Those Seeking Power

Night Eight...

'My desire... I want to live up to all their expectations... I want to follow in my brother's footsteps... I want to be like my brother... No... I want to be even better...'

Caster Types. Transformation Types. Equip Types.

These are the three kinds of types an Equation Can take...

Long ago there was a legend about a man who fought along side twenty families. This man was who we called God. It is said he created The Equations Of Life... Small silver and white orbs that were scattered across the world. These orbs can bond with certain people gifting them the power of an Cursed Life Technique, supernatural powers that take on many forms. They have three forms. Transformation, Caster, and Equip. Caster type absorb the orb and gain the ability to create various affects depending on what their ability is. Transformation types absorb the ability and fuse it into a body part. This allows them to transform that body part into something. And finally is Equip types. Unlike the first two they do not actually have powers. Rather the Equation is placed in an item and they harness that power through that item. Only they can use the items and said items are typically extremely powerful weapons...

Age 1981

Rose City...

Within a large manner two people could be seen standing in the hallway. The first was a young seventeen year old boy with brown hair and light green eyes. He was dressed in a fancy suit and had a small smile on his lips. This man was Jin Nine, heir to the Noble family of Nine, one of the Twenty Sacred Branches, and a future Captain to Squad Seven. The second one was a six year old boy with messy red hair and bright green eyes. This was Kitsune Nine, future teammate of Hero Law when they both joined the Master...

"Hey, little guy?" Jin laughed slightly as he patted the head of a young boy that was clinging to his leg. "What are you doing here Kit?" He asked.

The small boy clung to his older brother as he looked up at him with wide eyes. "I wanted to see you..." Kitsune whined. "Are you really going to leave?"

Jin gave a small laugh as he patted the boy. "Well, here I am?"

"Do you really have to go?" Kitsune asked. He pouted slightly as his brother nodded. "But why! That isn't fair!"

"I'm sorry Kitsune but I do." Jin crouched down as he grabbed the silver badge that was placed over his heart. "This badge... It really means something. I'm an Enforcer now of Squad Seven. I'm close to getting a promotion to so I'd hate to quit now." He joked. "It's my job to protect mankind. To stop the Bestia Macht from freezing the world over. We the Enforcers, are the light that brings humanity the last remnants of heat. And with my power that's exactly what I'll do..."

Kitsune continued to pout as he stared down at the ground. "But you are always gone for so long... And Mother and Father, always are worried that you won't come back... They say you're going to end up dead if you don't quit soon..."

"And that's a very real possibility," Jin said in a serious tone. He slowly stood up and turned to stare out the window at the vast snow that dotted the lands, of this frozen world. "But even so... If there is even a 1% chance that I can save even a single life I'm going to continue to act. That's what it means to be an Enforcer... I won't ever quit. Because that's what makes me happy."

Kitsune looked down at the ground sadly as Jin sighed. He slowly bent down and placed a hand on his little brother's shoulder. "Here." He said handing something to the boy.

Kitsune looked down at the small necklace his brother placed in his hands. It was a blue pendent on a silver chain. "What is it?"

"Something important to me." Jin smiled. "If you have it, then I guess I have no choice but to come back alive, so I can take it back."

"You promise?"

"Yeah... I'll never leave you."


Age 1989

Dandelion City...

Jin breathed heavily as he collapsed to his knees. All around him several large white beasts could be seen as a massive blizzard exploded around them.

"Their is just to many of them..." An Enforcer who was standing behind him muttered out.

"Captain Nine what do we do?"

Jin slowly looked down at the Golden badge that was placed over his heart. He gripped it tightly as he looked back up.

Ahead of them, he could see it. A massive horde of those vile creatures. There must have been over a thousand of them all heading towards them.

"Have the evacuations finished?" Jin asked calmly.

"No sir..." A young girl standing next to Jin muttered. She looked to only be fifteen years old and had long black hair and dark black eyes.

"I see." Jin nodded as he took his Gold badge off. "Vice-Captain Stygian." He said slowly.

"Yes?" The girl turned to look at him confused.

Jin slowly handed the badge over to her. "I entrust the position of Captain of the Seventh Squad to you. Lead everyone out of here and to the evacuation. I will hold the horde off while you all escape."

"You'll never be able to make it out-"

"That is an order." Jin cut the girl off as he took a step forward. In his hands he gripped a silver knuckleduster that had what looked like a cross on it. Orange flames began to crackle around him as a pair of cat ears, and a cat tail formed on him coming out of his head and rear. "It seems I still have one last job to do!" He yelled.


Age 1991

Dandelion City...

Two bodyguards stood outside of a large metal building as loud music echoed from the inside.

"Geez..." One of the guards muttered as he gave a large frown. His body shook slightly as he zipped up the heavy jacket he was wearing. "When do you think they're gonna fix up the heaters?" One said shivering slightly.

"No clue..." The second one said through clattering teeth. "Hopefully soon though... I joined a City to get away from the cold after all... If I wanted to live in the snow I'd move out to one of those damn villages. Cities are suppose to have built in Heaters and walls to fight off the damn cold of the outside world..."

