The Rivals! (And Ken)

Night Sixteen...

Age 1988

Rose City...

The Noble School...

"W... Who the hell is that boy!" A rich looking teen asked. In his hands he held a large sword which was snapped in two and he had a bloody face and looked on the verge of passing out. All around him several students could be seen either beaten down so bad they couldn't move or passed out.

"H... He's a monster... He just showed up and started beating us all up! This guy is insane..."

In front of all the students a lone figure could be seen. Hero Law...

"D... Damn you commoner scum!" A Noble yelled jumping after Hero. "You bastards don't deserve to be bonded to Equations!" He yelled slashing out with a long silver whip.

Hero blocked the strike and punched out as hard as he could sending out an energy wave fist, that burst out into a mini shock wave shattering the whip and sending the man flying back. As the whip broke a small silver ball landed on the ground falling onto the floor as it rolled forward and Hero stepped on it stopping it.

The Equations Of Life... In their basic form they take on a small orb. These tiny objects have three forms. Caster, Transformation, and Equip. On its own the Equation can not do much until it is planted in an object which will depend on the equations type. The Type of an Equation is decided ahead of time. For example Equip types are always Equip types and can not be infused in a persons body. transformation types also can not be implanted in things that aren't humans.

Humans use them to fight off the Bestia Macht. It is said God made them from his blood. There are likely millions of these scattered all over the planet. However every person only has one Equation. The Equations are unable to be broken other than a Bestia Macht however should the host they're placed in or the object their in break the item will fall out. The same is true if its user is killed off. Each Equation can only be owned by one person and it is up to the Equation if it bonds with the person or not. However the Twenty Sacred Branches of Nobles are an exception. When one of the twenty sacred branches are born they are born with their Equation already. This means that even if you stumble across a Equation you aren't going to just get a power. The Equation has to accept you and give you the power. And since an Equation can only be used by one person so as long as the owner is still alive it won't accept anyone else.

Caster types absorb the Equation swallowing it into their body and gaining the power to use the energy through their body. Equip types must implant the Equation into something and are able to use the power through their object. The object is more durable but not invincible. Should it break the Equation falls out however the host can place it back into another object should they feel the need to. And finally Transformation Types infuse the Equation into a limb, or organ able to turn that limb into a powerful Anti Bestia Macht weapon...

Hero let out a small sigh as he rubbed the back of his head with his left hand. "Damn. I was really hoping you guys would be cool... But you're all so weak."

"You think so huh?"

Hero stopped as he heard a voice above him. He looked up seeing Kitsune Nine standing on the roof tops. In Kitsune's hands was a large wooden sword, rather than his normal metal one in the present timeline.

"Who is that guy?" Hero asked.

"You're screwed now!" A Noble laughed. "That's Kitsune Nine! Younger Brother of Jin Nine, one of the strongest people in our school! He has the strongest Cursed Life Technique in this school!"

Hero stared at Kitsune Nine down as both boys smiled.

"This might be interesting..."


Age 1991

"I'm gonna become the best hero you've seen! Even better than that dumbass fox! Just call me Super Cool Man!" Hero yelled out. He took a deep breath about to say more but before he could yell he felt a boot slam into the back of his head hard enough to throw him down.

Hero was sent flying crashing across the stone platform landing painfully against a metal beam head first. His massive backpack slammed into the ground with a mighty boom! It even managed to crack the ground and actually began to sink into it from how heavy it was.

"Ahh God Damn it!" Hero cursed. "It took me like five hours to get that thing off the ground! Who the hell hit me, because I swear they are going to get the world's biggest beating! I will feed their soul to Satan, make him vomit the soul up than feed it to him again! And don't think I won't! "

"Oh, God!" One of the civilians yelled. "That fox teen and the loud boy are together! Everyone duck and cover! This is not a drill!"

"Fox teen?" Hero asked confused. He slowly stood up ditching the heavy backpack much to his sadness and dusted himself off. He turned around to see who had hit him getting a bad feeling about the situation suddenly.

Surprise, surprise, it was his arch-enemy.

