The Second Test

Night Twenty Five...

Age 1991

Hero stepped out of the room and back into the large waiting room they had been in a few hours ago. "Man! Sitting in those chairs for an hour really hurt my back..." He said shaking his head. "Boy does it sting!" He hissed out rubbing his bodies aching back.

"Do you wish for me to give you a back rub Big Brother!"


The test had finally come to an end and several people who didn't skip to the end came out with angry looks on their face since nine-hundred, and ninety-nine questions on that test had been for no reason and only one was worth any points.

"Oh God what if they don't like my reasons for joining!" Shelly asked in a panic.

"Relax." Hero said karate chopping the girl over the head. "I'm sure we all did fine... Y... You..."

"You don't remember my name do you."

"Sorry. I forgot... Again..."

"Do you remember my name?" Emma asked.

"Yeah it's Emma Vibes."

"Then why don't you remember mine!"

"I dunno."

Kitsune walked out of the test room with a cocky look on his face as he somehow pulled out a pair of sunglasses and slipped them on. "That test was easy as fox."

"I bet that sounded cool in your head huh." Hero asked.

"That joked sucked." Light nodded.

"Why are Emma and I even hanging out with you three!" Shelly asked throwing her arms up.

"Fan service."


"Fan Service." Hero shrugged. "Ken isn't here right now and we gotta have the short adorable cute Tsundere type on the main cast. Those are the characters the fans like the most."


"There you guys are!" The group turned seeing Ken and Irene walking towards them from the test room. "I was looking for you guys," Ken said nodding her head. "Turns out Irene is really boring to hang out with..."

"I'm not that boring!"

"Yes, you are." The group agreed as they all crossed their arms.

"What did you guys think of that test?" Ken questioned.

"Easy as fox."


"If we don't give him any attention he'll go away." Hero said. "Anyways that test was mega boring. The next one better be at least a little fun."

"I'm worried I didn't pass..." Shelly muttered.

"You should be." Ken said letting out a sigh. "I mean very few people are getting in. Why would you be one of them."

"Well screw you to." Shelly said glaring at Ken who glared back at her.

"That's uncalled for..." Emma said placing a hand on Shelly's shoulder.

"Yeah Ken. Way to be all Tsun minus the Dere." Hero said going to hit Ken over the head only for her to grab his hand and flip him around dropping him flat on his face. "Oh that's right..." Hero gasped out through the pain of being slammed into the floor. "I forgot she's a freaking monster. Light help."

"All I'm saying..." Ken said letting go of Hero's wrist. "Is that the Enforcers only have so many slots open. A person who keeps doubting themselves likely won't get in. If you want to really join the Enforcers than you have to actually think you can. That was the point of the final question after all." Ken said her silver eyes meeting Shelly's pink eyes.

"I... I suppose your right..." Shelly nodded. "I know I can get in... I'm strong. I'm just worried my reasons aren't good enough."

No one had a chance to answer the girl as the entire room began to shake once more throwing everyone but Emma, and Max off their balance.

"Uh-Oh..." Ken sighed out. "Here we go again..." Ken tried to remain standing but felt her balance give out as she fell forward about to crash into Emma only for Hero to catch her. "T... Thanks..." She muttered her face flashing red slightly.

"It's what a hero would-"

"Shove!" Kitsune said simply as he pushed Hero over causing him to drop Ken who went flying. "That was for earlier you asshole," Kitsune said folding his arms. "No one shoves me and gets away with it!"

"What a prick- Whoa!" Shelly began but the shaking made her stumble.

Ken stumbled forward after Hero dropped her. Shelly also stumbled causing the two to crash into each other and fall to the floor. "Oww..." They both said.

"Guys! The room appears is shaking once-"

"Shut up Light!" All the recruits yelled out.

Ken and Shelly slowly untangled as Hero grabbed onto Kitsune dragging the boy down with him. "I wonder what the test will be?" He asked yanking the fox down.

