The Strange Girls

Night Twenty One...

Age 1991

Enforcer's Squad Zero Tryout room...

"Wow..." Hero muttered looking around the room. "There sure are a lot of people here." He stared down at a small plastic yellow badge he had been handed from one of the people on the first floor.

Him, and Max, were currently on the two hundredth floor, of this massive tower, and that floor was filled with tons of people all looking around and scouting each other out. There was all kinds of people though most still had that inexperienced look about them that Hero and Max wore. Most were kids. Some had weapons which were no doubt their Equations and others had weird looking limbs. Up in the air several small white bat looking creatures could be seen. They were smaller and hairier than a bat and had white fur on them.

"Around three hundred letters were sent out..." Max muttered suddenly gaining a nervous look on him. It was odd to see the boy with that look. He had practically flowed arrogance but now that he was in the room he seemed almost afraid. "Less than half these people are going to be picked... What if I'm one of the people who isn't chosen... No... I'll just have to do better than anyone else."

"Well I know I'm gonna be picked."

"Why, because you're a cocky prick?"

"No because I'm the main character."



Max let out a sigh as he shook his head. "You're an idiot... I'm gonna separate myself from you before I catch it."

"Oh good I was tired of hanging around you anyways. I need my supporting cast back."

"Quit breaking the forth wall!"


"I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you." Max said. His eyes seemed to almost glow as he stared Hero down for a moment. "The final part of the test is worth the most points, so it's the most important part. Even if you were to bomb the first four tests but pass the fifth you could still get in. Though passing all five does increase your chances of course."

"That's the combat test you mentioned right?" Hero asked throwing his arms behind his head. He gave a half smirk as he faced away from Max. "If what you said was true then I have nothing to worry about."

"Well... We'll see won't we..."

"I guess we will..." The two of them stepped down as several bats from the ceiling began to fly down.

Hero and Max both began to walk away. As they did two of the small bat like creatures flew down landing on Hero's head though he didn't seem to pay them much attention. While both of them walked off the doors behind them opened as Ken and Kitsune walked in looking around.

"Cool..." Kitsune said slowly.

"Yeah I'm ditching you immediately now that there are new, cooler people to hang out with." Ken said walking away already.

"Oh... I'm sad now..."

Over in a corner a young girl with light pink hair tied back into a pair of short twin tails and light pink eyes, could be seen. She wore a simple black T-shirt shirt that had a simple band design on it, as well as a pink jacket, a black and pink skirt, with long black leggings, and simple black boots. A single white bat creature could be seen resting on her head as she tried to calm her breathing down. She was young being only fourteen or fifteen years old at the most.

"Why won't this stupid thing leave me alone!" She whined.

"You should be glad you only have one Shelly..." Next to the pink haired girl who was apparently named Shelly another girl could be seen. She was older than Shelly being seventeen years old. She was dressed in a red nuns outfit, and wore the same cross as Ken around her neck. She had long brown hair and light brown eyes and next to her what appeared to be a large silver chainsaw rested which she held with one hand. Three of the bats could be seen resting on her head.

"Emma. You have three?" Shelly said alarmed.

"Yes, unfortunately I do." The nun who was apparently named Emma said. "These are Peasant Level Bestia Macht." Emma explained. "These guys are so weak even a normal human could beat them. Typically the threat level of them is Peasant, Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquees, Duke, and the final and most dangerous Threat level, Prince. Baron onward require a person with a Cursed Life Technique to deal with, but these Peasants are super weak. So weak in fact they lack the power to even evolve."

"So why are they swarming people in here?" Shelly asked annoyed.

"These particular Peasants are unique." Emma held her hand out as one landed on her finger causing her to give a half smile. "These ones sense Equations synchronization rate limit. The lower the limit the more they swarm that person."

"The what, and what?"

Emma let out a small laugh patting the small girl on top of the head. "You really know nothing do you? Well allow me to explain. You see when an Equation bonds with a person it can only be used by that person. Even if it is somehow removed. However should that person die the Equation will fire up into the air and will land somewhere randomly in this world. This is bad as that means should it be destroyed by a Bestia Macht that Equation is lost forever... When a person is bonded with an Equation they will have an Equations Synchronization Rate Limit. This number does not determine that persons power really, rather it determines a persons control over their power, and affects how much their Equation is a part of them. Equip types usually have lower numbers with Caster and Transformation Types having a much higher level. The Higher your level is the more power you can draw out of your Equation allowing you to use more abilities and techniques. All Captains in the Enforcers have a limit that goes beyond 100% and these birds are able to measure that. Because you have only one bat on you that means your limit must be high."

"Really?" Shelly said poking at the bird. "Cool? So what would it be then?"

"If I remember correct... A person with zero bats means they have a limit of at least 91% or more. Usually it is impossible to go beyond 100% but those that can have bonded with their powers to such an extent that even when they die their power will refuse to accept anyone else. As such only the strongest have their limits past 100% as they've evolved to a higher power through years of training. Anyone with one bat would mean they have a limit of at least 81-90% two bats means 61-80% three means 31-60% and four means 11-30% which is pretty low. Anyone under 10% would likely be able to barley control their power, and would be in a lot of pain having the power turn on them."