Kitsune Nine...

"Devil arm boy!" Kitsune announced holding up his flaming katana up as his flaming fox ears and tail appeared. "What have I told you about disturbing the peace of the public!" He yelled.

"And what have I told you about pointing flaming weapons at people! That's a serious fire hazard, and a lawsuit waiting to happen! Keep it up and I'm gonna eat that damn sword!" Hero yelled. "Also you're the one who hit me ya freaking jackass! And you're yelling even louder than I am! If anyone is causing a scene it's you!" Hero raised his right arm up as it glowed and his demonic and angelic arm formed around it. The feathers sprouted out from his wrist down to his elbow forming a large metal wing on his arm as his red hot claws began to hiss out at the air. A ringing sound could be heard as he activated his right arms sound based abilities.

"I guess we should finally finish and settle our long assured continual destined duel of reincarnated rivals, and brothers in arms, that also hate each other, of good versus the forces of disclosure evil of the holy and negative trinity of positive-"

"Oh my God, can we just fight?" Hero said cutting him off.

"You're on!"

Both boys jumped into the air readying an attack.

"Kitsune Nine!" Hero yelled getting ready to deliver a powerful sound based punch.

"Hero Law!" Kitsune screamed as the flames flew off of his blade and he readied a powerful slash.

"Will you two shut the hell up!" Ken yelled suddenly appearing above them and karate-chopping them both into the ground so hard the entire ground shook and cracked.

"Oh God..." A citizen mumbled. "There's three of them now!"

Both boys hit the ground with a loud thud as stars began to float around their heads.

"Who is she?" Hero asked.

"A very scary lady," Kitsune responded.

Ken let out a small sigh as she folded her arms. "Let me guess... You also got a letter?"

Hero slowly set up as he rubbed his head. "How'd you know? You can't read my mind, can you! I have very private thoughts and secrets the world can't know about!"

Ken shook her head as she turned away. "Great... Just great... Oh, Great One what did I do to deserve this."

"How did you get a letter!" Kitsune asked angrily. He stood up pointing his hand at Hero as he glared at the boy. "It is suppose to be a great honor to receive a letter, which is why I got one. How did some jackass with a stupid power get one?"

"Guess this just means I'm better than you." Hero shrugged.

"So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you too know each other?" Ken asked blankly.

"Ha. Limb. Funny because of my power."

"Unfortunately yes..." Kitsune muttered. "This delinquent showed up one day and started causing trouble in this city. I took it upon myself to defeat him and stop his evil ways once and for all for I am a Samurai!"

Hero rolled his eyes as he began to dust his jacket off. "My Master found some Noble school filled with rich asshole and thought it would be a good exercise to see how I do against Nobles. I fought this jackass over here, and he got mad when I said Samurai's are dumb, and Superheroes are better. He followed me all the way to this town and has been yelling at me ever since and my Master thought he was slightly useful so he took him in. And the worst part is, no matter how much I bash his head in, he just does not shut up! I must have given this dumbass so much brain damage!"

"Liar!" Kitsune announced pointing his flaming hammer at Hero. "My Drain isn't Bamaged! Besides I can think of three reasons why you're worse than me! A You're an idiot! Two you have weird powers! And D you're an idiot!"

Ken slowly backed up as her eyes darted back and forth. "I've never seen two people that have a combined I.Q of zero before."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm smart." Hero said.

"No you're not." Ken said blankly.

"You're a very mean girl." Hero said bluntly. "But..." His eyes looked her up and down then in a flash he was on his knees holding her hand. "You're also very cute let's go on a date!"

"Back off Devil arm boy, I asked her first!" Kitsune yelled.

"Tough luck Fox. I'm the better looking of us two!"

"Are not."

"Am too."

"Are not!"


"I hate you both!" Ken yelled smacking both boys over the head once more. They both crashed into the ground with a loud thud. Ken let out a heavy sigh as she pulled out a small golden cross. "Forgive me Great One for I am about to sin, and commit murder."

