Those Seeking Family

'My goal? It's pretty simple. I want what I don't have. Something I never had. And I'll get it no matter what it takes. I'll have a family.'

During Age 123 great cities were built as a way to fight against the harsh cold of planet Ava's hostile environment. In order to keep the monsters known as Bestia Macht's out, these cities were built with powerful iron walls and artificial light that warmed up the entire city, however due to resources management, not everyone was able to be placed inside of these great cites. It quickly became clear that trying to fit the entire Nation of the Red citizens was impossible. Not only that but they didn't have enough resources to protect each city as well.

During Age 152 the Red Government under the rule of the Red Emperor at the time, came up with a solution. And so the first-ever town was built. Unfortunately, towns were far smaller than a city, lacked the iron walls, and had next to no technology, meaning they were cold. In the coming years, towns began to become more and more crowded as they tried to fight for survival against the Bestia Macht.

Now a town is seen as nothing more than a dumping ground where the poor go. Living in a town is truly awful. Despite that though a town was far superior to the villages that only a handful of citizens built in an attempt to survive in the wasteland...

There was always a bright side...

Age 1981


It was so cold...

That was the thoughts that ran through 'his' mind as he rested in the small hole he had fallen into. If only he had the gift of a name perhaps someone out there would have been calling for him.

Alas he didn't.

No name. Nor sight.

For him it was always so dark.

"This looks as good a place as any. Hey it looks like there are already some down there. Guess they got the same idea as us huh?"

There was a loud crashing sound as something fell into the cold hole he rested in. Even without his sight he knew what it was. Another body. Another frozen corpse... The town his hole rested out of was full of them. More and more attacks from the Bestia Macht left more dead. They needed a place to store the bodies in order to stop the Bestia Macht disease from spreading. Thankfully for the Town there was a convenient hole just outside of it a few miles away.

Not so convenient though was the blind child who had stumbled inside of it and had been unable to get out. He was even to weak to call for help.

He accepted it though. He was going to die down here. A sad fact but a fact none the less.


When dealing with Equations fact becomes fiction and fiction becomes fact...

There was a quiet sound as something fell into the hole falling past the bodies and landing next to the boy. It rolled landing next to the boys hands...

A small glowing marble. Glowing with a light so faint and yet... The child saw it. Somehow his blind eyes which no longer had nerves, saw the light coming off of the orb. He felt its warmth as he reached out towards it and held it in his frozen fingers.

"Light... I want to be named Light... I want... I want to live..."

And the child- No. Light continued to try and climb out of the pit. Now filled with a new warmth and a new light.

Age 1991

The Town of Lillies

A young sixteen-year-old boy could be seen walking down the streets of Lillies at a half pace. The teen had long blue hair and glassy white eyes. They wore a simple black hat as well as a black jacket and black pants. They had on a pair of sunglasses and held a long silver cane in one hand. A large white and gold Cross shaped gun could be seen on their back shining with a flicker of light.

This blind teen was Light No Last Name.

Light walked down the street slowly placing one foot in front of the other. With every step he took he placed his cane out in front of him allowing it to see for him. His sunglasses reflected everything as he walked forward humming a small tune. His lips almost curved into the closet thing of a half smile as he walked down the familiar path.

With every step he took, he avoided trash that he couldn't see. With every swing of the cane, he felt what laid before him. His ears would twitch and his nose would wrinkle as he used them to paint a picture of his surroundings. Mist hung heavily in the air as it seemed to twist and bend around him for some bizarre reason.

For some people being blind would be something to worry about. A world like this already pitch black, you would take even the smallest hint of a light when you saw it, but for... For him, it was his stress reliever. His gift to the world he lived in. A beautiful world he could never see.

Light let out a few more hums as he danced through the streets of the town at a simple pace. He passed by several people as he began to walk into the 'bad' part of town. Then again in this world, every part of a town could be called the 'bad' part of town. This particular town was covered with trash and nearly frozen over. The wooden gate was splintered and cracked from many nights of Bestia Machts wanting in. It would only be a matter of time before it broke down. Thankfully the Red Sisters would be arriving soon. It would be their problem then.