"Well." Kitsune said calmly as he crashed into the floor. He didn't seem bothered by it. "The last one was a mental test," Kitsune said as he began to slowly mutter to himself. "Then if I was a betting man I would have to guess that the next test is going to be a physical test."

"That oddly makes sense..."

"Does this mean we can finally fight?" Ken questioned.

"God I hope so..." Hero let out a sigh clenching his fist. "I really, and I mean, really wanna punch someone in the face right now."

"Punch me big brother!"

"Trust me nobody wants that Light..."

The room spun once more as it almost seemed to raise up off of the ground. A loud bang could be heard as one of the walls began to rise up off of the ground. When it finished it revealed a new room, exactly like what happened last time. Although this one had a pleasant aroma? No not really pleasant... More like a cold medicine smell. Like not a bad smell. It smelled almost like what you would expect a hospital to smell like? With a bit of a metallic smell hovering in the air.

Everyone slowly entered this room coming to a stop once they were all inside of it. The room was fairly large and had six doorways inside of it, each one lined up at the back of the room. Six men also stood next to the six doors, each of the men held a clipboard and they wore lab coats. Hero narrowed his eyes as he stared at them.

"What's wrong?" Kitsune asked.

"Big brother hates labs." Light explained. "He gets uncomfortable around them. Once he punched me through six metal walls when I tried to give him a shot."

"I don't like doctors, scientist, or hospitals..." Hero said simply as he backed up slowly. He got flashes of a lab for a moment before he shook his head clearing his thoughts of the past. A girl with long silver hair, and bright silver eyes came to his mind. She was standing in a hospital holding her hand out to him.

"I know what you mean... Shelly said. "I had to be in a lab for a few years getting tested psychologically after my city was destroyed..."

"...Who are you again."

"I going to start attacking you every time you forget..." Shelly said flatly making Hero back up slightly.


"Hello!" One of the men said smiling slightly. "I'm Doctor Falcon. These are some of my friends." The man said nodding to the five other doctors. "Today you will all be taking a physical test to test the limits of your body. However, before that, each of you will be required to take a physical exam test first to make sure you will be able to perform in the physical test. Each of us has a list with all of your names on it. When one of us calls your name, please enter the said room. When not being tested please remain quiet." The man spoke softly. "This test was hand picked by the Third Squad Captain, Captain Soap."

"Oh great... Now we get to sit around, and take a test, before the test..." Ken hissed out slightly as she crossed her arms. Her dull silver eyes shined with annoyance. "Yay... Want to play a game while we wait Shelly?"

"What kind of game?" The pink haired girl asked eyeing Ken suspiciously.

"Ahh come on! It's not that bad..." Hero said shrugging slightly. "Who knows. Maybe it will be quick?"

Three boring hours later, that were in fact, not quick...

"Oh my God none of us have even been called back yet..." Hero said letting out a heavy sigh as he bowed his head. Off to the side Ken and Shelly were tossing a ball back and forth as Kitsune, and Emma played some card game that said it was for kids, but was to complicated for Hero to follow or understand the rules. Light was talking to himself and Irene was reading a book. It had been three hours of sitting around as the Doctors called out names, however unfortunately for our heroes, and Hero, none of them have even been called back yet. With nothing to do they all simply set around waiting. "Why..." Hero moaned. "I don't even have anything to play with either."

"You can play ball with me and Ken?" Shelly offered.

"...Why! I have nothing to do..." Hero moaned out.

"Wow! You're a very rude man."

Two More Hours...

"Oh my God none of us have still been picked!" By now everyone was out of games to play and just waited...

"This sucks..." Ken sighed. She crossed her arms as she pouted slightly. "How much longer will it be?" She asked.

"Relax," Kitsune said letting out a yawn as he set the book he had stolen from Irene down. "The Doctors are just trying to be sure. I'm sure any minute you'll be called back for-"

"Kitsune Nine!" A Doctor announced.

