all the cloaked men raised their left arms in unison as a large metal gun barrel folded out of their arms and their cloaks dropped revealing the fact that they were all large robotic figures. Their guns opened fire at a high speed ripping the store in front of them to pieces in mere seconds and breaking the glass and wood as everything was blown too pieces. After a few moments the firing finally stopped allowing the man to slowly enter the room stepping on various broken pieces of glass as he looked around clicking his tongue.

A he stepped into the building he saw three figures. The first was the owner, a large blonde haired man who owned this place, the second was his daughter Leena, and the third... His eyes landed on the third, a sixteen year old snow white haired boy with vibrant ruby red eyes. The one they had been chasing after for so long.

"The Names Ben Alazir. And I'm gonna need that Sword."

"Talk about making an entrance..." Hero muttered out as everyone gulped and looked up.

"A... Are those Robots?" Leena said in horror when she saw the many metal robotic beasts that followed after the man.

Ben clicked his tongue giving a small and almost bored smile. "Indeed they are. Dolls is what they're actually called." He held up his lighter revealing a small white marble that was placed within it. "This here is my Equip Type Equation. Doll Maker. It's Cursed Power allows me to create these soldiers that serve me loyally." He announced in a cocky tone.

"Oh and he isn't the only one here..." A cheerful voice announced as the shadow behind Ben began to twist and bend. A tall pitch black figure pulled their way out making Leena and Tim yell out and jump back but made Hero glare. The figure was pitch black. Literally. They looked more like an outline of someone then an actual person. Or like they were made of shadows. This figure also had a cane and wore a long white dirty lab coat. Nothing about them could be made out save for their mouth and eyes. Their eyes were pitch crimson red and filled with an insane look and their mouth was twisted into a large jagged smile filled with rows of pointy and sharp fang like teeth. "Hello Hero Boy!"

"Mr. Hyde..." Hero growled out.

"Y... You know them?" Leena asked in fear.

"Yeah..." Hero nodded. "They've been chasing me down and are the reason I'm in such bad condition. Normally my Master is there to help me, but he left as I said. They've been after the sword. That man is named Ben and he has an Equip type Equation, the other is Mr. Hyde and he has a Caster Type. Caster Types mean he can use the power through his body. I'm guessing its what is giving him that shadowy look though I could be wrong. He's an insane man who kidnapped me and my brother several years ago..."

"Don't say that." Mr. Hyde said giving a fake whine. "You make it sound like I didn't raise you! Hell Hero my boy I'm basically your dad-"

"No! My father is Piero!" Hero yelled out getting too his feet.

"Hero!" Leena said in fear grabbing his arm. "Y... You can't fight them! You said it yourself! They have Equations right!"

"My Daughter is right kid..." Tim said shaking his head. "Equations power a persons body up making them on the level of Super humans and allow them to do things mere humans simply can't. It makes them Gods, and thus allows them to fight the terror known as the Bestia Macht."

Hero looked down at Leena before giving a small smirk as he pulled his hand away from her. "It's okay..." Hero said softly turning away from the two of them as he grabbed his bandaged hand and pulled them away. "It just so happens... I'm a Hero of Justice. A Superhero. And what kind of Superhero would I be if I didn't have my own badass superpower!" He announced ripping the bandages away and reviling the cracked and broken white marble that was placed into the palm of his hand forming various symbols with his veins.

"An Equation placed into the body?" Tim said with wide eyes. "He's a Transformation type?"

"Get ready!" Hero announced as his arm began to glow and change. "You can just call me, Friendly-Superhero-Savior-Guy!" He called out as his limb began to glow and morph taking form...