"Neat. I guess that guy must be strong then." Shelly said her eyes gazing over the body of Max who walked around with no bats on him getting him a lot of stares. "He's way cooler than that girl over there who just entered... So if four means you're at 11-30 than what does that many mean." She said pointing.

"Oh dear..." Emma muttered saying a quick prayer.

In the middle of the room getting a lot of stares was Ken Red who had at least ten bats clinging to her much to her annoyance. "Why the hell won't these things leave me alone!" Ken yelled waving her arms around. "Leave me alone! Oh I get it. It must be that their attracted to power and I'm so strong they are drawn to me."

"Complete opposite actually..." Kitsune said. He had a single bat on his head. "Jeez... I wonder what your Equations synchronization rate limit is... It's got to be so small."

"What a weirdo..." Shelly muttered watching the girl be chased by a swarm of bats. Her eyes watched her slowly run towards a figure that made her eyes widen. "E... Emma! Look. Is that..."

"Ahh!" Ken felt herself crash into the back of someone making all the bats let out a loud squeal and fly away from her. "Huh! Whoa sorry for crashing into you!"

"Haha! Think Nothing of it young girl!" A loud, super cheerful voice announced making Ken jump.

"Oh no... Please don't tell me it's another pervert..."

She finally looked at the person she had crashed into and felt an uneasy feeling when looking at the man. He had messy blonde hair and bright shinning blue eyes that were extremely bright. He was dressed in a skin tight black shirt, and wore green baggy pants. He had on a simple necklace with a badge hanging from it. The badge was gold and had a one on it. The guy was tall and had lean muscles and wore a goofy smirk on his face and he seemed to be at least twenty years old being young. Despite that though he didn't have the look of an inexperienced member about him. Rather he seemed to hold an aura of power about him. His eyes sparkled slightly as he stared at Ken making the girl jump back. "So what's your power! Transformation type? Equip Type? Caster Type? Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

"Uhh... It's complicated..." Ken muttered.

"You must have a really bad Equations synchronization rate limit!"

"How did you-"

"The Bats!" The man announced throwing his hands up. "You must have a really low level right... Like 1 or 2% I didn't even think it was that possible for it to end up that low. What are the chances. You must have a lot of self issues and bad control."

"I would say my problems are different..." Ken frowned as the man looked her up and down again. "Is everyone in this building a bunch of perverts."

"I'm no pervert! I'm Eins Zwei Drei Licht of Squad One, or just Eins Licht!" The odd man announced giving a small bow and grabbing Ken's hand and giving it a kiss causing her eye to twitch. "I came here to scout some new recruits for my Squad the Squad One, the highest rank of the Enforcers!"


"Master Licht!" An excited voice announced. Ken turned slightly seeing a girl with pink hair in a pair of short twin tails running towards them. The girl tripped over her feet but was caught by Eins who moved at lightning speed catching the girl before she could fall. "Y... You caught me." The girl said blushing a little.

"I know you..." Eins said looking down at her. "I saved your city from an attack... You're... Emma Vibes!"

"...Shelly Kaen... Emma's my friend... You were right about the saving me part though..." An awkward silence passed over the three as Ken watched this train wreck out.

"...Oh... My bad..."

"There you are!" A loud voice announced. The three turned seeing a man around Eins's age walking towards them. He was dressed in the Enforcers outfit, and had on a badge with a one on it. He had long blonde hair tied back into a pony-tail and had light icy blue eyes.

"Ahh North!" Eins waved when he saw the man. "I was just introducing myself to these lovely ladies!"

North let out a large sigh when he saw Ken and Shelly. He gave a quick bow. "I'm so sorry for anything he might have said to you two. I was suppose to watch him and make sure he didn't sneak off to flirt with anyone."

"Is everyone like that in this damn group..." Ken muttered. "I'm getting tired of people flirting with me..."

"No... Just like... Four or five members..." North fidgeted nervously as Ken and Shelly looked at him. "Bye." He announced grabbing Eins and dragging him off.

"No I want to keep talking! I'll be good! I just want to talk."

"To bad." North announced. "You can't keep doing things like this-" North stopped as his eyes slowly drifted to the entrance of the room noticing two people entering. One looked almost like North but a little more feminine and the other was a blind teen who looked batshit crazy. "I... Irene! Why is..." North shook his head as he let out a heavy sigh. "I gotta go talk to some people..."He muttered.

"I wanted to talk to Eins some more..." Shelly muttered fidgeting nervously. "Our eyes met and he caught me when I tripped... I'm so happy. He saved me a few years ago when my city was attacked, and since then I knew I wanted to do everything I could to meet him again... I think I'm in love."

"Yep their all pervs and sinners... To hell with you all foul men of the b-" Ken was cut off when she felt an arm wrap around hers as she was dragged off. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who's carrying me off!"

"Wow you're like super light..." Shelly said carrying the girl off.

"Why are you dragging me!"

"Do you want to be swarmed by bat creatures again? If you aren't near people with high levels like me, than you'll be swarmed. Also my friend wanted to see you. Not many people exist like you apparently..."

Ken's eyes went wide for a moment. 'Does... Does she know about 'that' thing...' Ken thought. She shook her head and made up her mind as she grabbed Shelly's arms. "Lead the way then."