"Relax." Hero sighed scratching the back of his head. "I was kidding. Besides I'm already trying to find someone. A pretty silver haired girl. And my brother who... Honestly I'm not really sure what happened to him."

"Is that a Great One Necklace?" Kitsune asked slowly sitting up.

"It is." Ken nodded. She slowly put it back into her shirt. "I was allowed to keep it despite leaving the Red Sisters."

"The Red Sisters?" Hero asked confused. "I keep hearing that name? What are they?"

Kitsune let out a sigh as he folded his arms. "As usual Devil arm boy doesn't know anything. Very well I shall explain like the Pure Hearted Noble Warrior Paladin Knight King-"

"Get to the point."

"...The Enforcers are an elite group of warriors that are designed to keep Humanity Safe no matter what, in the Nation Of Red. They also are founded by the Nation and work directly for the Red Emperor or in this case Empress since our current warlord is a woman. As such it isn't uncommon for an Enforcer to be used to protect Nobles and other such deeds. The Red Sisters in that regard are very similar. They are a self funded sort of Church group designed to protect the Nation from Bestia Macht and other such threats similar to the Enforcers, but they do not work with the Nation and as such do not have Nations support backing them up. Further more they are made up entirely of women, mostly young girls to middle aged women, and are designed to be a place orphaned girls can be sent to as a way for them to grow up and be useful to the Nation, so in most cases girls without a home are sent to them, where they will either be trained to be a warrior and defend the Nation, a healer to help Enforcers coming back from war, or just a simple Nun, who spreads the word of The Great One and rally's the people to support the Enforcers. In most cases they work as a smaller version of the Enforcers, and are more like a backup group, so that should a Prince Level Threat happen and the Enforcers are all wiped out, the Nation will still at least have the Red Sisters to defend it, and due to how similar to the Enforcers they are it also isn't uncommon for young girls from the Red Sisters to receive a letter asking them to join the Enforcers if they have a lot of talent and potential and a strong Cursed Life Technique..." Kitsune finished.


"They're badass cute church girls who fight monsters." Kitsune finished.

Hero looked the small girl up and down. She glared at him as his eyes wandered. "So this tiny girl is a badass monster hunter-" He let out a yelp of pain when his finger got to close and Ken bit down on it. "Okay point taken! She's scary! I can believe she kills Bestia Macht!"

"I guess this explains why you don't want to go on a date with me," Kitsune said letting out a relieved sigh. "I thought it was because you thought I was ugly or something. But it's just because Red Sisters aren't allowed to date-"

"No, it's because you're ugly," Ken said bluntly. "You also smell like burnt fox hair, you're extremely flamboyant, you're loud, and I get the feeling that if I was to hang around you, I'd have to deal with that idiot-" She pointed at Hero. "-because it seems like the two of you are a packaged deal. Shame since the other one is sort of cute."

"...So if I were to ditch Kitsune you would go on a date with-"

"No." She said cutting Hero off.

"It was worth a shot." Hero threw his arms behind his head as he shrugged. "Besides. Truth is I'm already taken for."

"You are?"

"There's someone I'm looking for." Hero said shrugging. "A pretty girl with bright silver eyes, and silver hair. She's my girlfriend she just doesn't know it yet."

"You shouldn't say that..."

"Like a cute girl like her would ever go out with a loser like you." Kitsune laughed.

"Hey! At least I'm actually trying to find love. You're just trying to find a mate to have a heir to your stupid Noble family."

"Ha. Am not. I'm already married to Justice!"

"Yeah. Your wife would have to be blind wouldn't she."

"I'm gonna kick your-"

"Do you guys wanna fight?" Ken asked innocently.

Both boys didn't listen to her as they were already busy fighting over who would get to marry Ken. This caused the girl to simply twitch her eye in annoyance once more.

A loud whistling broke Hero, and Kitsune apart, as all three of them turned to see a train slowly pulling into the station.

"Well." Hero said slowly. "Looks like it's time. The super cool hero, the lame ass paladin, and the scary Nun monster hunter, set out on their adventure!"

"Lame..." Ken and Kitsune both said.

"Screw you both..."