"I'll kill you!" Both Hero and Ken yelled out as they jumped up. Both attempted to jump the Noble, but he simply sidestepped them as he walked towards one of the rooms entering it quickly.

"Great..." Ken said through gritted teeth. "Now we have the asshole and the Nun."

"Hey!" Shelly said crossing her arms. "That was rude! I thought we were having a moment earlier..."

"I was actually talking about Hero," Ken stated. "I like you. Your cool."

"Oh. Okay, it's fine then." Shelly said shrugging.

"Hey!" Hero said offended slightly. "You guys are mean..." He said sniffling. Emma patted the boy on the back as she turned to the group.

"There there Mr. Hero. One of us will be called next," Ema commented. The three went silent as they all stared at the nun who walked around with a chainsaw. "I don't know which. But I do know that at least one of us will-"

"Emma Vibes!"

"Damn it!" Hero and Ken yelled out.

"Light No Family Name!"

"Goodbye big brother!" Light announced following Emma.

Emma stood up twirling her chainsaw as she walked away. She gave a slight wave to the two teens who shot her death glares, plus Shelly, as her and Light stepped into the office.

"And now I'm stuck with you two guys..." Ken sighed out, crossing her arms. "Yay..." She rolled her arms as she stood up and began to stretch. "Okay Irene. What's your story?"

"What?" Irene asked looking up. She seemed nervous.

"You know. What's your story? Why do you want to join the Enforcers?" Ken questioned as she shrugged? "You got to have a reason for joining this dumpster fire group right? I, for example, am joining in order to find the Heart Of God and solving several of the problems that exist in the world. Hero is-"

"I'm gonna save my girl from whatever lab she's in as soon as I remember who, and where she is!"

"Is doing it to get laid." Ken said nodding. "Shelly wants to sleep with the man who saved her so she's doing it to get laid as well. So what's your story?"

Irene shrugged slightly. She went silent as she stared at the ground for a few seconds as she seemed to try and find the right words she was looking for. "I... I just... Wanted to help out the world... My Village was attacked by the Bestia Macht every few months... Now it's... Well... I want to help the world and get rid of the problem of the Bestia Machts... They are pure scum and need to be dealt with..." She stated seriously nodding her head. "No matter what... I'll stop them all..."

"Are the Bestia Machts really that bad?" Ken questioned curiously. "I've seen what they do, but every time I actually see them they get wrecked by someone stronger."

"They are monsters..." Hero said nodding his head. "Most people can go their whole lives without seeing one if they live in a city. However, if you're in a town then it's a different matter altogether. Every day you will be left wondering when one will get in. Of course usually battling those ones aren't very fun. They are basic low-level creatures. Baron level..."

"The Bestia Macht are bad." Shelly agreed.

"Fighting Bestia Machts huh?" Ken asked as she laid back. She stared up at the roof in thought. "I suppose that could be sort of fun?" She said shrugging.

"Hero Law!" A voice announced. "Ken Red!" Another voice announced. "Shelly Kaen." A third voice announced.

"Of course all three of us would be called at the same time..." Ken sighed out.

"Good luck Irene." Hero waved.

Irene stayed behind biting her lip as she watched them all leave. She wasn't suppose to be here. She never got a letter... That means they don't have her name. She'd never be called or tested... This was-

"Irene Glacious." A voice called out making Irene jump.

"W... What? I got called..."

Meanwhile, inside of Kitsune's room, the doctor nodded slightly as he read off his notes.

"Well?" Kitsune asked raising an eyebrow. "What do you think?" He slowly put his shirt back on as the doctor read his notes.

The man stared down at his sheet of papers for a few more seconds before finally speaking. "You're good to go." The man said nodding. "Perfect height, perfect muscle mass, perfect bone structure. Like most Nobles, it would seem your body is 100% perfect."

