The Bestia Macht

Age 1990

"Alright!" Irene nodding her head. She folded her arms as she closed her eyes and began to come up with countless strategies... "North! Snow! Eira! You guys are with me." She announced taking her twin brother and her two younger sisters. "We're gonna go off and fight them. Flake, Lucia, Holly, and Juniper! You guys guard the village. Place up ice walls. Don't let any of them inside. There are a few bows and arrows lying around. Give them to any of the villagers who think they can help. Bows likely won't do anything but it will at least help slow a few down."

"Right!" Everyone announced agreeing to the plan. They all ran to their spots as Irene threw her arm out. Suddenly in a flash of ice, a stairway of ice was created allowing them to scale over the gate.

They all got ready for what might be their last battle. This was not going to be easy...

Irene and the siblings that would be going with her prepared themselves mentally as they all took deep breaths. Finally, they all scaled the ice stairwell reaching the top and finally seeing the horde for the first time...

"Holy crap!" Irene said in surprise when she saw so many of the Bestia Macht. "Flake wasn't kidding..." As far as the eye could see they stood. A literal army of monsters.

The Bestia Macht. Natures monsters. These particular ones fell into the Baron category. The Baron's were the weakest of the Bestia Machts but, even a single Baron was strong enough to rip apart a human in mere seconds. And if that didn't do it their disease would...

A sickness that binds into a persons souls forcing them to break apart into tiny shards of ice. Caster Types were mostly immune to it, though enough of the infection would still get them.

Each of the Bestia Machts were of a different species. Some of them were, wolves sporting large legs covered in spikes and three heads. Others were of the bear species meaning they were covered in poisoned quills with razor-sharp claws and beaks designed to rip apart a man. These ones all looked like giant white lions with blazing red eyes and a large tail covered in scales that slashed back and forth.

Legend had it that at one time these creatures weren't a threat to humanity. Legend has it that humanity was a threat to them and that was why the evolved to kill. Of course, legend also states that there is a world above the black mist.

Irene dropped down into the horde crashing down and kicking up snow and ice as she entered the battle followed closely by her three siblings. She held her hand out as a large wave of freezing cold fired out coating any of the Bestia Macht in her way in a thick layer of ice. Her and her siblings all had ice-based Cursed Life Techniques meaning a battlefield of ice was their advantage... Together they were the frozen protectors of their home. Together the eight of them would make sure this village wasn't destroyed.

North held his hand up as a weapon made out of ice began to form in his hands. The ice shaped into a large great sword that North eagerly began to swing around. North smirked as he fired forward slicing anything that got in his way. He brought his sword up slicing off the head of a dozen Bestia Macht, then in a flash, he trustee his body slicing another Bestia Macht straight in half.

Irene watched her twin work with a sting of jealousy. North had always been insanely skilled and a master of strategy. Even if he could only count up to what he believed to be forty. North really was amazing. He might even have the potential to become an Enforcer one day. He was also the only sibling who had access to ice weapons. He was the only one who had complete control over his Equations Cursed Life Powers. He truly was an amazing brother, and warrior. His only flaw was that he didn't realize his own potential, or didn't care about it.

Irene dodged a quick strike from a beast as she rolled away. Standing up, she quickly held her hand out as a wave of ice fired out freezing the monster in place. "Breakaway..." Irene spoke as she placed her hand on one of the frozen beasts. Cracks began to cover the frozen beast's body as it began to vibrate and break apart. A loud crack could be heard as it broke away into shards of ice much like the beast did to others.

Over with Snow, the young girl landed on the floor rolling slightly as she avoided several Bestia Machts that tried to bite at her. She jumped to her feet as fast as she could as many of the monsters charged her. She raised her hand up as several snowflakes began to fire out. The snowflakes sparkled in the wind as they danced around getting higher and higher. Then they all began to fall slowly... One of the monsters stopped as they stared at the snowflake as it dropped down slicing the beast in half. The snowflakes tore through the Bestia Macht easily killing many of them and coating the snow and, the girl named Snow in a layer of blood. The snowflakes danced around the battlefield ripping apart anything they touched as they began to spin rapidly, and simply tore their way through whatever poor soul was in front of them.

More blood was thrown around as the snow, and Snow became crimson...

"Eww!" The girl said shaking her body and throwing the blood off of her. "Gross... Why did I think that was a good idea... Gross! Gross! Gross!" She shivered.

Meanwhile over with Eira, the thirteen-year-old girl floated off of the ground as she was lifted up by a pair of ice wings. She raised both her arms up as ice formed on the ground taking the shape of animals. The animals all let out several clanking sounds as they jumped forward ripping into the horde now turning to battle into beast versus beast.

