The Enforcer

Age 1991

The green energy blasted out of Hero lighting the area up in a warm glow.

Mr. Hyde was the first to regain his vision and he stared with wide eyes at the Bestia Macht which was now missing a hand.

Hero was a few feet away his right arm fully healed and holding Leena who was now no longer frozen and no longer had a stomach wound. She set up in his large hand her eyes wide. Even Hero was slightly confused his own wounds gone. In his left hand he held the glowing sword that was Wolfs-Bane, flames coming off of it. And on his chest, a 'D' Shaped scar could be seen which glowed with a faint green energy.

"W... What the hell?" Ben yelled.

Mr. Hyde began too laugh. "Oh my? Wolfs-Bane lent him it's power. Ahh I see now. So that's what the sword is. Very clever managing the Dreams power by splitting it in half Master Aka." Hyde laughed. "Kid! I'm going to so cut you open when we get back at the lab-"

"Shut up." Hero said simply setting Leena down and blasting towards the Bestia Macht. It turned to him letting out a loud howl but Hero threw the short sword into the air and caught it in his metal Equation hand. He sliced out with it a wave of green fire suddenly exploded out of his hand as his ruby red eyes seemed to glow for a moment and in a singly swipe he split the Bestia Macht in half ripping it apart and causing the green flames to seep through the beast as it howled in pain before it was reduced too ash.

"My... My..." Mr. Hyde smirked. "Someones impressive. Oh. But please recall Hero. That power isn't very stable-" As if on cue Hero's stomach suddenly split apart as the healing seemed to simply turn off and Hero vomited up a wave of blood landing on his knees trying to hold his guts in with his left hand which was his normal human one. "Oh also..." Mr. Hyde's lips formed into a dark sinister grin. "I hope one Bestia Macht wasn't all you could handle. I got... Far, far, stronger ones." He announced as Tim and Leena stared in horror as an even bigger one began too pull itself out of his body.

This one looked like a massive white snake the size of a bus, ice armor covering its long slender body as it pulled itself up and stared down at Hero who looked up at it with wide eyes.

"Well I'm dead." Hero said simply.

"Look out below!" A loud voice announced making everyone in the street suddenly stop.

"What was-"


From up above a man slammed down into the ground as the Bestia Macht's head was suddenly split open sending its head flying into the air. A man with dark skin, and white hair, and blue eyes landed in front of the dead creature. He was dressed in black armor, that looked like a mix of a military's uniform and a snow jacket. In his hands he held a large sword made out of lighting which he had used to slice off the beasts head.

"What's up." The man said giving a smirk as he stared at Ben, and Mr. Hyde. "It's been a while hasn't it."

"Enforcer..." Hero whispered as he took in the mans uniform. "So cool- Blah! Still dying..." He said coughing up more blood.

"That man..." Ben said with a worried look on his face. "He killed it in one strike... It was only a Viscount so it's not like it was strong or anything but for him to have just ripped its head off with a single strike... Who the hell is he..." He backed up and seemed to be genuinely worried now.

"Jackson..." Mr. Hyde said practically spiting the name out. "Damn... You would be the one to break up my fun wouldn't you!" He hissed out in rage.

"You know him?" Ben asked. "That outfit he has on... He's an Enforcer right... You think we have a chance? Or is he one of the high ranking ones..."

"He's Jackson Storm. Heir to the Noble family of Storm, one of the Twenty Sacred Branches, a title passed down by our Lord God, given only to the twenty families that helped him in the great war, worse yet he's Vice-Captain to the Sixth Squad in the Enforcers... I doubt we would be able to beat him as we are. Maybe if we prepared for the battle however in this situation it's a no go..."

"A Vice-Captain! Shit... I doubt we can beat him..." Ben cursed as Jackson's smile grew. "Well what do you want to do Mr. Hyde?"

"I think we should hear him out. After all he's come a long way..."

"It's been a while Order." Jackson said giving a smirk as he raised his sword made out of lightning. "How many yeas has it been? Two... Three?"

