A "Genius" And A Girl With Silver Hair

Night Seventeen...

Age ???


Her voice came out so soft. Barley above a whisper. She stared down at him as her silver eyes seemed to shine. She ran a hand through her silver hair as she gave the smallest hint of a smile. She reached out and began to slowly pet his hair.

"You're a good boy Hero." She whispered.

"I got him at a cheap price." The voice of Piero could be heard from behind the woman. "Or rather my Brother got him at a good price as a gift to me."

"Speaking of brothers... How is H?"

"So and so..." Piero reached down looking at what the woman had pet. He reached out rubbing his hand on whatever the thing was as he gave the smallest hint of a smile. His upper face was covered by what seemed to be a plastic mask that had a star shape around the eyes looking like something a clown would wear. "Well? You ready to go check out the lab? Hero?"

'I don't remember this...'


During Age 50 when the Nation Of Red was first built by the first Red Emperor the humans began the construction of things known simply as the cities.

A city was a place mankind could stay to be kept away from the Bestia Macht. A city is covered in a highly sturdy, thick black metal wall that is extremely tall, and has several guards, all armed with high caliber weapons that are designed to slow down low level Bestia Machts, all patrolling around the large metal walls, though these would only work on a single low level Baron level Bestia Macht, anything more and you would require an Enforcer, a Red Sister, or another Freelance group to handle. It's insides are also heated with an artificial light which keeps the dark away and melts most of the snow inside of the cities though it is of course impossible to get rid of it.

However, with the invention of cities crimes began to pop up more and more... And with the threat of the Bestia Macht's rising up and getting stronger, and the Red Sisters now being a smaller organization the Nation of Red turned to a single group...

The Group who rests in Oleander City, where their home base rests...

They are called the...

The Enforcers!

Oleander City, this city was first founded by Master Storm, a few hundred years along along with the help of the original First Squad Captain Lun Way.

The position of first Captain is one that means the strongest, so when the First Captain, and the Master decided to hold the main Enforcers base in Oleander everyone else agreed. Even years later after Lun Way has passed on from old age the base is still held in Oleander to this day. It is the home of the Enforcers and the second biggest city in the Red Nation.


Age 1991

Oleander City Train Station...

The train slowly pulled into the station as it came to a halt. Inside of the train several people all likely coming for the Enforcers tryouts could be seen.

Ken sighed as she rested her head in her hands. Her dull silver eyes gazed at the back of Hero who was eagerly waiting at the doors. "Where's he going?" She asked boredly as her silver eyes gazed at Hero's retreating back she realized how quiet it was when he was gone. So peaceful... The weird boy was currently running over to one of the many doors waiting on them to open so he could finally ditch the two other kids behind him.

"It looks like the train is stopping." Kitsune said looking around and seeing the station they pulled into.

"You think he realizes he left his backpack at the other city?" Ken asked.

"Who knows. Hero's a weirdo. And that's saying something when you see the Master... Hero's story is just weird. Apparently he used to be a clown."

The train slowly pulled into a stop as it grinded on the rails. It came to a still as the doors slowly pulled themselves open and-

"Alright!" Hero yelled jumping out of the train so fast the doors didn't even fully open. He landed in front of the entrance to the train as he gave a large smirk. He did a small pose pointing to the air. "I've arrived! So this is the infamous city that lame-ass fox told me about. Thankfully I managed to get away from them. Shame actually as that girl was really cute. I really wanted to go on a date. Oh well. After today I'm going to become an Enforcer, then I'm going to use that and become a hero, living up to the namesake my... Well... Uh... I actually don't know who called me Hero, but I'll live up to that name, I'll become far stronger than Okami and I'll even show my dad that I can be a great Enforcer and I don't have to be some silly clown-"

"Will you shut up and leave already! You're hogging the doorway!"

A foot came up kicking Hero in the butt, as he fell forward crashing into the snow face first.

"...Oww... I think that hurt."

A figure stepped out of the train landing on Hero. They stood on his back planting a foot on Hero's head and keeping his face down in the snow.

"Ahhghhhghh-" Hero's voice could be heard coming from under the snow as the person remained standing on his back.

"So that's the wall to Oleander city. Hmm. I thought it would be bigger. Oh well. This will do. This will be the day the world learns my name. The day it all happens and-"

"Get off me scrub!" Hero yelled standing up and knocking the person off of him. The person grabbed onto him as they fell dragging Hero down into the snow after them. Hero turned around with an angry look only for it to change to a look of confusion. "Wait... You're not a fox?"

"Ahh! How dare you knock me down, you idiot! And what do you mean I'm not a fox? Of course I'm not!" It wasn't Kitsune Nine who had knocked him down. Rather it was a young boy his age.

"Well maybe don't stand on people!" Hero slowly looked up to the figure that had knocked him down.

It was a young teen around his age being sixteen. They had messy brown hair and annoyed-looking orange eyes as they glared up at Hero Law. They were in some pretty old and stained clothing that looked extremely poor and old. Despite their poor look they had this look in their eyes... One that seemed dangerous, one that showed their life had not been easy. It was odd though. They looked so poor but talked like how you would expect a spoiled noble brat to speak.

