The Fifth Test Part 3

Night Thirty

Age 1991

Max let out a small sigh covering his hand with his face. "You fools can't be serious..."

"Of course we're serious. A commoner scum like you doesn't deserve to own an Equation! Those belong to us Nobles!" In front of Max stood five people, all around his age. Each of them was wielding their own Equip Type Weapon that was glowing with what seemed like a powerful energy. "Nobles are far superiors to you fools!"

When a Noble from the Twenty Sacred Branches are born, an Equation also resides within the womb of the mother being birthed alongside the child. This is known as the Bright-Womb... A thing that only the Twenty Sacred Branches can do. Not even other Nobles have this privilege. That being said after several studies it has been noted that Nobles are far more likely to be able to bond with an Equation than the others.

Due to this fact they were a staple in the community required for war for they were the backing of this Kingdom, and Nation. Less than 5% of the non-noble population even has access to Equations. That is why people such as Hero, Irene, Light, Emma, Shelly, and Ken are so favored. Some of the few commoners to not only posses their very own Equations, but to be able to evolve them past the limits of most Nobles...

Truly they are gifted...

Max let out another sigh as more lava began to flow off of his wrist being formed from his Equation which rested in a simple bracelet on his left arm. "You Noble scum are the things someone as worthless as me hates most in this world... When I become Emperor I shall get rid of all of you!"

"W... What? You think you can actually become the Emperor! Hahaha... Only members of the Twenty Sacred Branches can reach the title of Emperor! It's been this way since the great collapse! Not even Nobles like us can reach that title. Why would some trash off the road ever reach that goal?"

"I'll reach that goal... Because it's something I want to do! Now! Come at me with everything you've got! I'll show you my true power! None of you are the enemies I am waiting for! You're just the filler to the main dish!"

Meanwhile on another part of the massive mile long room...

"Oh my God, you're ripped." Kitsune said with wide eyes. He slowly stumbled back to his feet pointing his sword at her. "I take it back... I guess you did train your body."

More ice covered Irene's arms, and legs, forming thicker, heavier gauntlets as she re-entered her stance. "Naturally I'd have to. It's up to me to protect them..." She muttered. The images of her siblings came to her mind as a look of anger grew in her eyes. "I will slay all the Bestia Macht, she announced."

Kitsune smirked as he swirled the blade around. More flames began to cover the blade as he brought it up. Eight more tails grew out of him forming his nine tails as a crackling flame aura appeared around his body. "That's the spirit!" He laughed. "Give it everything you got and come at me with your all! I'll use my max power on you! Not even Hero can deal with this! Faiafokkusu no abatā!" He announced loudly slashing his sword down and sending out a massive fox made of flames that was dressed in flaming samurai armor, wielding a massive samurai sword made out of flames. It looked awesome and so, so, so weeby...

"Your powers are kind of broken..." Irene muttered as she punched out sending a massive fist made of ice towards the flaming monster.

"Fire Fox! Fight On!" Kitsune announced loudly.

Over in another part of the room Shelly and Ken were fighting... It wasn't quite as spectacle as flames covering a blizzard, but it was certainly a fight.

"Stand still and let me laser you!" Ken yelled stabbing through the blue jacket Hero gave her. She ripped out a large black spike which she pointed towards the pink haired girl sending a wave of red and black energy out.

Shelly side stepped the beam which blew the wall behind her up, and sent several of the people who were in the room up into the air from the shock wave. Several of them crashed into the ground unconscious.

"Yeah... I really don't want to get hit by that..." Shelly sighed slashing her arm out and sending a stream of pink flames out.

Ken threw the black spike forward and raised her arm up just in time to block the flames. The spike nicked Shelly's cheek as it stabbed through the wall behind her. The flames slammed into Ken's arm burning through the fabric and flesh sending her back a few feet. Her arm was covered by the flames as they began to spread.

"Oh right... Your flames spread..." Ken sighed.

"That's right." Shelly nodded. "I can turn the flame off. Give up and I'll do that. Other wise you'll be burnt to-"

"I could just do option two?"

"What the hell is option two? What are you gonna cut your arm off-"

"Yoink." Ken reached up and ripped her arm off dropping it on the ground and making everyone around her instantly go silent as most of the fighting stopped and everybody stared at the girl in horror and shock. A few people even began throwing up as blood flowed out of the room.

Even Max seemed taken aback by this staring at the girl. "Maybe I should have challenged her... She's way weirder and stronger than Hero..."

"Why the hell would you do that!" Shelly yelled with wide eyes. The fighting began to slowly pick back up as everyone tried to look away from the girl who had become a fountain of blood at this point. It seemed part of her weird powers included buckets of blood as she had shed enough to die of blood loss, several times.

"Relax." Ken shrugged with her good arm. "It's just an arm."

