The Third Test

Night Twenty Six...

Age 1991

"Looks like we all made it." Hero said as he left the Doctors office as he looked up seeing Shelly, Ken, Kitsune, Emma, Light, and a nervous and angry looking Irene, were all standing in front of him. "Why's she pissed?" Hero asked.

"Why don't you mind your own business!" Irene hissed out.

"Okay backing away slowly."

"Know of us know why she's mad." Ken sighed. "Kitsune tried to talk to her but she bashed him over the head. Thankfully he recovered from that attack very fast."

"Makes sense I've hit him over the head so much I doubt his brain can be damaged anymore. Anyways! How did your guys test go?" Hero asked curiously. "Mine was boring."

"Mine was flawless." Kitsune announced.

"Those doctors are perverted..." Ken said. "They made me take my shirt off."

"They made all of us do that." Shelly said blankly.

"Not me?" Hero, Kitsune, and Light all said.

"I knew it!"

"Mine was..." Irene bit her lip slightly as her clenched fist dug their nails into her hands. "Let's call it interesting... No matter what I made my mind up. I'm joining this group and I'll show him I don't need his help." As she spoke small wisps of ice began to slowly come off of her body.

"Oh boy she's pissed." Hero muttered backing up again. "I'm just gonna let her cool off, and that's not a pun because of all the ice. Also why is there ice?"

"Those tests were pretty easy." Shelly said biting her thumb slightly. "Way easier than that stupid first test. They just measured our bodies, and checked to see if we have any health problems, than they end up checking our abilities. I'm a Caster Type so it was a bit embarrassing since he checked my entire body..." She fidgeted nervously for a bit. "What about you Hero, and Ken? I know Kitsune and Emma are Equip types because of their weapons that being a Sword and Chainsaw. But what about you two? And how about you Light, Irene?"

"My type doesn't matter." Irene turned away still keeping that cold aura around her.

"I'm Equip type!" Light announced swinging his giant gun up.

"Should the blind guy have a gun?"

"I'm a Transformation type." Hero shrugged throwing his hands behind his head as he gave a half grin. "It affects my right arm from my shoulder down. It's pretty cool I guess. It also affects my veins, and stomach and throat and... A lot of things. But mostly my arm. Transformation Types are some of the rarest powers so it's to be expected they work in weird ways."

"What about you Ken?" Shelly asked. "Are you an Equip type, Caster Type, Transformation Type..."

"I'm a Transformation Type like Hero I guess." Ken nodded. "Mine resides within my heart and affects my blood. It's pretty weak though so I usually use my-"


A loud buzzer sound exploded through the room as the shaking once again started causing Ken, and Shelly to slip and crash into each other once again continuing the yuri bait. Hero almost slipped but managed to catch himself with the wall and used Light as a place holder keeping the yaoi bait up, and Kitsune didn't even bother to try to catch himself accepting the fall and embracing the floor as if it was his life. Irene froze herself to the floor standing tall, and Emma just kind of stood there like the freak of nature she was staring blankly at the wall.

"Guys. I think the room is shaking..." Light said not bothered by Hero clinging to him.

"Thanks Light..." Ken sighed from under Shelly. "We were not aware of this fact."

"I gotta knock that asshole down..." Hero said glaring daggers at Max who rested at the other end of the massive room not seemingly bothered by the shaking much like Emma, and Light. Hero took off his shoe and threw it towards the teen as hard as he could but as soon as it reached Max his shoe literally exploded. "My shoe! Well I don't need this then..." Hero pulled off his second shoe and threw it. It once again exploded. "I should have seen that coming... Yo Samurfox! Quick. Give me your shoes. One of these have to hit him."

"I'm a carpet." Kitsune said blankly.

"I...W... What..."

Kitsune laid on the floor his body sprawled out as he stared up at the roof with a blank look on his face. "I'm a carpet."

"...Wh... Did you somehow get dumber off screen! Don't tell me all that brain damage is catching up to you?"

Finally after what felt like an hour but was only a few minuets the shaking slowly came to a stop as the rumbling got quieter and quieter. The floor changed opening up and forming what looked like a large track as several obstacle courses formed. The entire room seemed to expand getting bigger and bigger much to everyone's shock. The entire room must have expanded to at least a mile big somehow. Maybe even bigger.


Everyone began to talk in low voices trying to figure out what it is that they should do, but everyone went silent as a mechanical voice came through a set of loud speakers up ahead echoing throughout the massive room as a red light shined on them all.

"Welcome to the third test. This is a high level physical test designed to push your body to its limit and make sure you can handle a fraction of what is required to be an Enforcer. This test was selected by the Squad Two Captain, Captain King. Please follow the instructions that are given." The voice announced in a cheerful but robotic tone.

"Finally! Something I'm good at!" Ken announced.

"A Samurai such as myself should have no problems finishing this goal." Kitsune said still on the floor.

"I wonder what kind of things we're gonna have to-" Hero began but was cut off by the speaker coming back on.

"To start please do five hundred laps, when you are done please sit down and await further instructions. You are not allowed to use your Cursed Life Techniques for this Exercise."

"F... Five hundred." Emma said slowly. "Oh dear... This room is around a mile big so that's..."

