The Fifth Test Part 1

Night Twenty Eight...

Age 1991

A random Hall in the Enforcers main Building...

"Eins." North called out following his friend down the hall. Eins didn't stop as he continued to walk down the hall. "Eins will you stop and talk to me for just a few seconds! You were like someone else! What was that! Are the deaths still affecting you! You said you got past that."

Eins stopped walking as he went silent. He turned back to look at North as his eyes seemed to lit up and his goofy smile came back onto his face. "I'm fine... I'm fine. I'm..."He gritted his teeth and turned away from his friend glaring at the wall. "I'm fine... I was just..."

"Eins..." North looked away for a second letting out a low hiss. "Was it that girl? Did she do this to you?" He asked. His thoughts went to that strange pink haired girl. "She was from Dahlia City wasn't she..."

A few months ago Dahlia city had been completely destroyed by an unknown means... It started with a low rumbling. Before anyone could figure out what was going on the entire city was hit with volcanic ash, earth quakes, and even lightning, and floods, from the black acidic waters of the ocean. It was as if the world itself suddenly turned on the city. To make matters worse this attack somehow sent out a high pitch signal calling forth every Bestia Macht in a one hundred mile radius forth. They went into a frenzy and destroyed what was left of the city.

It took ten whole days, and five Squads before the incident was finally handled. Many Enforcers were lost in the battle hence the need for recruitment. Less than 3% of the cities Population survived the attack.

Eins had been one of the Enforcers with the unfortunate duty of seeing the city be destroyed. He hadn't been the same since...

"I know how you feel Eins... I saw someone today to... My sister... I know she didn't get a letter, but she's here... I have to help her out. She does so much for me this is the least I can do-"

"Do you know why the Enforcers exist." Eins asked. "And why Master Storm doesn't allow everyone with a Cursed Life Technique to become one?"


"The Enforcers exist to bring forth hope." Eins said simply. "This world is filled with despair. Frozen lands, monsters, and waring Nations. It is our duty to protect these lands no matter what. And because of that we die. Again, and again, and again. A sad but ultimate truth. We Enforcers exist to die. Master Storm is aware of this. He would rather have quality over quantity. Why have a few hundred soldiers who will die instantly when you can have ten soldiers that will last just a little bit longer. We're already so full of causalities that if we were to simple let anyone in, the causality rate would sky rocket and with it Hope would begin to fade. There are more Blackcoats, and Scientists in the Enforcers, than Enforcers themselves."

"I don't get what you're trying to say?" North muttered.

Eins let out a sigh covering his face with his hands. "I just wish it would all be over you know."

"Well... It won't just end. Not until the heart is found. And even then it won't be over." North sighed.

"Do you know the three things the Enforcers are looking for? The first is simple. They look for Equations they can hand out to people. Often times the people that fail to bond with an Equation become Blackcoats. It's the reserve division. Anytime an Equation is found it is sent there in the hopes of being bonded with someone to make a new Cursed Life Technique. Many people are unable to bond with one and as such join as a Blackcoat, or a Scientist, in the science division who helps the Enforcers out. However their is one Equation they are looking for above all others... A powerful Equation... That is their main goal. Finding the Heart. A power item said to be able to end this world. Many Enforcers think the Heart is an Equation that is already inside of someone. And of course the final goal of the Enforcers which the public was never made aware of."

"A secret goal? I've never heard of that?" North frowned. "What is it."

"It's a secret goal the Enforcers don't want anyone to know about. Only a hand few of the Captains know about it." Eins said moving closer to North.

"And you know of this how."

"I'll tell you... I spoke to God, in my dreams, and he told me. He told me about the great Rebirth and the story of the Ten Steps... A thing called the living Womb."

"I don't understand what any of that means? Eins I'm starting to get worried about you. We should go see that therapist again."

Eins let out a small laugh as he turned away. "It was likely nothing. I saw the events in a dream of mine but it made me wonder... Would a restart really be so bad?"


"Do you think I did well?" Ken asked cocking her head to the side. Shelly, Hero, Light and Kitsune were all hiding behind the back of Emma, and Irene staring at the small silver eyed girl.

"I don't know what any of that was but it scared me." Hero said eyeing the girl up and down. "You said you were a transformation type but you fired lasers..."

"What was that?" Emma asked cocking her head to the side. Unlike the others who hid behind her she didn't seem bothered by the girls weird power show. And Irene just didn't seem to care and was to busy fuming.

"It's... Complicated." Ken shrugged.

"I'll say..." Hero muttered.

"She's a demon." Kitsune announced. "A cute demon, but still a demon!"

Shelly let out a sigh stepping out from behind Emma as she looked Ken up and down. "Was that some kind of Equip type power? Or a Transformation. Your body healed but..."