"I really do feel for these people..." Light said loudly to himself, making everyone hear him as he walked. "They are all kept in their own cage. Well not just them. I too am in a cage after all. Everyday forced to stay in the town... Unable to explore the world for fear of those blasted Bestia Macht. The Enforcers really do have it nice don't they... Being able to do what they want in those fancy cities... The ability to explore the world all they want. Meanwhile, we are still here in our cage while it slowly gets smaller... Constantly shrinking... Still. It is better than those Wizard people and their silly Mantra Spells I suppose." Light hummed slightly as he stopped walking standing in the street now as he waited for something. Many people looked at the blind teen oddly. "What do you think Clown?" He asked.

"For God's sake... Here comes that Blind teen again..." Someone muttered...

"Why the hell does he always speak to himself? And why does he always try to sound thoughtful and deep? Who the hell is he trying to impress?" Another man asked.

"Yeah? Who the hell is Clown?"

If Light could hear them he ignored them as he continued to ramble to himself as he walked over to a near, by alleyway. "Yes, I understand why the people are this way. Anyone would go mad if they were forced to stay in an area for the rest of their lives. That's why I am never mad at them when they pick a fight with me. Fighting is a great way to relieve stress. And as humans, it is only natural to attack someone who is weaker than you. That's why I am never mad when I get attacked. After all. Fighting is a great way to release stress-"

"You said that already! If you're gonna sound deep then at least don't spit out the same damn phrases..."

"That being said..." Light turned to the alleyway as seven thugs walked out. They glanced at him eyeing the blind teen up and down considering it for a moment.

"Hey, buddy..." A rude voice called out as several men began to surround the blind teen in front of them. "Someone get a little lost?" They asked as they began to crack their knuckles. "Need some help?"

"No I'm good. What about you Clown?"

Several of the teens all let out a few laughs as they realized how easy it would be to capture this prey.

"That's rude Clown. I won't say that about his mother. I'm sure she's a lovely lady- No need to get that tone with me!"

"Who is he talking to?"

"Who cares. He's an insane blind kid. Who's gonna miss him is the better question."

Light's ears twitched as he listened. He could hear eight people in total. A slight smile crossed its way onto his face. "...That being said..." He repeated still talking to himself. "Just because I am not mad at them for doing it I still won't sit by and allow myself to lose to them. After all, I too am very stressed out. And. Fighting is a great way to relieve stress-"

"That's the third time you said that!"

"Who the hell are you talking to?" The goons questioned.

"Hmm... Eight of you..."

"Umm... There's seven of us?"

"One of you are female..."

"Nope... All seven of us are guys?"

"And none of you have any weapons."

"Well, actually I have a knife-"

Light brought his cane up slamming it into one of the men's skulls as he heard them mention the weapon. "Self defense."

He twisted his body bringing his cane up dragging it across their face, then in a flash he brought it down slamming it across the top of their head. The sound of metal on bone echoed as the man fell back almost instantly. He hit the floor with a loud 'thud' as the other thugs all stared in shock.

"You bastard!" Light stepped to the side dodging a punch that was thrown at him as he spun around the fist. He brought his cane up around the man's arm as he pulled it towards him then brought the arm down over his leg. a 'crack' could be heard as the man began to scream. Cloud didn't stop as he snapped the entire arm around his cane more than breaking it and causing the bone to jut out.

"I've spent years living with my condition. My whole life in fact. I've been attacked constantly because of the fact that I am an easy target. After several years of being attacked, in the same manner, you begin to figure out counters to the simple strikes... Even a blind talentless fool such as myself can figure that out." Light slammed his cane to the left smashing one of the men's heads into a brick wall. This motion also threw the one who's arm he broke causing that guy to slam straight into the side of a window breaking past it and collapsing. "That's three down by the way..." He stated. He wrapped his hand around the hair of the teen he slammed into the brick wall as he brought his head up then slammed it down into the brick wall again, and again, and again. "Keep this up and I might have to go for my gun."