They took a small intake of air before letting out a sigh. "What am I doing, trying to pick fights already..." They muttered. They held their hand out to Hero as they put on am obviously fake smile. "We might have gotten off on the wrong foot." They announced making a bad joke much to Hero's annoyance. "I'm Max No Last Name, of Dandelion City. A pleasure to meet you."

Hero looked at the hand for a moment before sticking his tongue out at the boy.

Max's eye twitched as he gritted his teeth. "Fine. Pick yourself up!" He kicked out slamming his leg into Hero's stomach and knocking the boy over again. As Hero fell he kicked out and took Max's legs out also knocking him over. Both boys collapsed in the snow once more. "Seriously!" Max hissed out. "What the hell..."

"That's what you get for being a jackass!" Hero announced jumping to his feet and glaring at the boy. "If you wanna go I'll fight! I'll even do it with one arm tied behind my back! My left arm. Specifically my left arm being the one tied behind my back. For reasons I won't explain..."

Max growled before jumping to his feet. "Bring it you freaking jack-" He stopped taking another deep breath and letting out another sigh. His look changed as he gave Hero a bored look. "Forget it." He said in a calm tone. "As I said. I'm not here to pick fights. I don't have any reason to fight you. You see unlike you I have a great Destiny in front of me. You're looking at a gifted genius before you. A man born with a massive potential and a powerful Cursed Life Technique he gained from his Equation. I will be the next First Squad Captain-"

"You sound like a certain arrogant fox that I know..."

"-I will be the first ever Non-Noble to acquire the rank of Emperor for this Nation and bring it forward to a new age! My future is a grand one that awaits me. I don't have time to pick fights with a random boy off of the streets like yourself. I'm going to join the Enforcers. A loser like you wouldn't even begin to understand-"

"I'm joining the Enforcers to."

"-what such a title means... What?" Max blinked a couple of times as he stared at the light blue envelop in Hero's hands. "...What!"

"You are hereby officially granted the right to take the official Enforcers try out test. Testing will begin at 8 A.M in Oleander. Please show up 1 hour before testing." Hero read. "Neat. I probably should have read this earlier-"

"How the hell did you get a letter!" Max exploded as steam began to come off of him. Hero causally shrugged only making the boy even more mad as his hateful look grow. "They're supposed to only be given by select individuals handpicked by Master Storm himself! He sends the letters out to people through his hand picked soldiers the Four Sacred Beasts who scout out those they think are worthy of the title."

"Has anyone ever told you that you spit when you talk?" Hero said wiping his face off.

"How!" Max shook the boy as Hero shrugged. "How the hell!"

"Well when you talk it makes this sound and some spit comes out of-"

"I meant the letter dumbass!"

"Oh? I got kicked through a building by some jackasses, than a lightning jackass named Jackson Strom showed up and saved me. There was also this pretty girl who was getting married and a bunch of powerful dolls who nearly killed me but a magic sword came to my reassure and I stabbed a guy in the shoulder."

"Jackson! As in the Jackson Storm! Vice-Captain of Squad Six! As in the battle squad!"

"Maybe? I'm bad with names though so who knows?"


"I told you. He saved me then gave a letter to me."

Max's eye twitched as he stared at the boy. 'Who the hell is this kid... This damn brat...' He thought as his eyes scanned Hero's body up and down. 'His clothing isn't that special so he can't be a Noble. But for him to have met a Vice-Captain, and then impressed him especially one as famous as The Jackson Storm, he must have been doing something special... So... Who is this boy?'

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hero asked in a flat tone as he tried to cover his body up. "I should mention I'm not into dudes. But... I should also mention I forgot my backpack at the train station so I'm pretty much broke so... Twenty Bells is twenty Bells cash only."

"What?" Max asked not listening.

"Ahh, it's nothing." Hero threw his arms behind his head as he let out a sigh. "So are we gonna keep talking or are going to fight?"

"Whatever. I'm leaving." Max turned and began to walk away. He stopped when he heard the snow crunch from behind him. "What are you doing..." He sighed. "Why in The Great One's name, are you following me?"

"I'm not- Oh hey you worship that guy, like that cute girl to. Anyways. I'm not following you!" Hero gave a small shrug and rolled his eyes. "I... Just happen to be going in the same direction. We're both heading to the wall in the distance right?"

"Unfortunately yes..." Max said in a flat tone. "It would seem we are both planning on entering Oleander. We're both planning on taking the Enforcers entrance exam. I test designed to allow only the best of the best in. Anyone who passes this test is going to make it into one of the biggest organizations in this Nation. The Noble hero's of old who all seek to destroy the evil in this world and keep the race of man alive. It is their job to insure mankind does not go extinct."

"Neat. Well. Then let's go."

Max gave one last sigh as he eyed the strange boy. 'Just who the hell did I step on?' He wondered as they both began their walk towards the wall.