The Fifth Test Part 2

Night Twenty Nine

Age 1991

"Alright death match!" Hero announced. "I'm gonna kill someone!"

"Actually." Ward called out. "I'll be standing by to put a stop to the match and administer any healing needed before it becomes life threatening. As such I assure you all no one will die. We already have loads of problems from HR as it is... Killing kids wouldn't be good... Breaking them mentally and physically is already close to the line."

"Alright safe matches not to the death!" Hero announced. "I'm gonna knock someone out! In the name of Hope and vanishing Despair!"

"I can't wait to punch someone..." Irene smiled.

"Happy place Irene."

"Shut up Hero..."

"You can begin when ever you want." Ward called out pulling out a book and beginning to read it. Despite giving the word, nobody moved an inch as they wall waited for someone else to make the first move.

Hero sighed crossing his arms as he looked around the room. "So... Who do you think is gonna start this off first-"

"This is for throwing those shoes at me jackass!" The pissed off voice of Max called out as Hero was blind sided by a massive ball of lava...

And with that the matches finally began.

The most important test in the Enforcers try outs. So important the other Captains would be watching. A test worth more than the others...

This was it!

The battle started the moment Hero slammed into the wall in the room. The ball of lava that had hit him exploded in a bright orange blast that shook the massive reinforced room. It didn't take any more to set everyone off as every Equation was suddenly busted out, and Cursed Life Techniques were thrown back and forth. Powers of lightning, fire, shadows, and light were thrown around as everyone broke out into a fight.

Light was nearly blasted off his feet by Emma who instantly slashed her weapon out at him.

"What did I do!" The blind kid yelled in a panic as he barley managed to block the vibrating chain-saw with his large gun.

Emma gave a half shrug. "Honestly Shelly, Ken, and Kitsune scare the crap out of me, and you were the closet person to me, and you're blind, so I was kind of trying to just wipe you out in a single attack..."

"Wow... You're a terrible nun... But... Clown is telling me to kick your ass so I'll take you up on this fight!" Light announced raising his gun up and firing out a beam of light that Emma blocked with her own weapon. The force of the attack began to push her back as she gritted her teeth and brought her weapon up sending the beam up into the roof. "Wow..." Light said blinking a few times. "You're strong."

"Thank you-"

Emma was cut off when Light shot at her again mid sentence...

"Wait I wasn't ready!" Emma managed to get out as the beam washed over her.

"That was the point." Light bragged. "The beams are as fast as light, and pack a lot of heat and physicals force. It wouldn't be a very good laser if it could simply be blocked..."

The dust slowly settled as Emma could be seen still standing. Her nun robes were mostly torn to shreds after that last blast and smoke rose off of her body, She looked pretty banged up but still had a powerful look in her eyes as she raised her weapon up.

"Alright... Looks like I misjudged you..." Emma gave a small smile as a bluish silver light began to glow around the blade. "Let's do this." She hissed out as her chain saw roared to life.

Off to the side Kitsune had began his duel with Irene, making it a battle of ice, and flames. Irene was doing her best to block attacks with her ice, while Kitsune was in his battle mode having his fire fox ears, and fox tails, his katana was already ignited with his flames.

Kitsune let out a loud weebish battle cry slashing his katana down and sending out a jet of flames towards the boyish girl. Irene managed to raise her hands up creating a massive block of ice that she quickly used to block the strike. The flames were so intense they managed to melt the block down into a steam like substance in mere seconds pushing the girl back.

"You're a Caster right..." Kitsune said running his hand along the edge of his blade. He let out small tear when he accidently slipped and cut himself on the blade. It took him a second to get back on track. "Unlike me you have a power inside of you. We Equip Types must use these weapons holding our power inside of them, while Casters have absorbed the Equation into their body. They are almost like a Transformation Type but still different. Rather than convert parts of your body into a weapon, you instead generate that forces through your body and unleash it."

"Is that a problem?" Irene asked.

"In a way. Caster types are like Wizards." Kitsune smirked. "You rarely train your bodies relying on your powers. Unlike Transformation Types or Equip types, we must be able to keep up with the Bestia Macht due to us having to fight up close and personal, where as you casters simply blast things away from a distance. As such your bodies are lacking..."

Irene made a face for a moment as she brought her arms up entering a boxing stance. "Is that what you think..." Ice formed over her arms and legs forming Ice gauntlets, and ice boots. "Allow me to prove you wrong!" She announced firing herself forward with a sled of ice.

Kitsune blocked the first strike from her with ease using the blunt side of his blade. Irene wailed on him though throwing punch after punch with her ice gauntlets. Her punches were brutal having a lot of weight behind them. Every strike sent ripples through Kitsune's arms making him hiss out as the bones in his arms vibrated.

"Get off me!" He announced loudly as an aura of flame exploded around his body. He brought his sword up and slashed it down to the girl as hard as he could. "I'll split you in two-"

Kitsune wasn't able to finish his sentence as Irene caught the blade in between her hands as the sword came to a stop. She gritted her teeth as Kitsune put a tremendous amount of magical force into the strike causing the ground underneath the girl to actually crack and falter as she was being pressed down. It was like having a mountain dropped on you.

And yet...

Irene stood her ground holding the blade back.

Kitsune let out a loud cry as he placed all his flames into the blade sending a jet of fire out that washed over Irene exploding the area in front of him. The force of the attack melted the ground and kicked up a massive dust cloud.

"Ha. Take that you-"

Irene's fist flew out of the dust cloud smashing into Kitsune's face easily shatter his nose, and a few teeth throwing him back. He crashed into the floor as he looked up with wide eyes.

Irene walked out of the melted dust cloud and she looked pissed.

And hurt.

Her hair was undone being long, and was covered in ash and soot darkening it slightly. Her jacket had been bunt completely off leaving her in a simple white tank top and her simple black pants. Her clothing was burned slightly from the attack and most of her stomach could be seen showing the rows of abs and her muscular arms and legs. She wasn't buff, but she was macular. Lean and strong some of her flesh showed scarring no doubt from a mistake she made up against her deadly foes, the Bestia Macht. She was clearly built like a warrior.

Which posed the question.

Why was she never gifted a letter?

"Oh my God, you're ripped." Kitsune said with wide eyes. He slowly stumbled back to his feet pointing his sword at her. "I take it back... I guess you did train your body."

More ice covered Irene's arms, and legs, forming thicker, heavier gauntlets as she re-entered her stance. "Naturally I'd have to. It's up to me to protect them..." She muttered. The images of her siblings came to her mind as a look of anger grew in her eyes. "I will slay all the Bestia Macht, she announced."

Kitsune smirked as he swirled the blade around. More flames began to cover the blade as he brought it up. Eight more tails grew out of him forming his nine tails as a crackling flame aura appeared around his body. "That's the spirit!" He laughed. "Give it everything you got and come at me with your all! I'll use my max power on you! Not even Hero can deal with this! Faiafokkusu no abatā!" He announced loudly slashing his sword down and sending out a massive fox made of flames that was dressed in flaming samurai armor, wielding a massive samurai sword made out of flames. It looked awesome and so, so, so weeby...

"Your powers are kind of broken..." Irene muttered as she punched out sending a massive fist made of ice towards the flaming monster.

"Fire Fox! Fight On!" Kitsune announced loudly.