One of the men punched at the teen, but Light dropped the body as he spun dodging the punch. He slid back as he smirked. The mist danced in the air around the teens as Light lifted his arm up. Several strings which were around his arm could be seen wrapped around the legs of one of the teens.

"Please don't-"

Light raised his right arm up using the strings to pick the man up and slam him back down into the ground as hard as he could.

"I... Said... Please..."

"And I don't care."

Light danced around the men with a grace that even a long time ballerina would be jealous of. Every movement he made was perfect as he was completely in tune with his body. He dodged the blows as he swung his cane out. Anyone who got to close to him would find it slamming into their skull at a speed that would kill a normal human.

Light knocked another man out as he moved backwards holding his cane similar to how a man would hold his rapier. "Unguard!" Light joked as he swung his cane out so hard that it actually ripped a metallic pole in half. The pole fell down crashing down into the ice bellow as the thugs all stood horrified. "Well? Come on? I don't bite... Actually, that's an idea... Never used my teeth before? Hey, guys change of plans I bite now."

Light's cane came out slamming it into a forth man's face. He continued to smirk as he used the man to slam him into a fifth guy taking five out. He reached out grabbing the ankle of one of the down men as he dragged him up and actually lifted the guy's body up one-handed. He twisted his body chucking the man into the air. The guy crashed down head first with a loud thud.

"This really is the best way to relieve stress," Light said nodding slightly. "My body gets to stay in shape, I memorize new techniques, and I get to show off. I honestly can not come up with a better way than beating up low life thugs of society..."

"Damn it! Take this fight seriously!" One of the few remaining men stated as they charged at the blind teen in rage.

Light shrugged. "If you insist." Light threw the cane into the air as it spun up. He grabbed the gun pulling it out of his back and raising it up. He pulled the trigger as the barrel glowed a bright white and a beam of golden light fired out slamming into the man who complained sending him slamming through several walls. He then slowly turned the gun on the last guy who looked terrified.

"I give!" The seventh said holding his hand up. "Just let me go! I don't want to fight anymore. I promise I won't hurt anyone ever again."

"I, know you won't," Light announced. He placed the gun back in the holster on his back and reached out catching the cane that landed in his hands. He jumped forward slamming his cane down onto the last man's skull. "Seen this trick before. Last time I fell for it I received a bullet in the gut. Hurt like hell." His foot came up kicking the man's head back and sending him tumbling across the battlefield and straight into a brick house. "And if you did actually mean what you said... Well, then you're just a coward who let his friends get beat up and tried to run away so I still don't have any sympathy for you..." He finally turned trying to find the eighth person. He tried to listen but didn't really hear anything. "And that's seven... I know I heard eight originally?"

Light's ears and nose twitched as he stayed silent. For a brief second, he heard the flapping of wings? He felt a hand suddenly cup around his hand confusing him. He couldn't sense any hostility coming from it though.

The hand pried his open and placed what felt like an envelope inside of it. Cloud was even more confused but before he could say anything the person pulled away and once again he heard the sound of wings.

"Your senses really are amazing..." A feminine voice said. "You were able to figure out I was watching you." The sound of flapping wings echoed out and Cloud felt the wind hit him.

'She must have been the eighth person I heard...' The blind teen thought as he crossed his arms.

"I look forward to seeing your potential grow Light..." The woman said. Light felt wind hit his body at a fast rate as the flapping got louder. Then slowly the wind got slower as the flapping began to grow silent. The next moment he knew he was once again alone standing in the now-empty street. The bodies of seven thugs around him.

Light stayed silent for a few moments before he suddenly realized he was now alone with what was most certainly a few corpses near him... "That was... Strange?" He said as he held the letter up. "Why did she give me this-" He placed a hand over it letting out a surprised breath of air. "Oh wow. It's in brail. I think we have a new game to play Clown."

Light smiled slightly as he opened the letter and began to read.