The Fox Strikes

Night Nine...

Age 1988

Rose City...

Kitsune breathed heavily clutching his side which was slowly dripping with blood. The ground around him was salt, having been turned to dust by a pretty song. Smoke littered the mini battlefield they were at.

Hero Law was a few feet away from him also breathing heavily. His body was slashed and his right arm had reverted back to normal after he used his Full Iron, the giant metal arm attack of his.

"Y... You're not half bad." Hero gasped.

"Th... That's to be expected." Kitsune smirked. He raised his katana up pointing it at Hero. "I'm Kitsune Nine after all. Heir to the Noble family of Nine. No way I would lose to some loser."

"Loser huh. I guess that isn't far off." Hero stared down at his right palm. "I lost this fight after all. I'm out of energy. My song finished, and my steam ran out. My heat couldn't out last your flames. But still. I wouldn't say I'm a loser. After all. I'm a hero."


Age 1991

"Hero huh..."Kitsune gave the smallest hint of a smile.

"I told you..." The man gave a large grin. "You Nobles are rare. I bet you'd sell for a fine price..."

"You know... In times like these I reminded about a saying my idiot rival once said." Kitsune said in a casual tone.

"And what's that-"

"I'm going to feed your souls to Satan assholes!"

"You think I'm scared?"

"You should be..." Kitsune let out a small sigh. "I should be disappointed but after not getting the information I wanted I'm in a very punching mood. I'm going to take my frustrations out on you guys since that devil arm dumbass isn't here to bash. You should all feel honored. You're about to be beaten down by me. Kitsune Nine. The strongest man in the world. After Master... But he doesn't count. Still not sure if he's actually a human or a-" A stray bullet fired cutting Kitsune's cheek as the glass behind him exploded.

"That was a warning shot. Give up." A random solider yelled as smoke came out of the barrel of his large gun.

Kitsune reached up feeling his cut open cheek. "You'll be the first to be fed to the Devil."

'This kids a real weirdo... He's being so dramatic...' The owner thought as he eyed the Noble. "Oh please." The owner of the building said as a smirk crossed onto his face. "You're surrounded by my elite guards-"

Flames exploded off of Kitsune creating a massive boom that sent all the men around him flying back as he drew his blade sending out a wave of flames. He raised it up above his head spinning it around. It glowed as steam came off of the slick blade, and the metal seemed to become red hot. Fire coated his body as a pair of flaming fox ears, and nine flaming fox tails suddenly formed out of his body. He raised the handle of the blade up sending a beam of flames through the roof and blowing it up as it glowed and a small fox made out of fire formed out of it landing on the boys shoulder. The fox jumped forward creating flaming claws which it pressed up to the owner's neck not burning him, but certainly putting him in a bad position as he began to sweat drop.

"Uhh... We can talk right..." The owner gulped. "Personally. Just between you and me. I've always hated violence. So we can do this in a peaceful way right?"


"Well damn."

Several of the people all screamed and quickly left as soon as the fight began to break out fully.

"I'm not in the mood to deal with idiots right now." Kitsune spat out. "Don't ever try that again. Besides you thought those jokers would be able to harm me? I plan on joining the Enforcers soon so normal soldiers with guns are nothing. People with Equip types like me are required to train our asses off to keep up with Bestia Macht. Something as slow as bullets couldn't do crap."

"Wasn't your cheek split open by a stray bullet though-"

"My fox can literally tear your throat out wanna push that button?"

"Uhh... Harrison! Get him!" The owner announced.

"Sure thing boss man." Harrison began to step over the bar as he cracked his knuckles. "Nothing personal kid." He said giving a large smirk. "Bosses orders."

Kitsune pointed the blade at the man staring him down. "I'll burn you before you can even reach-"

There was a loud crack as Harrison suddenly appeared behind Kitsune. He raised his arm up right as the teen managed to turn around. Kitsune's eyes went wide as the man threw out a punch.

'He's so fast! Even faster then the idiot!' Kitsune realized right as the fist was about to reach him. 'No time to move or avoid it-'

The fist stopped inches away from his face as a loud ringing echoed out of the mans pocket.

"Oh!" Harrison said pulling his phone out. "Lunch break!" He spun around and began to walk away. "Sorry boss you're on your own!"


Harrison continued to walk away. He gave a small half hearted, half-wave as he called out from over his shoulder back towards his boss. "Sorry. I believe in you though. I'm rooting for you boss. You got this. So what if you've never fought a day in your life, and you don't have a combat Cursed Life Technique, and he just blew up several guards in a single attack. You got this. No pressure."

"Harrison you bastard! You can't just leave me!"

"Totally can and I am!"

By now almost everyone was gone. Even most of the workers had fled the building once they realized how dangerous Kitsune was.

"You guys are worse than that Devil Arm Bastard..." Kitsune sighed. He slowly pointed his flaming blade at the man's neck once more. "Now if we are done here-"

"Wait!" The man gave a large smirk as he snapped his fingers. "September! October! Take him down!"

"Like the month? Because it's January? And if you actually mean two people named September, and October those are some stupid ass names-"

Kitsune felt himself get blindsided by an attack as he was thrown painfully into the back wall. His back hit the shelf knocking it over as several glass bottles of alcohol all smashed down into the upper side of his head, all the while his eye twitched.

"Oww." He said flatly. "My head..."

"I'd run if I were you boss." A feminine voice called out.