"But?" Ken asked.

"You're kind of still covered in blood..."

Ken looked down at herself. Her shirt had a large hole in it showing off her stomach which was still covered in blood. Some blood also dripped down her chin, and throat, and her chest was also covered in blood. She reached up rebuttoning up the shirt as her face flushed a little red. Her shirt was still pretty torn up from stabbing herself several times. "Whoops... I'm kind of used to being covered in blood. The more damaged I am the stronger my power rises. And thanks to my healing process it's almost no risk involved. But... It gets messy... I wish I didn't go all out though. I tore my shirt up..."

Hero threw his blue jacket at her which she caught and slipped on.


"You owe me a jacket..." Hero said in a flat tone.


"Lucky bastard got big brothers jacket..."

"Don't be jealous Light..."


A red light shined down from the roof as the room once again began shaking knocking over Ken, and Shelly. Kitsune and Hero managed to remain standing using each other to stay up, and Max, Light, and Emma weren't even phased. Over in the corner Ward also stood reading a long list of names from a pink paper he had, not noticing the room was shaking.

"Oh God... Here we go again..." Hero mumbled.

"This should be the final test." Kitsune announced. "Which means..."

"We get to fight stuff!" Ken, and Hero said happily.

"Good..." Irene said softly. "I want to hit something really, really hard..."

"Irene happy place..." Hero said slowly.


"Well I tried."

"Good evening recruits!" A loud robotic voice announced out in a booming cheerful way, coming from up above the many remaining recruits. "Today you will all be taking your last, and most important test in the Enforcers Exam." The walls of the room were pushed back as the entire building now shook and began to expand. What was once a fairly large room was massive once again. The entire room was nearly twice as big now leaving plenty of room. In the center of the room a large metal arena slowly raised up. "If you look around you, you will see several happy, and hopeful recruits, who like you wish to join the Enforcers for their own way. Your goal is to defeat all of them and crush their dreams..." That got some people to begin muttering. Everyone began to glance at each other not knowing what to do.

"Uhh... What does she mean by that?" Someone asked nervously.

"She's joking right?"

"This is the most important test we have." The voice stated. "Currently the twelve Captains are watching. They will be viewing your fights and have been given notes on your previous tests. It is up to them on if they want you in their squad. As such it is recommended that you ABSOLUTELY DESTROY your opponent in this match in order to best impress them. Don't hold anything back. Even if you feel like you may lose give it your all, as a Squad could still take you in even if you lose though it will be much harder..."

"Wait? Is this gonna be a battle royal style?" Hero said looking around.

"I hope so." Ken said nodding her head. "I mean if I wipe you all out I'll get in for sure right?" She asked giving an innocent smile.

"Ha. As if. I would burn you away first." Shelly announced.

Suddenly the entire room seemed to become colder and more closed off as everyone began to glare at each other. Even though the shaking suddenly stopped that voice still managed to put everyone into a panic. Everyone now seemed to be against each other as they all slowly backed away from each other.

"I really don't want to fight Ken or Shelly... I like living. I fight Fox all the time... And fighting Light sounds worse than Ken, and Shelly." Hero sighed throwing his hands behind his head. "Want to be my opponent Emma?"

"No thank you." She said innocently.

"Ahh that's fine." Hero's eyes slowly glanced towards the lone figure who stood by himself. Max stared back. "I already know who I want to fight." He smirked.

Ward let out a sigh as he walked onto the arena and held the pink page up as he read it. "Those of you who made it this far should have a small yellow plastic badge that the lady in the first floor gave you." Ward said. "Those have been monitoring your vitals. When I give the command simply fight each other to your fullest abilities. Those badges will connect with each other and will keep track of how many people you take down."

"Alright death match!" Hero announced. "I'm gonna kill someone!"

"Actually." Ward called out. "I'll be standing by to put a stop to the match and administer any healing needed before it becomes life threatening. As such I assure you all no one will die. We already have loads of problems from HR as it is... Killing kids wouldn't be good... Breaking them mentally and physically is already close to the line."

"Alright safe matches not to the death!" Hero announced. "I'm gonna knock someone out! In the name of Hope and vanishing Despair!"

"I can't wait to punch someone..." Irene smiled.

"Happy place Irene."

"Shut up Hero..."

"You can begin when ever you want." Ward called out pulling out a book and beginning to read it. Despite giving the word, nobody moved an inch as they wall waited for someone else to make the first move.

Hero sighed crossing his arms as he looked around the room. "So... Who do you think is gonna start this off first-"

"This is for throwing those shoes at me jackass!" The pissed off voice of Max called out as Hero was blind sided by a massive ball of lava...

And with that the matches finally began.

The most important test in the Enforcers try outs. So important the other Captains would be watching. A test worth more than the others...

This was it!