The Train Station

Night Fifteen

Ever since mankind could remember they have struggled to fight against the creatures known as the Bestia Macht. Foul monsters that roam the land. Their cursed souls seep out coating the world in ice and surrounding it in a chilling touch of death in order to force mankind into the pits of despair. They are somehow able to freeze the very world around them with their frozen damned souls. No one knows where they came from or what they really are.

These monsters have single-handedly pushed mankind to the brink of extinction a total of seven times in the last few thousand years. They would have surely died if not for the Cursed Life Technique, the Gift God gave them...

Supernatural powers that defy the laws of reality, time, space, and even life. These abilities are harnessed through the Equation of Life, a mathematical formula that is found in small white orbs made up of a warm energy that mankind has found out how to weaponize after the one they have called God made them. They are the rules of this universe allowing them the chance that they need to fight back.

Those who have access to Cursed Life Technique have access to the Equation of Life, and can thus by pass the rules. Fact becomes fiction, legends become reality. It is unknown where these abilities come from, or where they originated from, all that is known is that the one called God was behind it, and mankind can only have One Cursed Life Technique. Or at least that's supposed to be the main rule that the rule breakers must follow.

However fact and fiction become twisted when Equations are evolved.

Age 1991

Hero stirred slightly as consciousness slowly came back to him. His eyes slowly opened seeing Leena, and Jackson standing above him. 'That sword...' Hero thought as his eyes slowly drifted over to the sword in the wall. 'The second I touched Wolfs-Bane it sent power through my entire body and balanced out the negative energy in my left arm. I wonder if Master left it behind on purpose... Was he always planning on me getting the blade... God I'm exhausted...' Hero's eyes slowly drifted up to Leena as he felt them grow heavier. "You know... When you're smiling. You give off so much Hope."

"Hey kid." Jackson called out making Leena and Hero turn to look at him. "You're not half bad. I might say you're even pretty good." He reached into his jacket grabbing onto something and tossing it over to Hero who caught it with his right hand. "How would you like to become an Enforcer?"

"W... What!" Hero said with wide eyes.

Jackson didn't answer the teen as he turned his back on them and began to walk away. "It was a happy chance that something was going on when I showed up. Truth is I was coming to find you. We got a lot of letters this year requesting to join so when we got yours we didn't think to much about it since no one's heard of a family called Law. But then a man in robes came crashing it. Started speaking in a weird language none of us could understand. When we finally got him to write what he was saying he asked us to accept some idiot kid of his into our Organization." Hero's eyes went wide as Jackson began to slowly pull the door to the church open stepping outside. "I look forward to seeing you at tryouts, Hero Law."


Three Weeks Later...

Dandelion City...

Train Station...

4:35 A.M...

Hero walked down the stone platform of the train station getting several odd looks from the crowd around him.

"Alright!" He announced loudly. On his back, he carried a massive backpack full of everything he would need. It also had everything he wouldn't need, and looked like it weighed a few hundred pounds. The phase 'pack light' was not one Hero understood... In his hands, he clutched a simple blue envelope. He looked down at it with a small look of wonder and excitement. "After that lightning asshole came in and sliced the head off of that crazy monster, and scared the other two assholes off he gave me this letter! I can't believe I'm finally gonna be an Enforcer! Are you watching Okami! I'm gonna be a better Enforcer than you ever were! I'm gonna be a badass superhero!" He shouted as loud as he could making everyone at the station jump and give him dirty looks since it was early in the morning.

"Mommy..." A little girl asked. "Why is that strange man talking to himself."

"I know that boy..." Someone from the crowd muttered. "Last time he was here, him and that Noble kid accidentally blew up a city block when they couldn't agree who should get the last scoop of ice cream! He's one of those monsters with Cursed Life Technique!" Not everyone liked the strange people with weird powers...

"Oh God! Not the boy who travels with the man in the robes! They're the worst!"

Quiet murmuring could be heard as Hero rolled his eyes.

"Ahh to hell with all of you." Hero said throwing his hands behind his head. He walked forward dragging his massive backpack behind as it literally ripped up the ground as it was dragged behind him. Just how heavy was it... "I'm gonna go become an Enforcer! Man, I hope they're cool... Please don't let it be something like some crazy nudist sex cult or something stupid... Still... I'm glad Leena packed my bags for me and wished me luck... Though I think she went over board haha... And after I met Leo he went through all the trouble to add some of his own stuff to the bag as thanks for saving his town."

It's been only a few hours since the incident happened. He had missed the train there and was forced to move to the next city.

Hero went silent as he thought back to his conversation with that nice innocent girl, Leena.

'Next time we meet Hero. I promise you. I'll have my own reason to live when we next meet up. So in the meantime you better become a super cool Enforcer! One that I can say used to work for me, and brag about it! When I tell people that Hero Law saved me I want them to say it's no big deal, he saves everyone. So you better be a great hero!'

He also thought about what Leo said. "Then... Let's both do our best. One day. I know we're gonna work alongside each other."

Hero clenched his fist and nodded his head.

