Bestia Macht

Age 1991

The edge of Middlemist City...

A young man with dark skin, and messy white hair and electric blue eyes that seemed to crackle, could be seen standing on the edge of Middlemist City standing on a large building as he overlooked the city. The man looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties and was wearing what looked like a black military's uniform, mixed with a snow jacket, police outfit, and a firefighters outfit. Strips of white glowing energy could be seen on the outfit lighting it up and he had a gold badge over his heart that had a large six carved into it.

The man gave a small smirk as he folded his arms and slowly walked to the very edge of the building practically hanging off of it. In his hands he had a small blue envelope.

"So. It would seem that this is where you chose to hide out at."

The smallest hint of a smile crossed onto the mans face as a white aura covered his body. He stepped off the edge of the tall building and spun falling to the city below...

"Let's get this party started the right way!" He roared as lighting crackled around his body. "Ace Enforcer Jackson Storm is on the case!"


"Mr. Hyde..." Hero growled out.

"Y... You know them?" Leena asked in fear.

"Yeah..." Hero nodded. "They've been chasing me down and are the reason I'm in such bad condition. Normally my Master is there to help me, but he left as I said. They've been after the sword. That man is named Ben and he has an Equip type Equation, the other is Mr. Hyde and he has a Caster Type. Caster Types mean he can use the power through his body. I'm guessing its what is giving him that shadowy look though I could be wrong. He's an insane man who kidnapped me and my brother several years ago..."

"Don't say that." Mr. Hyde said giving a fake whine. "You make it sound like I didn't raise you! Hell Hero my boy I'm basically your dad-"

"No! My father is Piero!" Hero yelled out getting too his feet.

"Hero!" Leena said in fear grabbing his arm. "Y... You can't fight them! You said it yourself! They have Equations right!"

"My Daughter is right kid..." Tim said shaking his head. "Equations power a persons body up making them on the level of Super humans and allow them to do things mere humans simply can't. It makes them Gods, and thus allows them to fight the terror known as the Bestia Macht."

Hero looked down at Leena before giving a small smirk as he pulled his hand away from her. "It's okay..." Hero said softly turning away from the two of them as he grabbed his bandaged hand and pulled them away. "It just so happens... I'm a Hero of Justice. A Superhero. And what kind of Superhero would I be if I didn't have my own badass superpower!" He announced ripping the bandages away and reviling the cracked and broken white marble that was placed into the palm of his hand forming various symbols with his veins.

"An Equation placed into the body?" Tim said with wide eyes. "He's a Transformation type?"

"Get ready!" Hero announced as his arm began to glow and change. "You can just call me, Friendly-Superhero-Savior-Guy!" He called out as his limb began to glow and morph taking form...

It happened in a large flash of light. Hero's entire right arm was over taken by something. From his right shoulder all the way down to his finger tips it changed. The flesh was replaced with a strange faded, and almost rusty, grey looking metal. Like it wasn't armor. More like his arm actually transformed and morphed from flesh into that. From the shoulder down it looked almost normal save for the fact it was made out of that weird metal now. On his shoulder several tiny spikes jutted out. From his elbow down the entire arm got longer and wider. It was far bigger and wider then a normal arm should be. Like the arm of a giant or something. Wrapped around his wrist was what looked like a pair of angel like wings that gave it an elegant look. They were various feathers all tied together and all also made out of metal. Once you got to the hand it got a little darker though. The hand was a set of large jagged blade like claws that looked like they could rip through flesh, small edges all along them, and steam rising off of them. they were red hot.

It was like an angel and a demon fought to take his arm over. Pretty and elegant, yet also crude and harsh.

That was his right arm.

"Arm-Of-Miracles." Hero announced holding the limb out as fire began to flow off of his fist lighting the store up and the wings uncurled a low trumpet like sound echoing out. "Through curse and miracles this arm sings of death and healing." Hero smirked. Mr. Hyde and Ben didn't look to impressed as they stared at him. Hero quickly made the first move slamming his hand down and firing out a pillar of flames that bent and twisted, his feathers blasting through it causing them to become red hot and slam into many of the robots ripping them too pieces in seconds and breaking them apart. In a flash Hero moved around the store at super speeds ripping the rest apart with a single punch or clawed swipe. He came to a stop as all the robots exploded around him.

"W... Whoa..." Leena said with wide eyes. "So strong..."

"That's a Transformation Equation alright..." Tim nodded. "Unlike Equip types which bond with a weapon, or Caster types which are broken down through the users body, Transformation types are placed into a single limb and power all of it to its max. Like placing the sun in a humans arm. I was worried at first but I think that boy can handle these two!" He smirked.

Hero turned to Mr. Hyde and Ben pointing a finger at the two of them. "Now. Both of you. Throw your hands up and give up, and I'll allow you to go to jail peacefully. That's what a Hero of Justice, a Superhero, would do after all."

"Hmm." Mr. Hyde hummed. "Nah. To boring."

"Seriously? Fine. Don't say I didn't give you a heads up then."

"Wait." Mr. Hyde smirked stepping back as his chest began to glow and morph open. "I actually have a present for you." He announced loudly as a large set of clawed hands stabbed through the hole that formed in him and something began to form out. A large creature with pitch white fur and glowing red eyes. It looked almost like a lion but had large goat like horns and ice flowed off of it as it stepped out of Mr. Hyde. Leena and Tim suddenly felt the room grow colder as ice began to cling to them and they shivered.

