The Fifth Test Part 4

Night Thirty One

Age 1991

The Enforcers Captains room...

A Few Seconds Before The Final Test Begins...

Within a fairly dark room a large table could be seen with several thrones resting near it. There were twelve Thrones in total, and each Throne had a number ranging from one, all the way to twelve. A person could be seen resting in eleven of the seats, while the chair with a 'one' on it was empty. People could also be seen standing near the thrones. At one end of the room what looked like a large glass monitor could be seen which showed the many fights that were happening in the try outs room.

"Oh, oh right there!" In the room standing next to the Squad Six chair, Jackson Storm, Heir to the Noble family of Storm, could be seen with an excited look on his face. He was pointing at the monitor again and again. "That's him Dawson. That's the boy I told you guys about."

A small grunt could be heard next to Jackson. A young man Jackson's age stood next to the Noble. He had messy black hair, and bright animalistic yellow eyes and pale skin. He was dressed in a black jump suit which had a six on the shoulder. His eyes stared at the monitor locking onto the figure of Hero Law who was standing next to several of his friends as everyone waited for the Match to start and the fighting to break out.

"I think his name is Hero Law or something?" Jackson shrugged. "He's the one that creepy Robed guy asked about."

Dawson let out a small grunt folding his arms. "I see... So why exactly are you freaking out about this kid?"

"You'll see." Jackson smirked. "He's strong. Stronger than most. I'm sure he can-"

"I think he just got eliminated."

"What?" Jackson turned back just in time to see Hero Law blasted by a ball of hot lava as he slammed into one of the walls in the building. And with that the fighting began as all the recruits broke out into open combat. "..."

"So it looks like the guy you cared about just got blind sided in one attack?" Dawson said boredly.

"God damn it... I owe Eins three hundred Bells..."


The Enforcers try out rooms...

Hero Law let out a small groan as he dropped from the side of the melted wall he was in and landed in the floor.

"That hurt..." His t shirt was burned slightly, along with his pants, and he looked pretty banged up. "I think I blacked out... How long was I..." He looked up and blinked a few times staring at the massive horde of kids all fighting. The ground was littered with the bodies of unconscious kids, and a wide variety of lights shined out as attacks were thrown back and forth knocking more kids out. "...What the hell did I miss..."

"Damn it stop dodging Shelly!" The pissed off voice of Ken could be heard.

Hero looked to his left just in time to see Shelly dodging a beam of red energy. Unfortunately, being that Hero was standing behind her, or more like resting on the ground behind her, this meant the beam was heading towards him at a high speed.

"Oh shit-"

Hero had time to say before the beam slammed him into another wall. He let out groan falling to the floor as his entire body ached and burned. That beam hurt worse than the lava had. It sent shivers through him as every cell in his body ached. It was like the Bestia Macht virus. Like he was being attacked on cellular level. His right arm glowed slightly activating the cure to the virus and purging his body of whatever that beam was.

"Alright..." Hero groaned out slowly standing back up. "Screw this... I'm finding Max... Honestly I think that would be safer than hanging around this-"

"Let's see you heal from this you regenerating prick!" Hero looked up just in time seeing a massive ball of pink flames flying towards him as Ken dodged the attack.

"God damn it!" He managed.

In another part of the room a very bored looking Max could be seen.

In front of him four burned bodies of the five Nobles who were attacking him rested. The fifth could be seen still standing but in a really, really banged up way. The Noble wielded a large white long sword that shined with a greenish energy.

"N... No..." He hissed out pointing his Blade to Max. "I... I won't quit... Not yet."

"I'm actually kind of Impressed." Max admitted. "One attack and you're still standing... But still... Your body is in no condition to fight after my last attack. Just give up."

"Never!" The Noble announced. "I refuse to give up! I promised... I promised my Master I would never give up." He yelled raising the sword up pointing it at Max. The image of a kind old man came to the Nobles mind for a moment. "I'm not like the Nobles... I could care less about rank and all that jazz... All I care about is proving I'm worthy to hold this sword!"

