Ice And Light

Night Twenty Two

The Equations Of Life... Powerful small marbles that are able to bond with a select few of people granting them Cursed Life Techniques, powerful supernatural abilities they use to fight back against the forces of evil, the Bestia Macht. It was said that these powerful magical orbs were made by the one above all, the great one, the one we as humans call God.

However, that is not the only story we humans have made about our Lord. One more legend stands out among the others. A legend many across the world have searched for. A legend about an Equation strong then any other. An Equation that can end the war, end the Bestia Macht, make the sky blue once more, heal others, achieve miracles, and stop the snow. This Equation was something that humanity as been searching for, for over one thousand years since the great collapse.

They call it...

The Heart...

An Equation said to be made from the heart of God himself...

It is the ultimate goal of the Enforcers, to save humanity, discover a way to stop the Bestia Macht, and find the Heart...

The Heart could reside within anyone. It could have even been destroyed for all we know.

Age 1991

Oleander Train station...

The last group...

Irene stood at the edge of the trains exit with a nervous sigh. She looked slightly different then she had earlier. She was dressed in a pair of simple pants, shirt and jacket, and her hair was tied back in a pony tail that was far shorter than her hair had been due to her cutting it slightly. She looked a lot like North actually but still off almost. She still looked like a girl.

"Why did I think this was a good idea... This is crazy... This is crazy..." She sighed. She had decided to go to the Try outs herself for some reason. She wasn't really trying to be North. Rather she was trying to still be herself just more like North. She didn't really know why though. Well actually that was a lie. She knew why she was really here. When she saw him with that letter her blood had almost boiled. Why did he get the letter? Worse yet he didn't even care. He had just thrown that letter on the ground. It had made her mad. No more then mad... At that moment she had felt something else.

It had taken her nearly all day to convince her brother to leave and go join the group. That had been a year ago. And here she was now. Still with no letter...

So was that why she was here now though. She wasn't given the letter...

And yet she came here. Not pretending to be North. Rather she was here on his behalf. She was just as good as her brother... If he got a letter than surely she would have gotten one as well. She just had to show up and be herself...

"This is crazy... What am I doing..." Irene sighed again.

"You're standing in my way is what you're doing. Clown and I would like to ask you to move!"

Irene jumped letting out a yelp as she turned around seeing Light was standing behind her. Her heart beat slowly came to a normal level as she let out another sigh as she stared at the blind boy.

"Oh. You're that blind kid on that train right." She asked. "I had to sit next to you and you kept making those weird jokes and kept talking to someone called Clown right? Are you here for the tryouts as well? I don't think I ever got your name?"

"Light's the name no last name, I'm completely insane." He announced happily holding his hand out. "Clown likes you!"

"What? This guy is kind of weird?" Irene muttered staring at the strange man. She took his hand slowly shaking it as she eyed him nervously. "I'm Uhh... I'm Irene Glacious." She cleared her throat attempting to give herself a more normal voice in a vain attempt to hide the nervousness in her tone.

"Neat." Light stepped past her falling into the snow face first in the snow. "Oww."

"Are... Are you okay?"

"To be or not to be is the question! Right Clown!"


"That's exactly right!"

"I'm scared." Light jumped up pointing his cane towards the city as he let out a loud battle cry and charged towards it. "A decent human being would make sure he doesn't harm anyone else..." She let out a sigh and followed after him.

"Please don't harm me I'll open the gates!" Irene's eye twitched as she stared ahead seeing a terrified looking Blackcoat. Ace whimpered when Light crashed into the gate head first. "I'll just open it."

"Clown thanks you."

"Seriously who the hell is Clown?" Irene asked.

Ace pulled on a large metal chain raising the gate up allowing the two into the city. "What the hell is wrong with all these recruits today..." Ace muttered shivering. "Uhh... Welcome to Oleander city and all that jazz. Warm stuff and makes it nice to stay in is the long jist of it."


"That does sound neat..." Irene nodded. "This place is warm... Way warmer than a village. It's so hot. My body is warming up by the second. What do you-" Light ran off into the city at full speed causing Irene to curse and chase after him. "God damn it blind man..." She cursed. "Whoa."

Irene came to a stop as her eyes went wide. The city was massive. Large skyscrapers. Cars. Warmth. More than twenty people, and more than twenty buildings. To her this was truly a breath taking sight. Sights she had never seen before rested before her. It was incredible... Irene shook her head slowly coming to a walk as she headed in the direction Light had ran off to.

Up ahead of her one building stood out. It was massive and had what looked like lava flowing off of it. It was incredible.

Up ahead Irene saw a man standing as still as a statue as Light began to poke him over and over again with a cane. "Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!" He announced hitting the man over the head again and again. "I'm speed running to the building!"

The man's eye twitched as he slowly reached up and caught the cane. "Look. If I let you in will you leave me alone?" The man asked letting out a heavy sigh. "I'm so tired... Just give me names and I'll let you in."

"I'm Light no last name because last names are super pointless."

"I'm Irene Glacious. Uhh brother of North is that helps?" Irene stared at the man with a surprised look. "Wait isn't there anything else we should do? Like give you our letter or something like that?" Her mind began to scream at her since she really didn't have a letter to give, since she obviously didn't get one.

"Normally yeah." The man nodded. "But I've had one hell of a long day, and I don't want to talk to anyone else, the days almost over so I figure you guys are the last recruits to enter the building so if I let you guys in you'll leave me alone right?"

Irene's eyes lit up. "Yep. I'll carry Light off myself." She announced.

"Whoa speed run!"

The man sighed not even checking on their letter as he bent down and grabbed at the gates raising it up above hit head. He gritted his teeth using all his might as sweat dripped down his body. "A... Alright... Go... My arms are giving out so..."

Irene and Light both ducked under the arch way and walked towards the building. She tried to read a few of the many, many rules, but Light wasn't having any of it running into the building at a fast speed causing her to let out a sigh and follow him into the building.

Irene stood in front of the doors waiting for a few seconds as she slowly reached out and placed her hands on the door. "Okay... You can do this... You're just as good as North. Even better... You can do this... You can do this... You can do this... I can be an Enforcer..." Her hands began to slowly shake as she got ready to pull open the door. "I can do this..."

"Just get on with it already!" The loud voice of the gate guardian yelled at her still watching her. "Quick standing around I wanna collapse but can't do it in front of you lame ass recruits!"


Irene let out one more sigh than slowly pulled the doors open...

The man at the gate watched her enter the building as he let out a sigh. "She mentioned North huh? Impressive. North's been a part of this group for nearly a year now and he's done so well. Wait... Now that I think about it I don't recognize the name Irene Glacious? She's not on my list... Uh oh..."