"Just you watch Leena, Leo, Master, Okami, Mom, and even that asshole Kitsune." Hero punched his open palm as his smirk grew wider. "I'm gonna become the best hero you've seen! Even better than that dumbass fox! Just call me Super Cool Man!"

"Mommy the man is yelling to himself again!"

"Just ignore him and he'll go away."

Hero let out another sigh as he rolled his eyes. "One day someone will understand my style."

"No they won't..."



"It is so freaking early..." Ken muttered walking down the stone platform. She let out a small yawn and stretched. "Great One, why did I decide to come down here this early..." She muttered. "Why do I even care I got a letter? I didn't sign up for the group, they just scouted me because of how good I was but why do I care? Why am I leaving the Red Sisters to join this silly group..."

Her departure from the Church had been hard. For most of her life, she had grown up working as a Sister Of Red. They were already like the Enforcers just not backed up by the full Red Kingdom. They were warriors. In the old days they used to work as assassins. Now though they were like a mini Enforcers group. Hunting the Bestia Macht and protecting the Kingdom. They were not as well funded as the Enforcers, and not as large but they tried their best...

She was still unsure why she was leaving to go join it...

Well actually she knew why...

She wanted to fight someone strong.

The Church had understood though.

Mother Friday had wished her off, on her Adventure and assured her she didn't need to worry about her constant sinning.

Normally she wouldn't have bothered to go but at that moment when she had received the letter, Ken felt like it would be the best chance she could get to erase her sinning nature. If only she could control those wandering eyes of hers.

"Why did I go to this city to board the train." She yawned again. "I could have gone to one that had a later schedule and slept in at least a little-"

Ken felt her foot connect with something as she fell forward. The tiny fourteen-year-old girl panicked and waved her arms wildly in any attempt to stop her fall but at the last minute before she hit the ground she felt a hand grab her shoulder and pull her back up as she was forced into the arms of someone.

"You really should be more careful little girl." A smug and arrogant voice stated. It really ticked Ken off for some reason. "You don't want to hurt." Ken felt her hand be grabbed as a person was suddenly kneeling before her and kissing her hand. "My you're a very pretty girl."

Ken felt her eye twitch as she looked down at the one who had committed sin. It was a young sixteen-year-old boy with reddish brown hair and bright green eyes.

Kitsune Nine, looked up at the hand of the girl he was kissing. She was extremely pretty and besides the really pissed off and angry look on her face, and the murderous look she was giving him, she was at least an 8 out of 10.

"You're such a fair lady-"

Ken punched the figure over the head knocking him to the ground. "Knock it off, you weirdo pervert!" She yelled. Her cheeks were lit up slightly as she stared down at the weird man. "What kind of pervert just grabs a girl's hand and starts kissing it! Pervert!"

"I'm no pervert... I am something more. I am a super pervert- Err... I mean. I am a Noble and Holy Samurai!" Kitsune announced jumping up to his feet and pointing to the sky. Kitsune gave the girl a small bow as his smile grew. "Kitsune Nine. Heir to the Noble family of Nine one of the twenty sacred branches. A title bestowed upon us by God himself. I also have an Cursed Life Technique, and I got an invitation to join The Enforcers, only the greatest elite group in the world. I'm pretty cool and you can fawn over me if you want. I'd understand."

Ken's eye twitching got worse as she suddenly became full of regret. "So... So you also got a letter." She muttered. "I hate every thing about today... Are Samurai's at least strong? Want to fight? I'm bored?"

Kitsune looked up seeing the blue envelope in the girl's hands. Stars filled his eyes as he grabbed her shoulders. "Do you know what this means!" He asked.

"That I made a horrible mistake and should have never left the church?"

"We were destined to meet!" Kitsune announced.

Ken rolled her eyes. "Sorry, buddy. I'm not exactly... Wait are you actually trying to pull a destined lovers trope on me?" She said annoyed hitting him again. "You think a cheep trope like that would work on me!"

"Owe!" Kitsune let out a sigh before holding his hand out. "Let's start again. I'm Kitsune Nine." He gave a quick spin and once again held his hand out to the man.

"You are very flamboyant aren't you..." Ken stared at the hand for a moment before she let out a sigh and took the hand. "Ken Red." She said slowly. "You wanna fight? I like fighting?"

"Red?" Kitsune muttered. "I thought only Sisters of the-"

"I'm gonna become the best hero you've seen! Even better than that dumbass fox! Just call me Super Cool Man!" A loud obnoxious voice screamed out at the other end of the train station making Ken shudder and Kitsune gasp.

"How many idiots are there..." Ken moaned. "Why, why, why! Why Great One above! What did I do for you to curse me so much! Ahh! I don't deserve this at all! I'm sorry for being a sinner I promise I'll be a good girl if you stop sending stupid people after me! First Row, than Kitsune, and now some other guy! I just wanted to have some fun and fight cool things and stop sinning!"

Kitsune's eyes went wide as he turned away. "Arch rival!" He announced running off. "I must slay him!"

Ken let out one more sigh. "It is way too early for this..."