"Just an arm!"

"I've had much worse pulled off of me." She smiled. Small wisps of ice shimmered around the wound as a black muscle looking thing grew out of the hole. It formed a shape as flesh and bones grew out of it. After only a few seconds she regrew her entire limb. Steam was pouring off of the limb as moved her new arm in a circular motion. "Give me a few moments. It takes a while for me to get used to the new limbs."

Shelly recoiled staring at the girl in shock. "S... So... Your power allows you to regrow entire limbs huh..."


"W... What?"

"Me re-growing my limbs aren't a part of my Equation." Ken gave an innocent smile as several black spikes grew out of her body which she pulled out giving her large metal needle like weapons. "The same goes for these spikes. They aren't from my Equation either."

"What are you..."

"I'll let you know when I find out."

Shelly let out a small giggle as pink flames began to sprout from around her. "Well it seems I misjudged you Ken. I'm glad I chose to fight you."

"Why's that?" Ken asked cocking her head to the side.

"If you can heal... Than I don't need to hold back!" She announced slapping her hand forward and sending out a giant ball of pink flames. "Besides..." Ken barley managed to side step the massive pink ball as it exploded in a powerful beam of flames. "You aren't the only one who can heal." Shelly announced.

For a second what sounded like a small beat echoed out as a pink aura covered her body. A pink glow shined out of her cut open cheek as the wound seemed to slowly seal. It wasn't the same as Ken's though. Where as new flesh seemed to form from Ken's body, Shelly's just seemed to rewind the damage piecing it back together slowly as her cheeks cut vanished. Ken's silver eyes were wide with shock as she stared at the girl.

"You... You heal! Are you a Seraphin to?"

"Seraphin? Is that what you are? I never heard of that?" Shelly said slowly.

Ken let out a wince realizing she let it slip. That isn't important..." She raised her hands up as several black spikes stabbed out of her hands glowing with a bright reddish and black glow as she got ready to send out two beams of her dark energy. "What is important... Is me beating you!" She called out.

Off to the side a heavily beat up Emma and Light could both be seen.

After their battle both of them were covered in several burns, slashes, and various bruises and their clothing were a mess. Neither teen was able to get a leg up on the other one for the entire duration of their match, and at this point they were both starting to crash.

"This is getting no where..." Emma hissed out rubbing at her wounded side which was still smoking after being zapped several times by Light's lasers.

"Anytime you're ready to give up..." Light muttered trying his beast to stay standing.

"Not happening... But..."


Emma let out a small smile as he shrugged her shoulders. "Perhaps it is best we put this death match on hold?"

"What! Why?"

"Think about it. The goal is to knock out as many people as you can right. As such attacking people around your own power level isn't smart since you'll spend to much time on that person. Both of us have already wasted more than half of the run time during this battle alone and haven't knocked anyone out, meaning as we stay here and do battle, the chances of us joining the Enforcers gets smaller and smaller."

Light let out a small hiss before his face twisted into a large smile as he threw his large cross shaped gun over his shoulder. "Very well than!" He announced in his loud tone. "In that case, Clown and I will allow you to stop fighting us!"

"Oh uhh... Thanks I guess-"

Emma was unable to finish as Light turned away and ran further into a crowd of fighting people.

"What an odd boy..."

Off to another corner of the room it would seem that Kitsune, and Irene were getting similar thoughts, though they were in far worse shape.

Kitsune had several fist sized bruises all across his body, a black eye, and small wisps of ice clung to his skin. Irene was covered in burn marks, and slash marks, bleeding pretty badly. They didn't look to be in good shape.

"Damn it stop punching my flaming foxes!" Kitsune yelled waving his sword at the girl.

"Stop summoning them then!" Irene yelled back.


"How are you not unconscious! I've hit you like thirty times in the head!"

Kitsune gave a large smirk as he ran a hand through his red hair. His green eyes seemed to shine brighter for a moment. "My Drain has been Bamaged so much it is impossible for it to be harmed anymore. I've evolved to have a skull thicker than diamond!"

"Drain... Bamaged... I don't think you've evolved I think your brain just doesn't work anymore..."

"False!" Kitsune went silent for a moment as both teens slowly stared themselves down. Kitsune's eyes slowly drifted over Irene's body. Her clothing was pretty torn up and burnt after their battle making the Noble Fox teen shift awkwardly as he looked away. "Perhaps we should fight other people."

Irene let out a small grunt for a moment as she sighed. "That might be for the best. Neither one of us is making any headway in this fight. I can't freeze you, and you can't burn me. We're nearly even."

"I see why you got a letter. You're pretty strong." That phase made Irene let out a growl for some reason as she turned away from Kitsune.

"Whatever... Just stay out of my way..." She hissed.