Max gave the smallest hint of a smile as raised his hand up about to send a tidal wave of lava out. "What's your name exactly?"

"Arthur." The boy announced bringing the sword up. "Heir to the Noble Family of Pendragon, one of the Twenty Sacred Branches."

"Ahh yes... Aka, Nine, Storm, Lancelot, and Pendragon. The five Sacred Nobles from the Twenty Branches that live within this Nation. All four Nations has five families from the Twenty Branches. Well... It was nice to meet you Arthur but someone as weak as you has no right challenging me." He announced thrusting his arm forward.

Arthur had time to widen his eyes as the ball of lava fired towards him. 'I'm already to beat up. I can't dodge it!' He thought. 'Am I gonna-'

"Get down!" A foot slammed into Arthur's head slamming him into the stone floor as Hero brought his right arm up sending the ball of lava into the air. "Phew. That was close." Hero laughed still standing on the stunned Arthur. "That was kind of dumb just taking that attack head on."

"I was wondering when you'd show up." Max smirked. The lava began to flow around him as his smile grew. "Let's do this. Although I do wonder. Why'd you bother saving the dead weight."

Hero jumped off of the downed boy as he raised his right arm up. "Oh yeah... I've been waiting on this. And of course I'd save this idiot. I'm Hero Law! I'm a God damn superhero! Like hell I'll let someone with Hopes as bright as this kids go out! I'd risk my life a billion times if it meant Hope defeats Despair. Even my own life could be thrown away and I wouldn't care!"

"Still as crazy as ever..."

"Y... You're gonna fight him." Arthur asked.

"Of course I am!"

"Th... Then let me join you. He's to strong to fight alone-"

Hero slammed his arm into the teens guts making his eyes go wide. He dropped to the ground letting out a yell.

"Nah you stay out of this." Hero said casually turning back to Max.

"That was kind of cruel of you... Saving him then knocking him out yourself..." Max said slowly stalking to Hero.

"I'm a superhero. I can't let him fight he'd just get in my way with how injured he is." Hero raised his right arm up as it glowed and morphed into his weapon. The Arm Of Miracles! "Besides... I want you all to myself!"

Max slashed his arm out sending out a tidal wave of lava as Hero slapped it away with his arm. And with that their battle began!

Hero launched forward as loud sound emitted from his right arm sending out a loud sonic boom that shook the area around him and Max. He red hot claws slashed out in an attempt to cut into Max but the boy was too quick blocking the strike by coating his own arm in lava and hardening it to a thick rock like armor that he used to block the strike. He did the same to his other arm, entering a boxing stance and delivering a powerful right hook to Hero's jaw pushing the boy back.

Hero slid back and spat out a glob of blood and a broken tooth as his face twisted into a smile. "Got another one in you?"

"As a matter of fact..." More lava flowed around Max covering his arms and forming massive rock arms around his shoulders. "I do."

Hero brought his right arm up delivering a powerful slap that sent a shock wave through the air pushing Max back. He didn't stop there though as several iron feathers fired from his arm in all directions. Anyone that was near the two were blasted back as they ramped up their battle sending out more bursts of sound, and lava.

"Hell's Tidal Wave!" Max announced slamming both his arms down and sending out a huge tidal wave of Lava out.

"David's Trumpet!" Hero called out sending a stream of sound out that bore a hole into the lava causing it to splash around him. "Heat won't work on me. My body can reaches temperatures hotter than lava. You'll never beat me with those kinds of-"

Max jumped through the lava slamming his massive rock arms into Hero sending him flying back. "I'm an Equip type who doesn't use a weapon." Max smirked. More lava flowed around him forming the shape of spears. The lava hardened becoming solid rock one more as the lava around Max's arms melted back freeing his arms. He reached up picking one of the spears up. "I prefer to make my own weapons."

