The Blackcoats Son

Age 1991

The Enforcers...

An Organization of trained soldiers who battle the threats to the world. The Bestia Macht... In order to join the Enforcers main program, the ones who battle the Bestia Macht, they must posses an Equation Of Life, the way they access their Cursed Life powers, and receive a letter. Typically people who receive letters are those who trained under Masters.

The rank of Master is a special branch to the Enforcers. There are a total of twelve squads and each squad is stationed within a certain city they watch. However there are more than twelve cities. As such the Enforcers rely on two powers. The Red Sisters of the Red Church and the rank of Masters.

Masters are powerful Ex-Enforcers, who no longer are associated with the Organization. The Masters are allowed to carry around Equations and give them to people to bond with. It is also a Masters job to train someone in order to join the Enforcers. Even still though less than 5% of the population has access to Equations and are massively outnumbered by Bestia Macht.

Hero Law himself was trained by Master Red, a strange man who speaks in an even stranger way that few can understand. He only accepts students who he deems being unique. Currently Master Storm is the one who runs the Enforcers and is the longest living Master.

The Enforcers are a small organization tasked with protecting a Nation with a population of nearly ten billion.

It's their job to be the best...

Poppy City...

"Here you go Hero!" Leena said handing the boy a large bag. "I packed your bag for you."

"Oh thanks..." Hero made a bit of a face and let out a laugh taking the bag. It was huge and weighed a ton. It almost hurt just putting it on. "You didn't have to do that. After all you guys already took me to the next town over!"

He was currently in the back of a robot drawn carriage. I wasn't very big and the robotic creature that carried it wasn't that good but it was the thought that count.

Leena's father let out a bit of a snort as he scratched at his chin. He was up at the front driving the metal monster. "Where are ya heading to anyways?" He grunted.

"Oleander City." Hero explained. "The headquarters of the Enforcers. Those who train with a Master for at least four years are required to go there and take the entrance exam when they receive a letter and I just got mine from that man."

"I guess we won't see each other for a while huh?" Leena said giving a sad smile. When Hero looked at her he didn't see her. Instead he saw a girl with long silver hair, and silver eyes.

He shook his head getting the memory to go away. "I promise Leena. We'll meet again. You can just call my superhero name Keeps A Promise Man!"

"Dumb name..." The father grunted.

"I'm still working on it..." Hero sighed. He let out a small laugh scratching the back of his head in a sheepish manner. "But until then... This is goodbye."

"I'll miss you Hero."


"Whoa!" Hero said looking around with wide eyes. "This city is so big and cool!" He laughed. "Nice!"

Poppy City was large and had a massive metal wall around it to keep the Bestia Macht out.

Hero already knew the location he needed to head towards though.

The train station.

"Let's see here..." Hero read a small blue letter he had. It detailed the lists of all the trains that would be going to Oleander and what time each would leave. "So I have about an hour before the train in Poppy leaves. If I miss this train I'll have no choice but to hurry to Dandelion City... It's been three weeks since I last talked to that lightning guy... Leena was kind enough to pack my bags, take me here, and even let me sleep in her house for three weeks. I owe it to them to become a super cool Enforcer! I'll be cool Hero! Just call me Super Cool Enforcer Man!"

"Bestia Macht!" A voice cried out making Hero nearly stumble. "It's a Bestia Macht! We're all gonna die!"

Hero ran towards the voice seeing it was coming out of a dark alleyway.

"Everyone stand back I'll deal with the-" Hero yelled as he turned the corner only to stop when he saw several people all staring back at him blankly. "Wh... Where is it?"

"There aren't any." A tall man said letting out a sigh. "See what you did Leo..." The man reached out grabbing a small boys ear. The boy must have been the one who yelled earlier. "You went and made this stranger worry."

"Ehh... It was just a lie!" Hero asked.

"It wasn't!" The boy cried out. He was short seeming to be eight or nine years old only. He pouted folding his arms up. "There really was a Bestia Macht! I'm telling the truth! I saw it! I swear I did! I went invisible!"

"Invisible?" Hero muttered.

"Sorry about that Mister." A woman said letting out a small sigh. "Leo has an overacting imagination... I blame his father and mother for it... He's always playing pranks on us adults to try and scare us."

"I'm not playing around idiots! It was real! It vanished!"

"That's enough Leo! Your prank has already worried an innocent outsider! Knock it off."

"It's true though! My dad told me about them. They evolve weirdly! Don't treat me like a kid."

Hero stood there with a blank look on his face watching everyone argue amongst each other. His eyes slowly darted around as he slowly backed up. He silently began to blend into the shadows simply waiting.

"Stop lying Leo. Even if you scream next time none of us are gonna come running ya hear!" All the adults quickly left as Leo stuck his tongue out at them.

"Fine! I'll deal with it myself then!"

Silence quietly passed over the alleyway as Leo realized he was alone. Then he heard it. A small clicking sound. He breathed out as the entire alleyway slowly became colder and he could see his breath now. Ice began to slowly expand out as a small white creature suddenly came into view. It looked almost like a lizard but the size of a person and it had white scales and bright red eyes that stared into the Childs fearful gaze. More ice slowly moved off of it as it let out a hiss and jumped to the boy.