Mr. Hyde didn't say anything at first as the spot where his eyes should be narrowed down as he seemed to glare at the man. "I'm not with that group anymore so don't bring them up around Ben or me. The Order was a group who hated the Bestia Macht more than any other and would do anything to kill them all off even at the cost of the human race. It is true Ben, and I used to be associated with them making Dolls for them but since two years ago we've been a freelance group working for other people. Besides those silly nicknames they gave us like Merlin, and Triston weren't our style. We've actually joined another group now that better understands us."

"Really? And what's the name of that group?"

"As if I would say."

"I wasn't really asking." Jackson smirked.

Mr. Hyde let out a sigh. Then he shocked everyone as black wings suddenly stabbed out of his back as he jumped up. "Come Ben. It would seem we are forced to retreat for now!" Ben jumped forward grabbing onto Mr. Hyde's foot as they raised up higher and higher getting out of reach from the three down below. "We'll meet again Enforcer. At the end of the world!" Mr. Hyde laughed. "Later!"

"Well." Hero said calmly. "That was certainly- Why is the ground getting closer!" Hero crashed into the ground face first making Leena panic and run over to the injured boy. Jackson stared up at the sky where the two had flown off with a blank look. He seemed kind of mad that they got away but didn't bother chasing after them.

Tim collapsed to the ground his heart finally settling down. "Well... That's enough excitement from me to last a few life times..." He gasped out.

"Hero are you okay!" The girl said in a panic flipping him over and checking on him. Hero's eyes were closed as he breathed slowly having passed out now that the battle was over.

Hero's eyes slowly opened as he stared up at Leena his arm reverting to normal and the short sword dropping from his fingers and landing on the ground below. As he stared up at her he gave a small grin. "You know. I saved you. Want to go on a date?"

"What!" Leena asked with a red face.

"Smooth kid." Jackson snorted.

'That sword...' Hero thought as his eyes slowly drifted over to the sword in the wall. 'The second I touched Wolfs-Bane it sent power through my entire body and balanced out the negative energy in my right arm, though I doubt it will fix that solution forever... Who knows how long it'll be until it comes back. I wonder if Master left it behind on purpose... Was he always planning on me getting the blade... God I'm exhausted...' Hero's eyes slowly drifted up to Leena as he felt them grow heavier. "You know... When you're smiling. You give off so much Hope."

"Hey kid." Jackson called out making Leena and Hero turn to look at him. "You're not half bad. I might say you're even pretty good." He reached into his jacket grabbing onto something and tossing it over to Hero who caught it with his right hand. "How would you like to become an Enforcer?"

"W... What!" Hero said with wide eyes.

Jackson didn't answer the teen as he turned his back on them and began to walk away. "It was a happy chance that something was going on when I showed up. Truth is I was coming to find you. We got a lot of letters this year requesting to join so when we got yours we didn't think to much about it since no one's heard of a family called Law. But then a man in robes came crashing it. Started speaking in a weird language none of us could understand. When we finally got him to write what he was saying he asked us to accept some idiot kid of his into our Organization." Hero's eyes went wide as Jackson began to slowly pull the door to the church open stepping outside. "I look forward to seeing you at tryouts, Hero Law."

Hero's hand came up as he caught the letter and gave a small grin.


Two Days Later...

Hero walked down the streets heading towards the road in order to continue his travel, now with a new destination planned out.

He looked to be in much better shape, it had been a close call after all that power was unleashed and let out through his arm. A few more seconds and he might have accidently turned into 'that' thing again. Thankfully that sword somehow managed to feed him some sort of power. Did it have an Equation Of Life in it? No. That doesn't make any sense. Even if it did it wouldn't work for him. A person could only be bonded with one Equation Of Life, and only have one Cursed Life Technique after all. That meant this weird sword had to be something else...


What an odd weapon.

He'd have a lot to ask his Master once he saw him again.

As he walked he slowly looked down at the small blade his Master had accidently left behind when he went on his whatever quest. Hero openly began sweat dropping when he saw that the blade was covered in large cracks and looked like it would fall off the handle if he wasn't careful with it. It was even covered in even more rust...

"W... Why... I'm dead... I'm super dead. Mega dead. Ultra dead... Masters gonna kill me!"

The Tale of Hero Law...

What a dumb sounding story...