Kitsune smirked slightly as he stood up. "Well, you know the legends. God gifted us Nobles with perfection for helping him during the great raid."

"Those are just myths..." The man said letting out a slight laugh. "I'm sure you're just healthy because you take care of yourself."

"Well you got that right," Kitsune said nodding his head slightly. "I make sure to stretch and exercise every day." He stated.

"Well run along. I got a ton of other recruits that need to be checked." The doctor said calmly. Kitsune nodded as he walked out the door.

Meanwhile in the other room Hero was just now entering. "Alright! Finally my turn." The blue-eyed teen said entering the room. "Let's do this. I wanna leave this room as soon as possible." He reached up taking off his jacket already.

"Good day Mr. Law-"

"Just call me Hero."

"Okay? Good day Hero Law." The Doctor said holding his hand out. The two shook hands as the man continued. "Today I'm gonna run a few quick tests on you. They are really basic and it shouldn't take to long. This is just determining if you would be safe when taking the next test."

"Alright." Hero said shrugging. "Seems simple enough." He unzipped his blue jacket taking it off.

"Let's start by measuring your weight, and height. Just step on the scale." Hero stepped onto the metallic object as he folded his arms. "137 pounds, and 6 feet exactly..." The Doctor said nodding slightly. "You are sixteen?"

"Yep!" Hero said as he looked around the room nervously.

"Alright. Please lay down on the bed." The Doctor said pulling out a stethoscope. "This will be a little co-" The Doctor stopped as he pulled Hero's shirt up. The man blinked a few times as he stared at Hero's chest. It was covered in various scars all across his body in many shapes and sizes. And on his back a red coin could be seen sown into his flesh. He also had several burn marks all along his body and large nasty gashes. His entire body below the neck down was just a scarred mess of burn marks and cuts. The worse of which was a large 'D' shaped Scar placed over his heart.

"You can ignore those. They are pretty old."

"How in The Great One's name did you get those..."


Flash Back...

"Whoa so this is what the top of a volcano looks like." Hero said from the top of a massive volcano his Master had taken him to see. Behind him the Master stood. "This is so cool it's nice and warm up-"

The master reached out shoving Hero into the volcano.

"!pu kcab bmilc eht yojnE"

Present Day...

"Uhh... Training..." Hero said.

"Right..." The doctor nodded pulling out a blue glowing string. "Let me check your Cursed Life Technique"

"It's in my right arm." Hero said showing his limb.

"Ahh. A Transformation Type huh." The doctor took it and wrapped it around the limb measuring it. "Equations synchronization Rate Limit: 77% that's pretty good." A few more minuets passed as he checked on various things. Finally he finished as he moved away. "Alright. You look good to go."

"Cool." Hero slipped his shirt back on and rezipped up his jacket. "That was easy. I hope the others are doing well."

Irene stood inside of her room as the doctor looked down at his notes. "Well Ms. Glacious." He said in a flat tone. "You're in quite the tricky situation."

"W... What do you mean?"

"You're not supposed to be here. You never got a letter did you?"

"H... How do you know that!"

"Well you're not on my list for one. But you're in luck. You see there's a man who is very well known in this group. He's been an Enforcer for only a year now. North Glacious. Member of Squad One, and one hell of an Enforcer. He's the only reason you're still here."

"N... North?"

"Apparently he saw you. He's been running around begging people to let you try and take the test rather then kick you out. I've been in this group for nearly four years now and I've never seen someone have to rely on their sibling to get in." He laughed. "You're even in a similar get up as him. I guess you're trying to be him huh?"

Irene's face paled and she felt a small trickle of blood drip down her palms as her nails dug into the flesh. "I... I'm better than North!"

"Really now. Weird how he got a letter and had to beg to let you take the test."

"S... Shut up..."

"Easy now..." The Doctor took his notes and began to go through his lists. "Don't blow this... North's putting a lot on the line for you... I'd be grateful if I were you..."