"A... A Bestia Macht!" Hero said with wide eyes. He slammed his hand into the ground catching most of the store on fire in an attempt to keep Leena, and Tim, from freezing to death as the ice flowed out. He didn't seem to be affected by it too much, same for Mr. Hyde, and Ben, the three of them seemingly immune to the things cold, due to their Equations, keeping them warmed up.

"This one here is a low Viscount level Bestia Macht." Ben sighed. "I wonder how you'll do."

"Get him boy!" Mr. Hyde called out.

The Bestia Macht let out a loud beast like growl and jumped towards Hero as it roared. Hero let out a roar of his own matching the beasts as flames exploded out of his arm and his wings unleashed a hail of feathers that stabbed into the things body but didn't do much damage. Hero slammed his arm forward throwing out a punch that met the creatures own attack and sending out a powerful shock wave that blew Leena and Tim back. Seeing that, Hero wrapped his large hand around the beasts waist as it hissed and clawed at him. Using all his might he jumped forward flying past Ben, and Hyde, as he slammed the beast through the glass window and broke past it landing in the snow covered street.

The Bestia Macht ripped its way out of Hero's hand and sliced out with ice claws tearing a massive chunk of metal out of Hero's arm and making him howl as he stumbled back. The Bestia Macht then pulled its body back standing on two legs as it unleashed a set of powerful slices that ripped Hero's arm up as he attempted to block. Ramming its head forward it flew past his arm and stabbed its large horns up right into Hero's gut making Hero gasp out as blood suddenly flowed down his mouth and chin.

Hero forced his body off of the Bestia Macht pulling back as his arm managed to form into a fist and a loud hum could be heard as a crackling green energy formed. "Lot's Salt!" Hero screamed out throwing out a massive powerful punch at the beast as hard as he could. The Bestia Macht side stepped the attack right in the nick of time as a wave of sound like green energy blasted out of Hero's fist and slammed into a random street lamp turning it into salt in mere seconds. Before Hero could recover the Bestia Macht slammed its fist right into his face throwing him down the street.

"Damn it!" Tim hissed when he saw Hero go flying. "Not good. His arm is damaged."

"T... That's his Equation right?" Leena asked in horror. "I thought they were unbreakable or something? That Bestia Macht ripped it up like it was nothing?"

"Normally a Bestia Macht is a Baron the lowest grade. But thats a Viscount. It's a stronger version. Like an Imp compared to a Devil. Plus Bestia Macht are made out of Dark Matter something that can damage Equations." Tim hissed. "It can even break them. There used to be a lot more Equations in the world but when a Bestia Macht finds one it'll break it, that's why it's so important for the Enforcers to collect and keep them safe, so more people can bond with them."

"I... Is there anything we can do to help?"

"As a matter of fact." Tim said thinking back to something Hero had done earlier that day. He turned finding a large shard of metal, debris left over from his totaled store, as he picked it up. "Hero!" He yelled running forward and shocking his Daughter. "Catch!" He threw it forward as hard as he could.

Hero noticed it and tried to reach for it but the Bestia Macht roared a beam of red energy blasting out and blowing the metal up, the beam didn't stop there either, firing it towards Tim who's eyes went wide. It never reached Tim though as Hero jumped in front of it using his arm as a shield. An entire portion of his arm was simply blown right off as Hero screamed in pain nearly falling over. As he dropped down he reached out for what was left of the metal which was now smoking. It was hot to the touch but he ignored it bring it to his lips and biting down on it swallowing it.

"He ate it!" Leena said in shock.

"That's good!" Tim nodded.

"It is?"

"Yeah. Watch." Hero's arm began to glow as the metal began to morph out and his arm started to heal as he wobbled back up to his feet still covered in wounds but a look of determination on his face. "Transformation types are some of the only kind that can fix their items themselves. See a Caster has their entire body and that has to heal the old fashion way, and Equip types are in a weapon so if the weapon breaks they have to place it into a new one. Transformation types though. They can eat metal and then use that metal to remake their weapon!"

"Indeed." Ben called out appearing next to them. "But it won't really help." He shrugged. "After all that boy can't fight that thing as he is."

Hero charged towards the Bestia Macht as round two started. Now that his arm was fixed he seemed to be doing better landing a handful of blows across the beasts body but it honestly wasn't that much better. The thing roared out and began to slam into him throwing him around as its claws and teeth ripped out more of his flesh making him yell and stumble back. The beast struck out once more slamming its claws into Hero's entire stomach and ripped it out making Hero's guts spill as blood flowed down his mouth.

The Bestia Macht raised its claws up ready to finish off its prey and wipe out yet another Equation. Its claws slammed out and Hero watched as it came down towards him slowly.

And before it could reach him Leena threw herself in front of him shocking Hero and Tim. The claws stabbed into Leena's back and ice began to slowly form over her flesh as she began to freeze.

"L... Leena!" Tim cried out.

"W... Why the hell would you do that you dumbass! You don't even know me!" Hero screamed as he stared at her.

"P... Please." Leena said slowly as ice formed over her. She reached out to Hero. "I... If you die it'll kill my dad. P... Please save him."

Hero stared at her with wide eyes as she slowly was over taken by ice.

"N... No! I refuse to accept this!" Hero yelled out a burst of flame exploding from him as energy began to form off of him. "I'm a Hero of Justice! I'm not letting anyone die!" He yelled out as green energy blasted out of his hand blinding everyone...