"Right. Like. How do those places stay intact? Those Villages I mean?" The first man asked as he shrugged? "I mean... All alone out in the snowy wasteland. No technology. No plant life. Just a small group of people fighting the Bestia Macht."

"I feel sorry for the poor bastards who live near the Great Wall."

"Nah, man. The people who really have it rough are the guys who live near the Black Depth. Those poor guys must have it rough. Giant sea monsters coming out of the water. God it sounds awful."

"I guess I can see-" Both guards stopped suddenly as they stared out to the dark streets ahead of them.

"Who's there?" One of them asked as they raised a gun up.

There was a bright orange flash as a ball of flames smashed into both of them pinning them to the wall as the flames seemed to harden around them forming large foxes that pinned them to the wall.

"Uhh... Please don't?" A guard asked slowly.



Inside the building, a large rave was currently going on... Several people were partying like there was no tomorrow as loud music blared.

"I'm doomed!" The man who owned this building yelled out as he placed his head in his hands. He was seated at the bar and was currently growing his sorrows away. "Doomed I say!"

"What is it this time?" The man who worked the bar said as he gave a sarcastic eye roll.

"It's that damn Organization!" The owner sighed out. "Your little group is costing me millions. Even with a fully packed building, I can't afford the cost of 'protection' or the amount it cost to keep you four pricks here!"

"Relax." The bar owner said giving a sly smile. "I'll be sure to talk to Mr. Snow for you. We'll cut down on the prices..."

"Good..." The man sighed out. "Because I don't know if I can take any more surprises-"

There was a loud boom as the doors to the room were blown open.

"God damn it!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing as they turned to the entrance. The music slowly came to a stop as quiet footsteps echoed from the dark hallway outside.

Slowly a young boy stepped into the room. He had messy red hair, and bright flaming green eyes. He wore a white buttoned up shirt, with a black jacket over it and a pair of black pants and he had on a simple red headband that had a black stripe on it. In his hands he held what looked like a clean pretty katana that rested in an orange sheath, and gave a grin and a half wave to everyone who stared at him.

Slowly the music kicked back in as everyone got back to what they were doing.

This really wasn't that strange compared to most of the stuff that happened in here...

The teen slowly walked towards the bar as he took a seat next to the owner. A silence passed between them before finally, the kid spoke.

"I hear you know stuff..." The kid asked.

"That depends..." The boss said. "Who's asking?"

"Kitsune Nine..." The boy introduced. "You've heard of me right?"

"Ahh... A Nine. Here that Harrison." The boss slowly took a puff on a cigar he had. "He's a Noble. One of the Twenty Sacred Nobles in fact. They say your kind was given that title by God. You guys are pretty rare. Only five families in this Nation hold such a title... Though last I checked Kitsune Nine was kidnapped by some crazy guy in robes who talked backwards."

"So I assume you know stuff," Kitsune asked raising an eyebrow. "Not many people knew the Master kidnaped me? Did you know he took another boy?"

The boss reached up taking off a small brown hat he had been wearing. A metal rod could be seen poking out of his head.

"My Cursed Life Technique is called Receive Broadcast." The man explained. "A Transformation type. I can pick up on any signal in the world. And if I focus hard enough I can tap into the Internet, although something that slow isn't too useful. The radios though... I tap into those often. What I'm trying to say is that if this information exists, then I know it."

Kitsune nodded as he reached into a pouch he was wearing and set several coins down on the bar. He also placed a picture face down. He slowly slid it over to the owner.

"I'm looking for that man..." Kitsune said casually.

The owner turned the picture over as he frowned. "Jin Nine... An Enforcer Captain. Sorry kid. He's dead."

"He isn't."

"Died in this very city in fact. Held off an entire horde by himself to buy everyone time to escape-"

"My brother isn't dead!" Kitsune said through gritted teeth. "They never found his body."

"Kid. You realize Bestia Macht eat humans right... Also they freeze people and turn them into shards of glass. It would be far weirder if they found a body..."

"Jin isn't dead!" Kitsune yelled loudly as a small puff of flames came out of his hands, and his grip around the swords handle tightened.

"Inside voices..." Harrison, the man working the bar said as he continued to clean the same mug over and over again pretending to do his job. "Seriously no yelling... You're louder than the music..."

"Kid. You're a Nine right. So I'm guessing Jin Nine was your older brother. I know it isn't what you want to hear but trust me. That man is dead. Sorry."

"I won't believe it..." Kitsune said shaking his head. "My brother never lied." Kitsune placed a hand over the necklace he was wearing around his neck. "Thank you for your time..." He slowly stood back up. "I'll be going now."

"Where do you think you're going?" The man asked casually giving a small grin.

Kitsune looked up seeing several guards had surrounded the bar. All of them had their guns trained on the young boy. He let out a small sigh as his eye twitched.

"I told you..." The man gave a large grin. "You Nobles are rare. I bet you'd sell for a fine price..."

"You know... In times like these I reminded about a saying my idiot rival once said." Kitsune said in a casual tone.

"And what's that-"

"I'm going to feed your souls to Satan assholes!"

"You think I'm scared?"

"You should be..."