"This is going to get messy." A second similar feminine voice stated.

Kitsune looked up seeing the bar owner was quickly running away. In front of him stood two young girls. Both in their early twenties.

The first had long black hair and wore a long elegant white dress. In their hands, several long black blades formed.

The second one had long white hair and wore a long elegant black dress. In her hands was a long white whip that she cracked.

They looked nearly identical save for the different hair colors.

"What the hell do you guys even do at this bar?" Kitsune muttered as he slowly stood up and readied his blade once more.

"Dancers." Both sisters said flatly. "Doesn't pay well... Totally gonna steal your wallet after this."

Kitsune sighed as he began to shake the liquid that covered his body off. "Of course you are." He raised his flaming sword up pointing it between the two of them. "Let's get this over with. I normally don't like hitting girls, but boy am I pissed today so I'm gonna make an exception with you three!"

"Oh?" The girl in black said. She cracked her whip as a sly smile crossed onto her face. "You sound like you don't want to fight us?"

"Of course not. I'm a future Enforcer but right now... I am a Samurai!"

"...W... What's a Samurai?"

"It is a title bestowed upon powerful noble warriors!" Kitsune announced, still speaking in a very, very loud voice. He seemed to be happy that he was being able to spout off this speech as he entered full weeb mode as he swung his fan around. "They were warriors of ancient time thousands of years ago, before Humanity had to board the Ark! These warriors upheld truth and justice! Or at least that's what my brother told me... They are almost as cool as the Enforcers, therefor by becoming an Enforcer, and a Samurai I will truly uphold both titles being the coolest!"

"Sounds boring."

Kitsune's eye twitched as he lowered his large fan placing it at hip level. "Well. It's better than being sliced in half!" He yelled slashing out with the sword and sending out a massive wave of flames.

Both girls ducked just in the nick of time as a line appeared at the back of the wall. Seconds later half of the building fell over as it was split in half in a single strike.

"Holy shit!"

"I fought a freak with a demonic arm for nearly two years straight! I improved beyond his bullshit power ups faster than he could keep up!" Kitsune announced proudly raising the sword up as more flames began to seep out of it. "I! Am! The! Best! Ever!"

October, the girl wearing the white dress, jumped back and threw out several black blades. They all exploded with a force great enough to throw Kitsune into the air.

September, the girl in the black dress, cracked her whip causing it to wrap around Kitsune's leg. She turned her body and slammed him into what was left of the wall, then she began to rapidly spin dragging him along it as the used him to tear the rest of the building down. They now stood out in the snow as the entire building was mostly gone. Several people all stood on the streets staring at them in shock and recording the fight.

"As someone who hated working here, that felt really good!" She announced.

Flames covered the whip snapping it in two as Kitsune landed on the ground. He slashed out with his sword sending another line of deadly fire that split the floor in half and sent out a pillar of molten stone.

"He's got a lot of destructive power..." October hissed out blocking the attack for herself, and her sister.

Kitsune charged forward towards the girl slashing his blade of fire down. October met it with her own blades which exploded in a massive blast sending them all flying back.

As they flew September recreated her white whip as she flung it around Kitsune's leg and used the moment in the air to tug on it as hard as she could breaking her fall and twisting her body around so she could launch the whip straight into whatever broken wall was somehow still managing to stand.

Kitsune smashed into it with a loud thud as he fell forward.

"Oww... Damn this isn't good. They hit worse then the dumbass..." He closed his eyes as his flame aura began to bubble up around him. "Even so... I won't lose to them! Max Power. Last Strike!" He announced loudly. He jumped into the air and begin to spin faster and faster as the flames bent around the sword as he got ready to deliver one seriously powerful attack. Large jets of flames poured out working more like liquid than fire as it literally dripped down the sword like molten metal. Kitsune spun in the air dragging the sword down as he gritted his teeth. "King Kong Fox Cannon! Samurai's Last Strike!"

"That's a stupid name for an attack-"

A massive fox made of flames exploded out of the sword instantly exploding like a bomb as a tremendous shock wave fired out and the flames expanded and compressed at a crazy speed.


The entire rubble of the building was over taken in a gigantic orange blast so large it actually managed to shake the city.

Slowly the dust settled showing both girls on the ground unconscious.

"Whoa!" Several civilians muttered as they took in the damage of, at this point, burnt piece of land. It was impossible to even tell a building had been there.

It was also impossible to tell there was a fire as within seconds the extremely heavy snow covered the land and put the flames out.

Kitsune felt his body give out as be collapsed forward on one knee breathing heavily. He slowly spun his blade around and placed it back in the sheath. "Gah... It has been a while since I fought such a worth opponent-"

"Drama queen!" One of the on lookers called out.

"-I had to give it my all and use my final technique-"

"Drama queen!"

"-I shall engrave this fight into my memory and use it to improve myself in the future-"


"Will you shut up and let me do my bit!" Kitsune yelled as flames exploded out of him. Everyone went silent as the teen let out a sigh. His flames went out as he let out a heavy and painfilled sigh. "Ah forget it... I lost the moment." The fox teen sighed as he threw his hands behind his head. "I'm gonna go beat up the devil arm jackass and clear my head-"

A blue letter suddenly fell into view as Kitsune quickly grabbed it out of the sky. He stared at it for a few moments blinking in surprise.

Slowly his mind began to process the single word that was written on the front of the letter.

In big bold letters, the word 'Enforcers' could be seen...