Eira didn't say anything as she watched the battle. Her face remaining blank as she simply floated there ominously...

Behind the group the wooden wall of the village began to be coated in a large layer of ice as the other siblings did their job of protecting the village and sending out arrows that rained down stunning the beasts but not killing them.

Irene fired out several attacks as she destroyed the horde in front of her. All of them fought doing their best to not let a single one past them. North sliced through the horde as he created more weapons firing out blades of ice and hammers of ice. He created a large ice hammer as he began to crush the heads of the monsters. Snow rained down ice flakes that sliced into the Bestia Macht and Eira created a mini-army of her own that tore the throats out of the monsters.

However. Even with the amount of effort they put forth it still wasn't enough. Slowly they began to fail. Slowly they began to be pushed back by the horde. Irene let out a hiss of pain as a clawed hand-sliced into her side painfully cutting her.

They may be strong but the Bestia Macht are simply far stronger. The Bestia Macht stood tall. Many had clawed hands. Some had tails whilst others had large horns. Some even had powerful wings that they flapped sending out waves of wind that forced everyone but North back. More and more of the creatures began to show up each one based off of a different creature from the ancient times. Times before the grey sky...

North clashed with the biggest Bestia Macht he could see attempting to take them down. Irene felt several claws slice into her as she cried out. Snow ran over to her sister's side but she too was soon overtaken by the horde. Claws dug into the poor girl as her side was ripped apart. Snow hit the ground hard gasping in pain.

Irene raised her arms up creating a small wall of ice as her sibling began to slide back crashing into her. She held Snow up trying to ease the girl into a sitting position as the girl cried out in pain. Eira landed next to them putting up a solid defense as North came crashing next to them having been thrown their way.

"Sissy! Are you guys alright!" North asked worried when he saw Snow's wound.

"Snow is going into shock," Eira said quietly speaking in a simple and calm voice that she always talked in. "She is bleeding badly. I suggest we stop it quickly. Any more damage and the infection could take her."

"What do we do sissy?" North questioned. Irene stayed silent as she stared at Snow's wound. Snow was breathing heavily and clutching her side which was badly bleeding. "Sissy?"

"I! I'm thinking!" Irene said shaking her head. "We- I- You- I don't know... I can't-"

"Irene you should calm down," Eira stated. "You can not think of a good plan if you to are having a panic attack."

"I... I'm calm! Just give me a second." Irene said in a very uncalm manner as she threw her arms up. "Just give me a few minutes to think of a plan!'

"We, don't have a few minutes..." Eria stated.

"I'll make the plan." Everyone went silent as they turned to North. "Irene. You need to stay and protect Snow. Apply pressure on her wound so that she doesn't bleed out. Place up a solid ice wall around the area in order to guard yourselves. Eira you'll back me up with your ice-based animals. Have them spread out and box the Bestia Macht in while you also attack from above. I'll be in the center doing damage in an attempt to dwindle them down. We should use our ice to also slow them down changing the battlefield to something only we can use. Irene. You should try to freeze Snow's wound right now so we can stop the bleeding."

Everyone remained silent as they all stared at North in shock.

"That is actually a good plan..." Eira stated calmly.

"Than let's do this as fast as possible," North stated. "Irene... While me and Eira have the Bestia Macht distracted move back towards the wall smelly using your walls as cover. Get Snow inside and make sure she is okay. Afterwards get Flake and Jupiter to blast the flying Bestia Macht out of the air so only we have the advantage. Then we rain down hail on them as we wideout our attacks."

"Right..." Irene said still shocked about the fact that North was an amazing strategist. She knew he was good at fighting but this was the first time he actually came up with his own plan. "I'll do that..." She trailed off.

With that North jumped out of cover and the plan fully began.

One hour later...

A beat-up North dragged himself over to the gates of the village. Bodies of Bestia Macht set in the snow for miles. The once white and pure snow was stained a dark crimson as North let out a heavy sigh as he raised his arm up. "Crisis avoided!" He announced loudly. "Not a single life was lost today!"

Cheering broke out as the boy collapsed to his knees laughing loudly.

Irene stared out at her twin brother with slight envy before finally smiling. "North really is amazing... Strong, Slightly Smart, and Good Looking. Is there anything he can't do..."

Irene froze up slightly as she heard the sound of flapping wings. She looked up just in time to see a light blue envelope fall from the sky. The letter fell in front of North as the boy reached out catching it.

Irene's eyes widened when she saw the envelope or more specifically when she saw the word written on the envelope.