Hero caught his footing raising his right arm up and blocking several rock spears that Max thrusted at him at high speeds. They moved than a bullet and hit harder than a truck stabbing into his metallic glowing arm and denting the metal making Hero yell out in pain.

"That hurt!" He growled grabbing one of the spears and ripping them out of his arm. He stepped forward and threw it back at Max who easily dodged it. More feathers stabbed out of Hero's arm as they connected forming a large iron angelic like from his wrist up to his elbow. The wing was large and made entirely out of the iron feathers. Hero slammed his arm down generating a tremendous amount of wind as he took flight.

"You can fly!"

"All the best Hero's can! Just call me Super Cool Man!" Hero announced. 'Though this is more like jumping, or falling, with style... Lot's of style...' He thought as he swept down at a fast speed spinning his body around so he could slam into Max feet first. "Eventful Impact!" Hero screamed kicking Max so hard the teen was sent flying back crashing into one of the walls and heavily denting it.

"Ow..." Max groaned...

"How do you like being slammed into a wall at a fast speed! It sucks doesn't it!" Hero yelled. The iron wings snapped off his arm reverting it back its normal mixed mode. Hero raised his hand up pointing his palm in Max's direction as his arm began to shake. "David's Trumpet!" He called out firing off a beam of compressed sound that slammed into Max pushing him deeper and deeper into the wall as the sound drilled into the teen making him yell in pain.

Off to the side Ward watched the man fights but took great interest in the battle between Hero, and Max that was currently going on.

"I suppose they are at least decent..." He hummed. "If they keep this up they'll bring the roof above us down. Oh well... Not much time left... Less than a minuet in fact. I'm sure there is nothing crazier they could do during that-"

"Level Two!"

A burst of lava exploded through the hole Hero created as Max landed on the ground with a dangerous look in his eyes. His bracelet changed becoming a solid golden glove around his arm now. The lava morphed and changed getting so hot it began to burn even Hero as Max seemed to almost become a sun, as flames danced and swirled around him firing off beams and pillars of flame... Flaming armor morphed around Max as well as flaming swords as he became a warrior of the sun...

Synchronization Rate Limit...

This is used to judge how much a person is bonded with their power. Typically it can be as low as 1% and as high as 100% however... What many don't know is that a few people can go beyond 100% and enter a realm of unimaginable power...

When a Synchronization Rate Limit keeps growing even past 100% it allows the user to evolve their power to the next stage leveling up and growing their power... This can increase their strength, speed, endurance, and control of their abilities from anywhere as low as 10 times, to as high as 100 times...

"What the hell is that!" Hero said with wide eyes.

"I leveled up." Max smirked. "I'm beyond you now. In this form all my stats are improved by up to seventy times. I'm way past anything you can do now."

Hero stepped back as his eyes went wide. "That... Seems unfair... But... Don't think I'm done yet!"

"Oh? Do you have something that can allow you to catch up to me? Even at 10% of my power you're pretty much nothing."

"As a matter of fact... I do have something!"

"Oh? What's that-"

"Now it's time for my secret weapon!" Hero announced. "I was saving this!" Hero reached up and suddenly stopped... He looked down and realized he didn't have his jacket. "Oh shit I accidently gave the sword to Ken!"

Meanwhile on the other side of the room Shelly and Ken were continuing their battle when something fell out of the now, badly torn coat Ken was wearing.

"What the hell is this?" Ken asked picking up a heavily rusted short sword. "Why was this in Hero's coat?"

"What an ugly looking sword." Shelly said stopping briefly to look at it.

"Weird..." Both girls muttered.

"Alright so..." Hero said with wide eyes. "I don't have a secret weapon... But that doesn't mean I'm useless-" Hero's arm glowed as it reverted back to normal, since he used all his energy up. "...Okay I'm useless..."

"I'm going to kill you." Max said calmly.

"I completely believe you..."

Max raised his hand up forming a gigantic ball of flames and lava and-

A loud bell echoed throughout the room.

"The matches are now over..." A feminine voice announced. "Please stop fighting..."