"Ahh crap..." Hero sighed. "That's gotta be a joke right... Like... I think I could maybe do two hundred miles, maybe two fifty in around thirty to forty minuets if I moved at top speeds with my Cursed Life Technique but that would be pushing it? Without my Cursed Life Technique though... Light carry me."

"As you command big brother-"

"Hero don't abuse Light..."

Hero sighed and began to stretch. "Well Fox. How about it? You wanna race."

Kitsune snorted. "How childish can you be Devil Arm. As if I would ever race- Threetwoone go!" Kitsune yelled running off at full speed.

"Cheater!" Hero ran after him at full speed. 'I'll race you around this entire God damn arena! Like our Master once said! ¡ssɐʞɔɐɾ uo ʇᴉ ƃuᴉɹq"

"I don't know what that means so it can't be used as an insult to me!" Kitsune announced proudly.

"They're really going to sprint the whole thing?" Ken mumbled. "Isn't that kind of... Dumb?"

"You think those two are smart enough to figure that out?" Shelly said.

"Good point..."

Irene also didn't waste any time running full sprint down the run way as well. She was really mad...

"It would be best to start slow." Emma said inspecting the arena. "Five hundred miles will take a while, and a lot of energy. I also suspect there is more after this, so saving ones energy is a must..."

"So just jog. Got it." Light began jogging away.

And with that everyone else began to start their jog. This went on for a long while as everyone started their jog off slowly. At first it went well. But at around lap fifty was when some people began to slowly fall behind. Some gave up and made for the exit leaving the room deciding this was impossible.

Even without a Cursed Life Technique, or Equation, most of the people in this room had super human speed, strength, and endurance, but to be expected to run five hundred miles... That was a little much for everyone right...

By the first one hundred lap practically everyone was exhausted and falling behind.

Ken and Shelly were both waddling forward both of them completely exhausted but still pushing forward. Emma wasn't even sweating yet. Over with Max and a few of the more impressive looking people they were all did their best and conserved their breathing realizing they weren't even at the half way point yet. This was the hardest test so far by a long margin...


And over with Irene, Hero, and Kitsune...

They were barley stumbling forward wobbling more than anyone else and covered in an ocean of sweat. The rivals had an arm around each other holding each other up as they barley stumbled forward breathing heavily and suffering from dehydration, while Irene stumbled after them. Unlike everyone else they were on lap five hundred and thirty two haven gone full speed and refused to stop until everyone else was done since Irene wanted extra credit and the two boys lost count so they just followed her...

"I... I can... Do... All... Day..." Hero nearly threw up as he slowly moved forward.

"S... crew.... Dev... Ar. M... Master... Training. Way... Worse... Than... This joke..." Kitsune nodded.

"Mahshhhhqha" Irene muttered.

"Not even words..."

"Those three are dumb..." Ken sighed shaking her head.

Finally when the last person completed lap five hundred Hero and Kitsune both let out a loud cry nearly sobbing while Irene face planted onto the ground. "O-h... Thank- God..." Hero gasped out. "We're finally done... We did it man... We did it!" He cried dragging the unconscious Kitsune behind him. "We did it."

Kitsune's eyes slowly opened. "I think... I misunderstood you. We aren't so-"

"Please Jump five hundred jumping jacks, followed by five hundred squats, followed by five hundred push-ups, followed by five hundred sit ups. You are not allowed to stop until you are done, or use your Cursed Life Technique. When you are done please sit down and await further instructions..." The mechanical voice announced.

"I f##king hate you fox boy!"

"Screw you devil arm! What did I do!"

"I need to blame someone!" He yelled dropping Kitsune.

"Well so much for them being friends..." Shelly said.

"Darn. Just when I was beginning to ship them." Everyone slowly looked at Ken. "What? Everyone was thinking it!"

"Do we really have to do all that?" Light muttered. It seemed even he was at a breaking point now.

"It's impossible..."

"Not fair..."

"I can't stand..."

No one even tried as they all talked about how horrible this situation was.

Everyone in the room was completely silent bemoaning the situation they were in. No one said a word as they all set there exhausted beyond belief. Then finally Kitsune stood up and began to jump being the first one to start once again. Him starting began to slowly get everyone else up as they all began.

"I'm suddenly hating this..." Ken said as she slowly stood up. She wobbled slightly as she got to work. "I thought that Squad Eight Alexander guy sucked but this Captain's test is way, way, way, way, way worse!"

"I... R... Really... Hope I get in..." Shelly sighed as she to got up. "This would really suck to do all of this and not make it in... Such a hopeless situation."

"Tell me about it..." Irene groaned.

"Look on the bright side..." Hero said just barely standing up. "You shouldn't give into despair..."


"What?" He asked.

"What's the bright side of this?" Shelly aske him.

"I dunno... There's probably some bright side to this though..." Hero shrugged. "Just don't lose hope."

It took nearly eight hours, and way, way more stupid physical tests they had to take like climbing a three mile long rope, running over hot coal, swimming, and a whole lot more of bs...

But finally they managed to finish as everyone collapsed and the room slowly reverted back to normal leaving the room as it had preciously.

"We... We did it..." Everyone said.

Even Max finally looked relived.

This just left two Tests left...