"Return to the frozen abyss you crawled out of." A line suddenly appeared around the Bestia Macht's neck as its head exploded and Hero Law stood behind it holding his right arm out which had transformed into his anti bestia macht weapon that weird demon angel arm once more. "You can't fool my sense." Hero stated bluntly as the creatures body began to slowly break apart into melted salt. "The Master taught me better than that." Leo stared at Hero in shock as his right arm reverted back to normal and he reached out placing it on the boys head. "Your name is Leo right? Mind if we talk for a bit? You seem to know a lot about Bestia Macht."

"So cool!" Leo announced tackling Hero to the ground faster than the teen could react. "That's a Cured Life Technique right! Can I see it again! Eh?"

Leo's smile faded when he saw Hero's eyes had rolled into the back of his head and a puddle of blood was forming from where his head hit the floor.

"Uh oh..."


A Few minuets earlier...

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..." Hero sighed pressing an ice pack to the back of his head. Currently him and Leo were walking down the street heading in a random direction as they talked. He slowly nibbled down on a random block of iron as they walked.

"So what's with the whole eating metal?"

Hero gulped the block of iron down as it melted down his throat. "My Equation resides within my right hand and affects my entire right arm, as well as my teeth, throat and stomach. It takes on the form of a drill pulling the metal from my body to form armor and it melts the metal down to molten magma to use as fuel. My power developed my body to be able to devour metal and store it in my body so I can use it later. Also it tastes good. My dad taught me how to eat it at a young age. I worked in a freak show with him for a while. I was the boy who ate metal. We traveled all over the Nation for a while it was cool."

"Cool. My dad is a part of the science division for the Enforcers." Leo announced proudly. "They're a super cool group of people. Unlike you fighter guys they don't have any powers but they research the Bestia Macht and develop cool gadgets in order to fight them and help the Enforcers out." Leo had a happy smile on his face as he walked with Hero. "My mom and dad are never around so I did some self studying because I was bored. I wanna eventually join the science division like my father so I can make a weapon that any normal person can use able to take down even the strongest Beast! I wish that damn group would just let me join already! I'm smarter than most adults! Anyways."

Leo suddenly gave Hero a weird look as he stared at the boy. "What?"

"I thought Enforcers were suppose to look cool." Hero felt a tremendous force hit his heart as he nearly fell over. "I mean I always imagined these super cool powerful guys... But you're kind of... Uhh..."

"I get it..."

"Anyways! So when did you get your power! How many Bestia Macht have you slayed! When did you join the Enforcers!"

"Uhh... I got my Equation placed in my right arm the day I was born I think? Same as my brother Vil. I killed like... Ten Barons so far I guess? And I'm not an Enforcer. I'm actually going to go take the recruitment test and try to get in." Hero shook his head slightly remembering what he was saying. "Oh yeah. Leo. I wanted to tell you something. It was good that you shouted about the Bestia Macht when you did but next time you shouldn't stay if you think there is one. If I hadn't been there you would have been in a lot of trouble."

"Ha. You sound just like my mom." Leo laughed.

"Is she also a part of the science division?" Hero asked.

"Nah... She's a blackcoat for Squad Six... It's the same Squad my dad works for."

"A blackcoat?"

"You don't know what they are?"

"No. I've never heard of them?"

"They're the normal people who aren't smart, that join the Enforcers. Blackcoats are full of people who don't have any powers but work for the Enforcers. They're job is to help with scouting. Because they don't any powers a Bestia Macht has a harder time of sensing them so they're sent out in the wilds to help scout out new places to build cities and find vast treasure and nests and stuff. They also look for Equations to help grow the Enforcers. It's a dangerous job which is why I always find it funny my mom gets mad at me for doing stupid stuff. She's even dumber than me. I mean the blackcoats almost never make it back from missions and she gets ad at me."

Hero frowned slightly remembering his own clown of a father for a moment. "You shouldn't call your mom dumb. You shouldn't call either of your parents dumb. I mean. You look up to them both don't you. They're both working dangerous jobs to save the world and you're mad you can't help right now right? I get it. Deep down you have a lot of respect for them both don't you. I bet that's why you want to join the science division. So you can make something that'll help your mom out right. But you shouldn't run towards danger. Wait until you're-"


Hero's hand came up at a fast speed as he caught a small pink ball Leo threw at him. He stared at it for a few seconds before the ball exploded letting out a powerful gas that caused tears to run out of Hero's eyes.

"It smells..."

"Pretty cool right! I call it a stink bomb. Bestia Macht are like animals so I figured messing with their smells could mess with them." Leo laughed. "My own secret weapon! You think I'm some kind of coward who is going to run away from something! Don't treat me like a kid."

"Why you little!"

Leo let out a laugh and quickly ran down the street as Hero chased after him.

"When I get my hands on you!"

Leo stuck his tongue out at Hero as he ran faster. "You'll never catch me haha-"

"We'll see about-" Hero's sinister look faded and he stopped when he saw Leo came to a halt staring ahead of him. Hero looked forward seeing a large manner which must have been Leo's house. In front of it a man with a black business suit stood. In his hands he held a large red envelope.

"Are you Leo Mon?" He asked.

"Y... Yes..."

"I'm with the blackcoats." The man explained placing a gentle hand on Leo's shoulder. He bent down as he slowly handed the letter to the boy. "I'm sorry but on our last mission... Mrs. Mon... She didn't make it."